Avenatti Arrested: Extortion? Pro-pot Seniors. Apple & SPLC on Decline? ("JLP News," Tue., Mar. 26, 2019)
TOP OF FIRST HOUR NEWS: Tues., Mar 26, 2019
(Drudge) SHAME OF THE NATION: 533,074 articles about Russia probe… Networks Gave Whopping 2,284 Minutes… (I tuned out immediately) Drudge links a list of 50 Hollywood Stars Who Accused President of Treason, Collusion… also a LIST of FALSE BOMBSHELLS… and Most embarrassing predictions… Rolling Stone’s Matt TAIBBI says: Russiagate is this generation's WMD… (“weapons of mass destruction” that “intelligence” claimed existed in Iraq, but were never found). (American Mirror) GOOGLE obscures news… of no indictments, no collusion.
(WSJ) Former Spy Chiefs Exposed… (including Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe) Former CIA chief John BRENNAN says: 'I don't know if I received bad information'... on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, “but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was. I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election.” (Yeah right. Brennon was was accusing Trump like a madman with a bad case of TDS.)
But hey: One PAPER published Apologies…? Not quite. The Hill published an article: “Apologies to President Trump,” written BY SHARYL ATTKISSON, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR (one of the few honest journalists out there) — THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT THE VIEW OF THE HILL.
Of course: DEMS DEMAND FULL RELEASE which REPUBLICANS BLOCK … is it THOUSANDS OF PAGES LONG? (probably; it lasted long enough…)
(Drudge) AVENATTI FOR PRESIDENT? (scratch that… or...) PRISON!? Arrested For Trying to Extort Millions from NIKE… $20M! (Reuters) He was arrested in NY, charged with trying to “shake down” Nike, also with separate embezzlement and fraud charges in L.A. Allegedly he went to Nike saying his client, a former amateur coach, had evidence Nike employees had bribed top high school players to play for Nike-sponsored college teams. Allegedly, Avenatti told Nike he would go public unless Nike paid his client $1.5 million and hired him and another lawyer to conduct an internal investigation for between $15 million and $25 million. Extortion! Ex(?)-CNN contributor and lawyer Mike Geragos was Named Co-Conspirator… by NY Times & WSJ.
His former client and the porn woman Stormy Daniels Says More To Come… (NY Post) She says she’s “saddened but not shocked” by the charges. She tweeted, “I made the decision more than a month ago to terminate Michael’s services after discovering that he had dealt with me dishonestly and there will be more announcements to come.”
(Drudge) News like this every day: DHS data shows growing surge of migrants at border… (Axios) Graph showing weekly border apprehensions and inadmissibles in 2019 since the beginning of the year growing way, way, way above 2015, ‘16, ‘17, and ‘18 — levels of migrants not seen for years. National Emergency!... It’s driven by so-called “families” and “unaccompanied alien CHILDREN.” One official said we’re at “the closest thing to an open border we’ve ever had.” Detention centers are overcrowded. ICE & CBP have been releasing supposed “families” into the US immediately instead of holding them, possibly creating more incentive for “migrants.”
Mexican Smugglers are using buses for Guatemalan migrants; large groups of Central Americans continue to gather.
(Twitter) Pic of camera-loving liberal anti-Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti, who was arrested on suspicion of extortion.
GUEST: Bill Lockwood http://americanlibertywithbilllockwood.com — investigate the other side! Why don’t Republicans go strongly after the Democrats when they do wrong? Why are they so weak?
A caller asks why Trump hasn’t put Hillary in jail / prison. There is a deep state hamstringing the president, stopping Trump even from ending Obama’s transgender military policy.
Bill Lockwood talks about the communist SPLC and Color of Change, etc., which attack Christians. Jesse believes the Civil Rights movement was a mistake. Was MLK a socialist, not a capitalist? JFK was a liberal for the times, but pretty mild today. MLK is pretty liberal, but mild compared to Van Jones and Elijah Cummings today. King was in communistic meetings, apparently in agreement, and was warned by the FBI to stop — his company was bad. He talks about how today’s Jews are not related to Jesus, and they’re really following
TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS: Tues., Mar. 26, 2019 –
I mentioned a New caravan moving towards USA… (Reuters) About 1200 migrants from Central America and Cuba formed in Mexico and moved toward the U.S. this past weekend.
And we keep getting incidents like this: there’s VIDEO showing 22 illegals pour out of a pickup truck after fleeing TX traffic stop…
Historically the numbers of migrants escalates in March with warmer weather, not peaking until May.
(Drudge) Bingo and bongs: More seniors use pot… to soothe what ails them. (AP) A group of old folks in 70s-80s from a retirement community near Anaheim / Disneyland go to some trendy-coffee-bar-looking pot place to have lunch, play bingo, and select their next month’s supply of POT-infused products. The federal government still outlaws the drug even as acceptance increases….a record 61 percent back legalization, and those 65 and older are increasingly supportive. Seniors are using it for aches, sleeplessness, and other maladies.
BUT Edibles lead to emergency hospitalizations… (The Denver Channel) Edible marijuana accounts for more UCHealth ER visits than expected based on sales. Health records of nearly 10,000 emergency patients at UCHealth 2012-2016. Comparing emergency from edibles vs. inhaled... just 0.3 percent of total cannabis sales in Colorado by weight were edibles, but edible-related emergency visits accounted for 10.7 percent of visits at UCHealth… a proportion 33 times higher than expected.
(Drudge) Andrew Sullivan Jeered at Hollywood 'Inclusion' Event… (Hollywood Reporter) Conservative political commentator, journalist and provocateur Andrew Sullivan appeared at “A Day of Unreasonable Conversation” in a panel on how Hollywood screenwriters portray “the other side,” criticizing them for casting people who AREN’T coastal elites in unflattering terms, exacerbating America’s cultural divide. “These people who are already insecure about losing their job switch on the TV, look at the newspaper and hear that they are being described as bigots, racists. And they resent it.” Sullivan trashed Hollywood for portraying normal struggling people as “slaveholders” — resulting in gasps and shouts by the audience. Sullivan doesn’t want Trump re-elected, but the left and Hollywood are driving people to him.
Stacey Abrams was also at the Hollywood event pushing the stupid voter suppression lies, she’s the romance novelist, a fat black woman with nappy hair who lost her run for Governor despite Oprah and Obama campaigning for her.
(Drudge) I mentioned this yesterday APPLE Bets Future on TV and News… since their iPhone is “sputtering” (I say it’s because they removed their headphones auxillary jack). Well Apple’s Tim Cook Takes swipe at NETFLIX… and Amazon by saying you’ll spend less time searching and more time watching. CNBC: Presentation felt rushed and incomplete… critical details were strangely left out. C-NET: Livestream turned on early -- and things got super weird… It went live hours early and was streaming an empty theater, occasionally shifting camera angles. They did a bizarre seemingly performance art stunt, Capt. America’s actor Chris Evans calling-in, a guy doing a sound check, some poetry reading, a singer, showing the CarPlay navigation screen.
APPLE-backed 'SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER' called a 'con' for bilking gullible liberals… – In August 2017, following the Charlottesville riots, Apple made a contribution of $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Apple also matched two-for-one employees’ donations to the Southern Poverty Law Center through September 30th of that year and had Apple’s iTunes Store offer visitors a way to donate to the SPLC. They also sent a million to the ADL (Anti-Defamation League which makes a business of defaming nationalists who don’t like globalism).
Southern journalist John Egerton in The Progressive painted a damning portrait of Morris Dees, the center’s longtime mastermind, as a ‘super-salesman and master fundraiser’ who viewed civil-rights work mainly as a marketing tool for bilking gullible Northern liberals. The president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Richard Cohen, announced his resignation Friday.
Jesse asks James what the Talmud is.
Why are men so weak with women, giving up being a man to be in an abusive relationship — just for the sex?
John from South Korea talks about Biblical Question: What is a white supremacist? He doesn’t believe in white supremacist or black supremacist. He says he was called a monkey and made fun of because he’s black. He and Jesse discuss who Jesus is — the Son of God.
John of South Korea asks about interracial marriage — his parents are black, but he married a Korean woman. He didn’t have sex out-of-wedlock.
More callers talk to Jesse — good conversations.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR NEWS: Tues., Mar. 26, 2019
(Drudge) EU controversial copyright law due for final vote… (is this the one in which they’re basically banning memes??) (CNET) Article 13: internet platforms will be liable for content that users upload; Services like YouTube, Facebook and Google News will feel the effects the most, but memes, gifs and snippets are supposedly "protected more than ever before." There are Censorship worries… (CNBC) 10s of thousands of Protesters in Germany say the new law would enable censorship and limit free speech. Proponents claim it will “level the playing field” (never believe that language). EU president Jean-Claude Juncker said it would ensure journalists, publishers and authors are “paid fairly for their work.”
(Drudge) Israel strikes Hamas after Gaza rocket attack… (AP) The Israel PM Netanyahu returned to Israel early after visiting the US in a trip cut short, and he consulted with the military on the violence. Monday night Israeli aircraft bombed Gaza targets and Palestinian militants fired rockets into Israel. Major conflict just two weeks before unpredictable elections April 9th. (BTW: Netanyahu is in the middle of a controversy, accusations against him, even charges of bribery and corruption or something. Who knows.) Fighting subsided by morning, but it’s tense still. During the night there was No halt to flare-up despite supposed 'ceasefire'... (Yahoo News) Reportedly there were no deaths but several injuries among Hamas. Netanyahu cancelled his planned speak to AIPAC pro-Israel lobby here, but addressed them via satellite or something, saying they pounded Hamas and are prepared to protect their state.
(Drudge) MORE UK DEADLOCK… (AP) British lawmakers seize Brexit agenda from PM Theresa May’s foundering government Monday, setting up a series of votes that could dramatically alter the course of the U.K.’s departure from the European Union. Possible options include a “soft Brexit” that maintains close economic ties with the EU or scrapping Britain’s departure altogether. SMH. 'Let my people go': Boris cites Exodus… (Daily Mail) 'Chicken' Theresa May has 'completely bottled' Brexit says Boris as the PM clings to power having defied the Tory coup plotters. Boris Johnson wrote in The Telegraph and said she chickened out. He believed the 29th of March was really in her heart, but she delayed it to May. But “we have blinked. We have baulked. We have bottled it completely.” He urges Mrs. May to ‘channel the spirit of Moses’ and ‘tell Brussels’ to ‘let my people go.’ Will there be a NEW ELECTION?
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TOP OF THIRD HOUR: 1491- YouTube, 27- FB, 19- Periscope, 4- DLive
Michael Avenatti arrested for extortion of Nike. He tried to take down Trump with the horse face hooker whatever Stormy Daniels.
Jamie of TN, 1st-timer, is in his early 30s, he asks about racism by whites, but blacks also judge one another the same way.
Charges dropped for Jussie Smollett in Chicago — corruption!
Jesse talks more with Jamie about women. He talks about forgiving his mother and dad. His dad was harder to deal with — he was a hard worker to a fault, and wasn’t around to show him a lot of things. They’re still married. He couldn’t handle her so he stayed at work. He’s a Christian but has sex out-of-wedlock.
Jesse plays clip of Snoop Dogg cussing about being pulled over by a foreign-looking cop in New York or somewhere. Joel says Snoop is idolized by people.
Paloma of IL is not surprised by Smollett getting off. She talks about blacks being rejected somewhere at some point. But it definitely wasn’t because of racism.
Aaron of Mich., 1st-timer, asks about marijuana vs. caffeine.
Mike of TX, 1st-timer, says he’s a white supremacist, but then says he’s Nick from FL, and was just kidding.