The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Caller Wars, Telling Each Other: 'Go Back!' | Mon. 9-18-23

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Trump loves Jewish people! Fun caller wars, accusing each other of complaining! Illegal and homeless mess, SMH. 

The Hake Report, Monday, September 18, 2023 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Start

  • (0:00:30) Topics: X trend! Gotaways! (Not Musk, Ellen, Drew, Rubin)

  • (0:03:27) Hey, guys! Prime Pizza swoosh tee

  • (0:06:25) Trump Rosh Hashanah: Wake up, liberal Jews!

  • (0:15:55) Joe Scarborough: Trump vs Biden cognition

  • (0:19:35) MIKE, OH: Segregation and white flight

  • (0:27:31) JOHN, KY vs MIKE, OH: "Go back," crybabies!

  • (0:41:25) WILLIAM: Don't wanna talk to Maze!

  • (0:53:33) Bill Melugin: border jumpers in camouflage

  • (0:55:38) False start with music! 

  • (0:56:49) Now - Okay (2005, Low Road)

  • (1:01:34) Supers: Straight song! Mike vs John!

  • (1:04:51) WOW HASSAN debated friends on Chicago, 2A

  • (1:15:56) MAZE: Crack vs Opioids, Waiting for justice

  • (1:28:29) JEFF, LA: Will power over drugs! 

  • (1:34:32) Homeless in Seattle: Jonathan Chou reports

  • (1:40:07) RUSS, VA: I don't feel "disabled," yet legally I am?

  • (1:44:59) ART, OH: Alpha energy, being men, not just looking it

  • (1:49:28) ART: 2A helps prevent victimhood: WWII

  • (1:54:20) ART: s/o to black man on N-word sayer (Hassan story)

  • (1:56:08) Fury 161 - Left Out (1999, For the Working Class)


PODCAST by HAKE Substack

Live M-F 9-11 AM PT (11-1 CT / 12-2 ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 –  

VIDEO  YouTube  |  Rumble*  |  Facebook  |  X BitChute  |  Odysee*  

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JLP Network:  JLP  |  Church  |  TFS  |  Hake  |  Nick  |  Joel  |  Hassan  

HAKE NOTES | Mon. 9-18-23

MUSIC  Now - Okay (2004 or 2005, Low Road, Absolutely Kosher Records)

Fury 101 - Left Out (1999, For the Working Class)


Based President Trump post: 

Twitter / X Trend (search) Liberal Jews 



Joe Scarboro (sp) (the MSNBC answer to Hannity) on Trump

CLIP 13 Tomselliott: NBC's @JoeNBC: "Just not a comparison" between Trump’s "cognitive decline" and Biden’s "cogency" … 2:25 

Illegals replacing us

PLay right away

CLIP 12: BillMelugin_: NEW: We witnessed numerous illegal immigrants dressed in camouflage using ropes to scale the border wall, then run off into the desert without apprehension in Naco, AZ. A smuggler on the wall guided them. 

There have been over 1.5 million gotaways under Biden admin. There are very few BP agents to patrol this area, and this plays out every day. The evaders typically have pin drops on their cell phones showing where to go for smuggling pick ups once in the U.S. We did see one woman get caught by agents. … 1:22 

Homeless mess, Seattle

CLIP 14 Choeshow — Jonathan Choe Journalist (Seattle) (@choeshow) / X : GETTING WORSE: There are so many unresolved homeless encampments in Seattle. But this one in Greenwood behind the Fred Meyer keeps getting worse. I counted close to 30 tents, including one with a freakin door.  Neighbors keep flooding my DM's saying the city along with Councilmember Dan Strauss (@CMDanStrauss) are ignoring the problem. 

Same issues: open air drug use, more crime, yelling at all hours of the day, trash spilling out into the streets, etc. There's also concern this place is being used as a CHOP SHOP. One guy told me he was sawing off the metal part of a brand new hose line to sell at a local scrap yard. Perfectly legal, as long as it's not stolen. 

On a related note, neighbor Sean Gaston walked by and showed me his receipt for groceries totally unsolicited. That's because he was implying some of the people out here steal, while he works his butt off to pay for everything he owns. The reasonable people of this city are just getting tired of this cycle. 

Btw if you're keeping count, this encampment's already been cleared several times in the past year. Remind me again why the city allows it to come back? … 1:43 (no cussing that I heard!) 

Thanks, all!