The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Pastors Fight in Flat Earth Debate! | Mon. 12-4-23


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Pastors fight in FE debate! (Space is real, btw.) What's it matter, Christians? CNN on "Pick-me" girls (harmful slur). 

The Hake Report, Monday, December 4, 2023 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Start

  • (0:00:49) Topics (not climate stuff)

  • (0:03:44) Hey, guys! (Yankees tee, Number 24) (ROUGH STREAM)

  • (0:06:47) Josh Donaldson, Tim Anderson story

  • (0:09:22) Pastors fight in Flat Earth debate

  • (0:23:30) Bible, end times, bad Christians

  • (0:25:02) Water reservoir in space!

  • (0:27:06) Atheist hangups with miracles

  • (0:32:46) DAVID, FL: FE debate, God, atheists, Greg Locke

  • (0:43:01) Supers: Back on YT; Newsom-DeSantis debate

  • (0:46:02) Phil 2: 3-11, Selfish ambition, vain conceit

  • (0:47:47) CA crime "down," cooking books, evil waves

  • (0:48:55) Scott Adams, bank loans, Trump, difference of opinion (not fraud)

  • (0:52:07) "Lordy Child" - Soul-Junk (2000 album 1956)

  • (0:55:34) Jesus, the firstborn of many brothers (Bible)

  • (0:56:14) HECTOR, NM: Aliens, 4chan, Asteroid sus path 'Oumuamua

  • (1:15:50) How does any of this help, change your life?

  • (1:17:35) Pick-me girls (CNN), misogyny? Empathy. Identities.

  • (1:34:40) MR PINK, SF, CA: Flat Earth, Moon Landing, who cares

  • (1:45:18) Billie Eilish "for the girls," "coming out" (not Lorde)

  • (1:48:14) Supers: "Angels We Have…" Phil H, Steve J! Hassan, Remell

  • (1:49:32) RICK, VA: Newsom's wife threw in towel in debate (DeSantis, Hannity)

  • (1:56:10) Santa Is The Greatest, Santa-Santa, ...(Surf-Rap) - Nichole & the Dreamcatchers (2003, Krismus Karuls)


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HAKE NOTES | Mon. 12-4-23

MUSIC  "Lordy Child" - Soul-Junk (2000 album 1956)

"Santa Is The Greatest," "Santa-Santa," "... (Surf-Rap)" - Nichole & the Dreamcatchers (2003, Krismus Karuls compilation)


FE Debate: Two Pastors fighting

CLIP 11  From JMaC (@jmac52309) | TikTok —  Video text: "Greg Locke Can’t Handle the Truth //  When you have nothing… insult and kick ‘em out!”  VIDEO: Greg Lockes meltdown- Flat earthers travel across the country just to be kicked out. This is no man of God. #firmament #flatearth #truth #indoctrination #spaceisfake #nasalies #biblicalcosmology #biblicaltruth #greglocke #deanodle #globalvisionbiblechurch … 08:25 (cut down to 6m) 

A FULL VERSION, MAYBE WITH COMMENTARY (the clean one was taken down by Locke) CREATION DEBATE GONE WILD! Pastor Greg Locke v Pastor Dean Odle 

Pastor Greg Locke (FB, 2.2M followers)

Dean Odle Ministries (FB, 11k followers) Funny pic / meme (replies are funny) re: sun, FE, spinning ball, airplane ride LOL, RME… 

Water reservoir in space (WT_ fun fact)

PIC BTW: WT_ Fun Fact: Reservoir of water in SPACE! 

There is a mass reservoir of water floating in space that is 100,000 times bigger than our sun and holds 140 trillion times more water than all of our oceans.


Real Estate loan officer (Scott Adams) on Trump

TWEET SCREENSHOT: Scott Adams tweeted he predicts this lawsuit case from the racist AG in NY will fall apart, with evil liberal Engaron (sp) judge and his lame-o wife (a la Jim Comey wife/daughters) 

Pick-me girls

I got the term “pick-me” from Black Twitter. They try to use it on JLP, and other blacks (conservatives) who realize the plight of whites. Like they’re not playing “pick-me” for the rest of the black crowd etc. 

I used it on Vivek Ramaswamy — he’s the Pick-me candidate, I said, for Trump supporters. I like him though. I even respect him. Glad he’s run, tbh, he’s been a positive input. 

But this, they’re not using it for race or politics, it’s about younger little girls (who I’ll have you know are part of Hake audience). 

ARTICLE: The 'Pick-me' girl, explained | CNN 

Very interesting points in the article. 

“harmful,” “empathy,” “misogynistic”?? That has connotations that men are the perps of this hate. Women are the hateful ones. Yes women hate each other, so do girls who’ve lost their innocence/naivety. 

“identity crisis / identities” — bunch of liberal mumbo jumbo. Like drinking beer is who you are, as a little girl, with the guys. Huh? Part of it is we know it’s not identity. It’s fake, empty, shallow, it’s not finding anything. 

“Grey's Anatomy” is evil! Pick me. Pick love. 

The meme is harmful, they say. No, the meme has truth to it. 

Billie Eilish: Pick-me female's female

(theSkimm email version Mon. 12/4/23) “I am for the girls” — Billie Eilish on coming out (ENDING SENTENCE WITH A PREPOSITION). She’s happier than ever. (WRONG, FAKE NEWS.) 

(BTW: Anchor Baby and ReEene (sp) had a nice convo on happiness, and Scott from AZ… on Friday 12/1/23 Nickstream…)