Chicago Leadership Fight Over Jussie Going Free; Blacks Celebrate. ("JLP News," Wed., Mar. 27, 2019)
TOP OF FIRST HOUR NEWS: Weds., Mar. 27, 2019 – Men’s Forum is a week from tomorrow, I believe. Couple’s Conference is a week from Saturday, call 323-782-1980.
(Drudge) SMOLLETT BEATS RAP (CBS Chicago) Jussie Smollett charges dropped: ‘His record has been wiped clean’ (does that include the DUI or something, in which he impersonated his brother and so filed a false police report?) Less than 2 weeks after pleading not guilty to 16 counts of disorderly conduct for allegedly lying to police about a so-called “hate crime,” prosecutors dropped charges (they did caution this is NOT an exoneration). He said, “I would not be my mother’s son if I was capable of doing what I was accused of. I’d like nothing more than to just get back to work and move on with my life, but make no mistakes I will always continue to fight for the justice, equality, and betterment of marginalized people everywhere.” (SHAMELESS!) “This has been an incredibly difficult time…[blah blah blah] but I am a man of a faith and I am a man that has knowledge of my history and I would not bring my family, our lives, or the movement through a fire like this.”
The Cook County State’s Attorney’s office wrote in an email: “After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.”
Yet Chicago police sources say up to six figures were spent on the #Smollett investigation.
PROSECUTOR FEELS HEAT (NBC News) Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Fox, the first “African-American” to serve on that post in Chicago, had recused herself and handed off to her assistant, and had earlier asked Chicago police to hand off the case to the FBI. She was under fire Tuesday. Tina Tchen, a Chicago lawyer and former chief of staff to first lady Michelle Obama, had put Foxx in touch with members of Jussie Smollet's family days after he told police he was the victim of a “homophobic, racist” attack. The Fraternal Order of Police want the DOJ to investigate her role in the decision not to prosecute.
RAHM CALLS 'WHITEWASH' (The Wrap) Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Calls Jussie Smollett’s Dropped Charges “a Whitewash of Justice. A grand jury could not have been clearer…. Mr. Smollett is still saying that he is innocent, still running down the Chicago Police department. How dare him. How dare him.” He added that $10,000 that Smollett is forfeiting “doesn’t even come close to what the city spent in resources.” He said there’s “still no sense of ownership of what he’s done. This a person, now, who has been let off scot-free, with no sense of accountability of the moral and ethical wrong of his actions.”
Rahm stood alongside Chicago police superintendent Eddie Johnson who also slammed the State’s Attorney’s decision: “Do I think justice was served? No. I’ve heard that they wanted their day in court with TV cameras so America could know the truth. But no, they chose to hide behind secrecy and broker a deal to circumvent the judicial system … I stand behind the detectives’ investigation.”
Join the BOND Couple’s Seminar, designed to improve and enhance your relationships — Saturday, April 6, 2019 — 12-4pm. Join author, counselor, & talk show host Jesse Lee Peterson for this life-changing event. Make this investment. Space is limited. RSVP by going to or call BOND 323-782-1980.
BOND is at 6146 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035 — on the south side of Pico just east of La Cienega.
(Chicago Tribune) Chicago police Superintendent Eddie Johnson and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel speak during a news conference to react to the dropping of charges against actor Jussie Smollett by the Cook County state's attorney's office on March 26, 2019. (Zbigniew Bzdak/Chicago Tribune)
TOP OF FIRST HOUR: 704-1100 YouTube, 30-52 FB, 25-35 Periscope, 1-
Cook County prosecutors let Jussie Smollett off! If you’re black and gay, you can falsely accuse whites and Trump supporters. It’s payback on white people, like in South Africa. You haven’t seen anything yet. Black politicians commit crimes and get away with it. I’m not surprised.
Jesse urges caller Mark to do the Silent Prayer, and don’t make things a big deal.
Gerardo of FL, 1st-timer, says it’s a huge honor to talk to Jesse. Jesse puts him on hold but he hangs up during break.
BOTTOM OF FIRST HOUR: Super Chats. 1511- YouTube; 52- FB, 31- Periscope, 3- DLive
Ron of Hawaii originally called a few years ago — he calls Jesse a coon, and tries to explain what that is. He thinks blacks were the native people of earth. Ron complains about cops in Florida not being convicted in killing blacks (in self-defense). He thinks he stands for righteousness, and is mad at Jesse for talking about the Jussie story.
TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS: Weds., Mar. 27, 2019 – Men’s Forum a week from tomorrow (first Thursday of the month). Couple’s Seminar a week from Saturday — it’s Saturday, Apr 6, from 12-4pm. or 323-782-1980.
(Drudge) 'EMPIRE' WRITERS TAUNT SMOLLETT CRITICS, SLAM JOURNALISTS… saying, “You reported a bunch of false information” (yeah, that SMOLLETT himself disseminated, dummies!) (Mediaite) The Twitter account Empire Writers tweeted out a photo of the TV showing a CNN chyron that read “Prosecutors Drop All Charges Against Actor Jussie Smollett,” and Empire Writers wrote a Winky Face emoji, and tweeted, “see y’all Wednesday. #Empire #EmpireFox.”
Black Empire writer Cameron Johnson tweeted at one ABC 7 Chicago reporter Rob Elgas, “You reported a bunch of false information and never retracted it. Do your job, yes. But reporting on leaks that have been proven false is beneath you.” When Elgas challenged him and asked what he got wrong, Johnson just tweeted two Kissy Face emojis at him. (That’s what I thought. And his tweets are protected right now, so you can’t see them.)
(NY Times) Joe Magats, the first assistant state's attorney who made the final decision to drop the charges against Jussie Smollett, says in an interview: "We didn't exonerate him." He said he saw no problems with the police investigation or the evidence against Smollett. The charges against Smollett were dropped in return for his agreement to do community service, he said, and for forfeiting his bond to the city of Chicago. "Here's the thing -- we work to prioritize violent crime and the drivers of violent crime. Public safety is our number one priority. I don't see Jussie Smollett as a threat to public safety."
CHICAGO TRIBUNE: SECRET DEAL INDEFENSIBLE! Headline: With no good explanation, prosecutors give Jussie Smollett a pass.
He Still could face federal charges… (Page 6) the FBI and the US Postal Inspection Service are continuing their probe into a threatening letter Smollett might have sent to himself. The letter read, “You will die black f-g” (slang word for homosexual). Police had said the Empire actor was upset the letter he received didn’t get enough attention so he decided to stage an actual attack.
(Drudge) Biden rips 'white man's culture'... (AP) Former Vice President Joe Biden condemned “a white man’s culture” as he lashed out at violence against women and lamented his role in the Supreme Court confirmation hearings that undermined Anita Hill’s credibility nearly three decades ago. Biden, 76, delivered the remarks at a New York City event honoring young people who helped combat sexual assault on college campuses. He called on Americans to “change the culture” that dates back centuries and allows pervasive violence against women. “It’s an English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change,” he said. “No man has a right to lay a hand on a woman, no matter what she’s wearing, she does, who she is, unless it’s in self-defense. Never. … If you see a brother taking an inebriated co-ed up the stairs at a fraternity house and you don’t go and stop it, you’re a damn coward,” Biden said. “You don’t deserve to be called a man.” (BETA!)
(Drudge) DOJ: MUELLER 'DETAILS' IN WEEKS… not months. (Reuters) US AG William Barr released his own summary of the report’s central findings on Sunday, but said he needed more time to review the report to determine how much of it could be made public. POLL: 82% Say Report Should Be Made Public… (Morning Consult) Trump’s popularity remained unchanged after the findings; (Remember, Google was accused of suppressing the news.)
(Breitbart) CNN’s Jeff Zucker: No Regrets… on CNN’s Russia Hoax Coverage, ‘We Are Not Investigators.’ (That’s for sure.) (Daily Caller) LIST: FALSE EXCLUSIVES… The media’s “bombshells” look even worse now that Mueller found no collusion. CNN accused Don Jr. of Wikileaks collusion, etc. (Newsbusters) Video: Most embarrassing predictions… from 2017 to today.
TOP OF SECOND HOUR: 1658- YouTube, 57- FB, 33- Periscope, 5- DLive
Jesse talks about Jussie and his mama.
Some weird dance in America
Kelsey of Virginia talks about liberal Trump-hating professors at her school. She keeps cussing.
Jesse talks with another caller.
James mentions another Empire actress Taraji P. Henson who falsely accused cops of “racism” against her son, and getting away with it.
Joel will have been at his business for a year come June.
We need more young Donald Trumps in America. Caller Sebastian mentions Jesse’s TFS interview with Dan Peña. He belongs to Christian clubs at college, both run by women. Nobody believed he was a Christian because he spoke his mind. This week they had an LGBTQ celebration; they’re so outspoken. But the people with common sense don’t want to say anything; they’re too scared. He forgave his parents a while back. Life is so simple now. He met a beautiful traditional Catholic.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR: Weds., Mar. 27, 2019 – Couple’s Seminar next Sat., Apr. 6, 2019 – 12-4pm. or call BOND at 323-782-1980.
MADDOW WON'T LET GO… (LESBIAN) (CT Post) Maddow, the queen of collusion, and the left’s powerhouse on cable, doubles down on the collusion angle. Maddow moved on to two related questions: Did Trump obstruct justice? And did Barr let him get away with it?
COMEY CONFUSED… by Mueller's obstruction decision: 'I can't quite understand what's going on' (Wash. Times) Mr. Mueller’s nonrecommendation on obstruction, unlike his decision to exonerate Mr. Trump and his campaign of any collusion with Russians trying to affect the 2016 presidential election, put the decision in the hands of Attorney General William P. Barr. (My guess? Mueller likes to leave doubt in the minds of people for anti-Trumpers to exploit. He led a team of angry Democrats.)
KELLYANNE HUSBAND: TRUMP UNFIT FOR OFFICE… (The Hill) George Conway says the Mueller report must have 'something pretty damning' if it can't exonerate Trump. (DUMB!)
(Drudge) 'Us' Filmmaker: Don't See Myself Casting White Dude as Lead… (Hollywood Reporter) Jordan Peele on making movies after the movie ‘Us.’ He was advising Hollywood improv students on ego, his marijuana dependence (a double-edged sword), the making of his other movie Get Out (which Joel liked), and why minority actors will always star in his films. Peele got his start in improv before landing on MADtv in 2003, then Comedy Central's Key & Peele in 2012. He said you have to “shelve” your ego. “It’s so easy for it to come out and rear its ugly head.” He said "The way I look at it. I get to cast black people in my movies. I feel fortunate to be in this position where I can say to Universal, 'I want to make a $20 million horror movie with a black family.' And they say yes." "I don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie. Not that I don’t like white dudes. But I've seen that movie." The line drew loud applause and shouts of agreement.
(Drudge) Border crossings 13-year high… (NBC News) Daily attempts by undocumented immigrants to cross into the United States from Mexico over the past month surpassed daily averages not seen since fiscal year 2006. Homeland Security is now in talks with the Defense Department to care for the overflow on U.S. military bases.
ICE nabs 50 illegals in 'stash house'... this was in El Paso according to CBS 4 Local — ICE did a raid and found 50 illegal aliens of different nationalities (they didn’t say whether they were all Central Americans and Mexicans, and maybe South Americans).
(Drudge) REPORT: WIKIPEDIA Editors Paid to Protect Political, Tech, Media Figures… (Breitbart) A report in Huffington Post recently revealed the case of Wikipedia editor Ed Sussman, who was paid by media clients such as NBC and Axios to help diminish critical material. Paid editors operating in a similar manner to Sussman have worked on behalf of CNN contributor Hilary Rosen and the CEOs of Reddit and Intel, among other clients. … They also did fluff pieces for NBC. Amazing.
There have been deaths by suicide among people close to recent school shooting victims… (Heavy) 'OUR HEARTS ARE SHATTERED': Father of 6-Year-Old Sandy Hook School Shooting Victim Dies by Suicide at Newtown Town Hall, Police Say Jeremy Richman, 49, reportedly committed suicide Monday morning. His daughter, Avielle Richman, was killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.
There was a girl who committed suicide who was from that Stoneman Douglas high school — last year’s Florida Valentine’s Day shooting. I hear she was friends with a victim.
TOP OF THE THIRD HOUR: 1688-1786 YouTube, 44-48 FB, 24-26 Periscope, 4- DLive
GUEST: Dr. David Anderson is a pastor and radio host. He doesn’t think Big Mama Michelle Obama was involved in letting Jussie Smollett off. He debates with Jesse about whether it’s immoral to have children out-of-wedlock or just to have sex before marriage. He said at one point Jesus was born out-of-wedlock, but then said some would disagree.
He says he was called by God, but he went to school for it. Why did you have to or want to go to school if you were called by God? David asks if Jesse has a problem with education — today it’s taught by traitors of good.
Did he vote for The Great White Hope, President Trump? He won’t say because he doesn’t want to feel beholden to him. When Jesse was in the fallen state, he used to be a Democrat, but they’re evil, so when his heart changed he stopped. How can you vote for the Democratic Party if you’re a man of God?
Jesse brings up that blacks never recovered from the mistake of the Civil Rights movement. Now the black men are like women, angry, emotional like their mothers. I want that to turn around. No such thing as racism, sexism, homophobic-ism, Islamophobic-ism, or deadbeat-dad-ism.
Are you the head of your wife? She’s the neck, I’m the head.
BOTTOM OF THE THIRD HOUR: The Fallen State with Instagram girls. Also Super Chats.
1767- YouTube, 48- FB, 30- Periscope, 2- DLive
Back to Guest: Dr. David Anderson talks about The Great White Hope, President Trump, what he says, etc. They touch on Horseface prostitute or whatever she is, Stormy Daniels. He doesn’t agree with Jesse calling Maxine Waters The Wicked Witch of the West. Would you marry her?
Was he joking when he said his wife Amber is his neck? Jesse says you suffer when you listen to the woman.
He’s for the wall at least in places.
He’s not for same-sex marriage as a Christian. Why was The Fallen Messiah so for what’s wrong? Obama was for abortion, same-sex marriage, men and women taking off their body parts and switching them. Why? Radical homosexuals are pushing evil, and Obama supported them in that.
Does David agree BLM is a radical far-left org founded by black LESBIANS, homosexuals, and radical SJW’s. They debate whether BLM is worse than the KKK.
Is it possible to overcome being homosexuals or lesbians? He said some can.
He says he still sins, even after being born again of God.