Another No-show for a Good Show (“JLP News,” Tues., Mar. 19, 2019)
James didn’t make it in today but it was still a great show. Jesse interrupted the bottom of the hour news to talk more with Joel, and make announcements such as the upcoming BOND couples seminar. Lots of great calls from guys and ladies who are getting it. Jesse made fun of people like Daniel who are allegedly addicted to their smartphones.
Jesse covered a couple of good stories including briefly the Turkish alleged terrorist who reportedly shot and killed at least three and injured at least 9 others in Utrecht, Netherlands, as I reported yesterday.
The ridiculous white female PM of NZ wore a hijab when she visited the Muslim loved ones of the victims of the recent mass killing. One listener on Periscope said it’s a show if respect, but the Muslims don’t respect us! They’re supposed to become like regular New Zealand citizens, like the country they are in, but instead the weak whites are catering to them!
In the third hour, Jesse interviewed Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, who sounded like a smart guy and right about a lot of things including climate change. He created email when he was 14, and now he supports Trump, and is running for US Senate from Massachusetts. He said he worked hard out of love and appreciation for how hard his grandparents worked when he lived with them as a boy on a farm in India.
Also in the third hour, in addition to other great calls, there was a white Muslim who called in toward the end who said he likes Jesse but had some disagreements. He grew up Christian but the Trinity didn’t make sense to him — so he turned Muslim! Jesse asked him to call again as he ended the show.
(Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai YouTube screenshot — podcast episode SHIVA Be The Light #5 - Climate Change: Truth. Freedom. Health.)