The Hake Report

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Raise Your Hands, RINO Try-hards! | Thu. 8-24-23

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GOP debate try-hards Vivek vs Christie; DeSantis: Raise your hand! Trump border wall fact check. Psaki: No abortion at birth! Take a vacation! 

The Hake Report, Thursday, August 24, 2023 AD 


  • 0:00:00 Start: has other network hosts

  • 0:01:07 Topics: RINO debate, Trump wall, abortion, blacks

  • 0:03:40 Hey, guys! Yellow cobra snake tee

  • 0:06:00 WOW HASSAN WalkingOnWaterHassan!

  • 0:08:09 TONY, CA: Mike Pence Constitution

  • 0:18:32 Raise your hands, RINOs

  • 0:29:17 Supers: Tony's fake diplomas; Wow Hassan, Lin Yen Chin

  • 0:36:31 Vivek vs Nikki Haley on Israel

  • 0:39:55 Chris Christie vs Vivek

  • 0:42:31 WILLIAM, CA: GOP Debate; Trump anchor

  • 0:46:12 WILLIAM: Morgan Freeman; blacks, Republicans

  • 0:51:33 JOHN, KY: Trump a criminal

  • 0:56:11 JOHN: Larry Elder blames blacks

  • 1:01:04 Gold and Silver - Stavesacre (1999, Speakeasy, orig version)

  • 1:07:46 Supers: Lin Yen Chin: Ted Nugent

  • 1:11:26 DAVID, FL: Pence weak. I'm remarried…

  • 1:15:46 DAVID: Flooded with nonwhites, non-Christians

  • 1:21:41 DAVID: Dems, Oakland crime

  • 1:23:41 Trump's border wall fact check: CNN, Wash. ComPost

  • 1:30:33 Jenn Psaki: No one supports abortion till birth

  • 1:33:48 Ralph Northam: Abortion at birth?

  • 1:41:08 Smithsonian black grovels to dead black body parts

  • 1:45:10 Lonnie Bunch Wikipedia

  • 1:48:22 Vacation is good for you, so is stress (not chronic)

  • 1:55:13 Last Supers/Coffees: Brahma/Abraham, Dilapidated

  • 1:56:03 Contentment - Left Out (1999, For the Working Class)


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HAKE NOTES | Thu. 8-24-23

MUSIC: Gold and Silver - Stavesacre (1999, Speakeasy, orig version)

Contentment - Left Out (1999, For the Working Class)

Raise your hands, RINOs

CLIP 41ab (WarlordDilley) DeSantis literally looked around to make sure it was safe to raise his hand! What a p****! #GOPDebate  … 0:19 

CLIP 41c (libbyemmons) Watch closely. … 0:05 

Israel, you guys hate Israel, right? 

CLIP 42 (CitizenFreePres) Nikki Haley is America Last: "It's not that Israel needs America, America needs Israel!" … 0:06 

(infolibnews) WRITE-UP: Nikki Haley's most spirited moment during the 2024 Republican presidential primary debate on Wednesday was when she went on a tirade in defense of US aid to Israel by claiming Israel doesn't need America but "America needs Israel." ARTICLE Nikki Haley: "It's Not That Israel Needs America, America Needs Israel" 

TWEET (Indian_Bronson) "You know what I love about Israel? I love their border policies...I love that they have a national identity..." Interesting statement from Vivek Ramaswamy! 

Chris Christie vs Vivek

CLIP 43 (GovChristie) Someone had to unplug the computer. … 0:35 

Trump and the border wall

From Fact check: The first Republican presidential debate of the 2024 election | CNN Politics 

Trump claimed to Carlson, “I had the strongest border in the history of our country, and I built almost 500 miles of wall. You know, they’d like to say, ‘Oh, was it less?’ No, I built 500 miles. In fact, if you check with the authorities on the border, we built almost 500 miles of wall.”

Facts First: This needs context. Trump and his critics are talking about different things when they use different figures for how much border wall was built during his presidency. Trump is referring to all of the wall built on the southern border during his administration, even in areas that already had some sort of barrier before. His critics are only counting the Trump-era wall that was built in parts of the border that did not have any previous barrier.

A total of 458 miles of southern border wall was built under Trump, according to a federal report written two days after Trump left office and obtained by CNN’s Priscilla Alvarez. That is 52 miles of “primary” wall built where no barriers previously existed, plus 33 miles of “secondary” wall that was built in spots where no barriers previously existed, plus another 373 miles of primary and secondary wall that was built to replace previous barriers the federal government says had become “dilapidated and/or outdated.”

Some of Trump’s rival candidates, such DeSantis and Christie, have used figures around 50 miles while criticizing Trump for failing to finish the wall – counting only the primary wall built where no barriers previously existed.

While some Trump critics have scoffed at the replacement wall, the Trump-era construction was generally much more formidable than the older barriers it replaced, which were often designed to deter vehicles rather than people on foot. Washington Post reporter Nick Miroff tweeted in 2020: “As someone who has spent a lot of time lately in the shadow of the border wall, I need to puncture this notion that ‘replacement’ sections are ‘not new.’ There is really no comparison between vehicle barriers made from old rail ties and 30-foot bollards.” [BOOM!] 

Ideally, both Trump and his opponents would be clearer about what they are talking about: Trump that he is including replacement barriers, his opponents that they are excluding those barriers.

-From CNN’s Daniel Dale

Abortion, Jen Psaki 

Jen Psaki on X: "No one supports abortion up until birth." / X

CLIP 44 I think LegendaryEnergy: Wrong. // grantltaylor: (2019) Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, Suggests A Baby Can Be Killed After Birth “The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, […] and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” … 0:59 

Smithsonian groveling (under black “leadership”) to emotions

(CNN Wed. 8/23/23) QUOTE: “[The Smithsonian] is grappling with a legacy once deemed acceptable but that is so clearly ethically wrong today.” — Lonnie G. Bunch III, black Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, apologizing for the dark history behind the institution's collection of human remains. Bunch's statement comes after a Washington [Com]Post investigation last week revealed that the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History is currently in possession of at least 30,700 human body parts, including 255 brains — taken largely from people of color in the early 1900s, and mostly without their consent.

Why a vacation is good for you

(CNN Wed. 8/23/23) Science says a few idle days can give you a big mental boost — even before you take time off (b/c of anticipating fun). Learn how vacations have direct benefits on your brain

  • Rest increases cognitive flexibility. People can think of more uses for a hammer after a vacation. 

  • Stress is not bad for you, unless it’s “chronic” they say.