The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Israel-Palestine Busybodies! ISIS Kids! Who Cares! | Mon. 10-23-23

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Clinton "legacy." Israel-Palestine busybodies, Greta Thunberg! 2015: ISIS kids! Childless Hake: "Who cares!" Callers: Trump lied re: Sidney Powell? 

The Hake Report, Monday, October 23, 2023 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Start

  • (0:00:41) Topics: Clinton legacy, Israel-Hamas drama, Greta, ISIS kids

  • (0:02:08) Hey, guys! Non-BOND tee, new Hake tee

  • (0:04:44) Bill Clinton self-back-patting, 2000

  • (0:18:56) Greta Thunberg for Gaza, Israel education

  • (0:28:34) Doxxing pro-Palestine Norway med student

  • (0:34:24) Loomer vs Dr Loupis

  • (0:42:50) WILLIAM, CA: College protests, Israel, Tlaib

  • (0:54:29) "Buzzards" - Soul-Junk (2003 album 1958)

  • (0:59:08) Supers: idling at 70mph; Keep them pithy! 

  • (1:09:39) ISIS kids: 2015 propaganda

  • (1:19:48) "Who cares," says childless 40yo!

  • (1:26:06) Hake chat: JLP news, Covid meds… 

  • (1:27:22) Marriage history, 1885, Supreme Court

  • (1:31:04) JOHN, KY: Why lie for Trump re: Sidney Powell 

  • (1:34:24) JOE, AZ: Powell flipped on criminal Trump!

  • (1:46:44) ART, OH: I want Joe's Trump-supporting dog

  • (1:48:12) Supers: Haters making haters cry

  • (1:52:02) Check episode blog

  • (1:52:37) Fake mid-life heroines in movies

  • (1:57:49) "Good Morning" - Butterflies (Bullfrogs and Butterflies)


PODCAST by HAKE Substack

Live M-F 9-11 AM PT (11-1 CT / 12-2 ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 –  

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HAKE NOTES | Mon. 10-23-23

MUSIC  "Buzzards" - Soul-Junk (2003 album 1958)

"Good Morning" - Butterflies


Some interesting points from Clinton patting himself on the back

I was trying to look up Justin Childers’s Friday coffee info to JLP — “... Clinton was president, he said there would be 3 great events in America. 1- The Revolutionary War, 2- The Civil War, 3- The whites becoming a minority.” — so I searched it and didn’t find it, but… 

PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON Eight Years of Peace, Progress and Prosperity

Enacted most sweeping gun safety legislation in a generation Since the President signed the Brady bill in 1993, more than 600,000 felons, fugitives, and other prohibited persons have been stopped from buying guns. Gun crime has declined 40 percent since 1992.

Family and Medical Leave Act for 20 million Americans To help parents succeed at work and at home, President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act in 1993. Over 20 million Americans have taken unpaid leave to care for a newborn child or sick family member. (YOU *COUGH*) 

Lowest teen birth rate in 60 years In his 1995 State of the Union Address, President Clinton challenged Americans to join together in a national campaign against teen pregnancy. The birth rate for teens aged 15-19 declined every year of the Clinton Presidency, from 60.7 per 1,000 teens in 1992 to a record low of 49.6 in 1999. (YAH BY GIVIN EM CONDOMS AND TURNING EM ALL GAY! THAT’S NOT GOOD!) 


Paid off $360 billion of the national debt Between 1998-2000, the national debt was reduced by $363 billion — the largest three-year debt pay-down in American history. We are now on track to pay off the entire debt by 2009. (TOO BAD OBAMA BECAME PREZ ‘09, AFTER W BUSH…) 

Most diverse cabinet in American history The President has appointed more African Americans, women and Hispanics to the Cabinet than any other President in history. He appointed the first female Attorney General, the first female Secretary of State and the first Asian American cabinet secretary ever. (AT LEAST THEY PUT THIS LAST BACK THEN.) 

Affirmative Action

Greta Thunberg for Palestine

Greta Thunberg on Instagram: "Week 270. Today we are striking in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for and immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected. Here are some accounts where you can find information on how you can help: @medicalaidpal @palestinianyouthmovement @combatantsforpeace @ifnotnoworg @jewishvoiceforpeace @activestills @palestinianmedicalreliefsoc @cjnvgram @btselem @standing.together.english @adalahjusticeproject @al_haq_organisation @palestinespeaks It has come to my knowledge that the stuffed animal shown in my earlier post can be interpreted by some as a symbol for antisemitism, which I was completely unaware of. The toy in the picture is a tool often used by autistic people as a way to communicate feelings. We are of course against every type of discrimination, and condemn antisemitism in all forms and shapes. This is non-negotiable. That is why I deleted the last post."

Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg) • Instagram photos and videos  

I heard Israel removed her from climate heroes in their education curriculum, because morally she can’t be a hero, heh… 

Pro-Israel, Pro-Palestine, anti-each drama

Lporiginalg: Gal got doxxed, a female medical student who wanted to throw israel into the trash, to clean up the world. 

Lporiginalg: Be human, stand for Israel. 

HAKE’S PLAYFUL TAKE: “I stand with Israel.” (Shoutout to Palestine.) 

Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) / X going after some medicine foreign woman 

  • Lauraloomer: How is this woman allowed to practice medicine? I am 100% reporting her. (screenshot of deleted tweet) 

  • LauraLoomer: As many of you know, America is the only country with a First Amendment. But, it’s not the case in other countries. Especially not in Denmark where Dr. Loupis is a practicing physician. …. 

  • Retweeted ShoahUkraine: This Nazi doctor @DrLoupis has crossed many lines just to get reactions on X, but there might be a real danger in all of this! She is an actual doctor, and her vile Neo-Nazi antisemitism might put her Jewish patients at physical risk. If you were a Jew, would you feel comfortable being under the influence of anesthetic under this vile Nazi ? …. 

  • LauraLoomer: It’s not fake. And also, why are you helping her cover up her lies after she was exposed as a genocidal Jew hater? …. 

  • Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) / X: 1/2 Viking🇩🇰 1/2 Philosopher🇬🇷Doctor of Medicine (MD). Opinions are my own.  

ISIS children terrorists (2015 flashback)

Check these screenshots from a ISIS propaganda video, I came across in my archives… 

Hake chat

Nuggetman I think said Hake, a typical childless 40-something year-old saying “who cares…” A fair point, BUT… 

Fake heroines

In Praise of Midlife Heroines in Film and Fiction ‹ Literary Hub (LitHub / Pocket) 

Thanks, all!