MS-13 Illegal "Children" Murder Suspects Should Have Been Deported ("JLP News," Wed., May 22, 2019)
TOP OF FIRST HOUR NEWS: Weds, May 22, 2019 –
(Drudge) Migrant Backlash Brewing in Murrieta, CA... Call Us Racist, We Don't Care... Dropped Off At Strip Malls? (CBS Los Angeles) An unknown number of migrants were recently flown into Murrieta’s Border Patrol facility and some in the community were quick to stand in front of the gates to let them know they’re not welcome to stay. Murrieta resident Bob Kowell says that a Border Patrol source informed him of 100 “undocumented immigrants” being flown in from the Texas border to San Diego, then bussed to Murrieta over the weekend to be processed. “We can be called a racist and we’ll just smile. Because we don’t care,” said Kowell. “We’re watching to see where and when they’ll move.” He says source claimed migrants will eventually be dropped off at strip malls and bus stations throughout the valley. The Murrieta Police Department denies it... (But they’re not the Border Patrol!) The police department wanted to settle that right away because of the heated protests that happened in Murrieta the last time “migrants” came for processing in 2014. (That was huge, I remember that; we almost went down there to support!) The concerned resident Kowell said, “We had 1,000 people here probably and the buses were stopped by the people.” Officials estimate more than 500,000 migrants seeking asylum have been apprehended at the border in the first five months this year. (National Emergency!)
(Drudge) ICE Authorities say a Maryland county released MS-13-linked murder suspects… (Wash. Times) Two teens arrested last week on charges stemming from a horrific murder in Maryland were supposed to be deported last year, but local authorities didn’t turn them over to ICE. THIS IS HORRIFIC: Josue Rafael Fuentes-Ponce, 16, and Joel Ernesto Escobar, 17, feared being ratted out for an April robbery so they and an accomplice made a 14-year-old suspected snitch strip, then beat her with a baseball bat and chopped her with a machete. The girl’s body was found in a creek earlier this month.
Both Josue and Joel were in county custody last year on attempted murder charges from another crime, and ICE placed a detainer on them, asking to be notified when they were to be released so they could be deported. ICE blamed Prince George’s County’s sanctuary city policy. A judge had them transferred to a state youth facility and the county never informed ICE. Insane.
Josue came to the U.S. in late 2015 with his family — part of the surge of migrant “families” from Central America who have overwhelmed the border in recent years. Under the Obama administration the family was paroled into the U.S. to await its immigration case. Like many (most) other “families,” Josue didn’t show for his hearing and was ordered deported in absentia — but he ignored the order, ICE said.
Joel, meanwhile, entered the U.S. in 2016 as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC), the other major demographic in the new border surge.
(Drudge) Ken Cuccinelli expected to get immigration role… (NBC News) The former Virginia Atty Gen may be named by Trump in coming days for a top job at DHS — an “immigration czar.” Cuccinelli reportedly has been seen as an immigration hard-liner, in line with White House advisers such as Stephen Miller — but was a strong critic of Trump during the 2016 Republican primary. Cuccinelli famously threw his credentials on the ground during the 2016 Republican National Convention in protest of Trump, prompting Donald Trump Jr. to state that Cuccinelli looked like an "idiot." So we’ll see.
(Drudge) Loose change left at airports to fund border security… (Fox News) TSA could use $3M in loose change to pay for DHS backup border plan. Also: DUMPING: ICE looked to hire a transport provider to move illegals… (This is what I mentioned since late last week… And Florida passed a ban on sanctuary cities, good job; Ron DeSantis was defending Broward and Palm Beach Counties after rumors they’d be getting a bunch of illegals on a weekly basis for awhile.)
(The Epoch Times) L-R: Murder suspects Josue Rafael Fuentes-Ponce, 16; Joel Ernesto Escobar, 17; and Cynthia Hernandez-Nucamendi, 14, were arrested by Prince George's County Police on May 16, 2019. (Courtesy of PGCPD)
Wed, May 22, Hour 1:
Joel is wearing his Arkansas T-shirt from a fan, and answers Biblical Question.
The Fallen State preview on relationships.
Jesse talks about the mess with immigration. Murrieta residence protest arrival of illegals at Border Patrol facility. “Call us racist… we don’t care.” Report: One million Guatemalan illegals likely to come. Don’t trust the media who carry on about victims.
Chancellor from Florida, age 19, sings “Happy Birthday to Ya” to Jesse. It was his birthday a few days ago. Jesse was a boxboy at a supermarket at 18-19, then a produce clerk, then a cashier.
Joel reads Super Chats — Jesse tells briefly of Judah stopping by, and people being brainwashed to hate the Jews.
John from Arizona says happy birthday. He gives a great testimonial, in which he realized Jesse’s not smart enough to come up with the things he says. God works through him.
Betsie from Cleveland, OH, sings “Happy Birthday” to Jesse. She comments on The Fallen State clip about relationships, “BS” about equality, and men not being able to be men.
David from Harlingen, TX, first-time caller, wishes Jesse a happy birthday.
Nick the producer reads DLive shout outs.
Jay from Canada says happy birthday.
Tony from California accuses Trump of stone-walling the “collusion” investigation, but doesn’t realize there is no collusion!
TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 –
Meanwhile (Drudge) Mexicans buy fake phones to hand over in muggings… (AP) Armed robberies have gotten so common aboard buses in Mexico City that commuters have come up with a clever if disheartening solution: Many are buying fake cellphones, to hand over to thieves instead of their real smartphones. Costing 300 to 500 pesos apiece — the equivalent of $15 to $25 — the “dummies” are sophisticated fakes: They have a startup screen and bodies that are dead ringers for the originals, and inside there is a piece of metal to give the phone the heft of the real article. (Some spend a little more to buy a cheap but real second phone.)
Cameras on buses record the assaults, often late at night or in the early morning: Sleepy passengers are seen bouncing along when one or two of the men aboard suddenly pull masks over their faces. One will pull out a gun while his accomplice passes down the aisle, often with his own gun, demanding valuables. “You’re all screwed now! Don’t move or you’re dead! Cellphones and wallets!” barks a thief in one recent video (must be translated from Spanish, right?). Time and again, those who resist or refuse are hit in the head with a pistol, or simply shot and left to bleed on the floor of the bus.
“Getting on public transportation is now a risk,” one school teacher said. “You get on, but you never know if you’re going to return. Now you have to be careful to carry money, because if you don’t, the thieves get angry and you run the risk that they’ll shoot you if you’re not carrying money.”
There were an average of 70 reported violent muggings every day in Mexico City in the first four months of 2019. About two-thirds were committed against pedestrians, with the rest split almost evenly between bus passengers and assaults on motorists stopped at lights or caught in traffic jams. Between 2017 and 2018, such assaults rose by about 22 percent.
Fair warning; it’s coming here if not here already.
(Drudge) Daily duels outside Alabama clinics… (Yahoo & AFP) Some “volunteer” woman who escorts young women into Reproductive Health Services, one of three abortion mills in Alabama, claims there's been a jump in "harassment" from anti-abortion activists who supposedly shout from across the street at women going into the clinic — this volunteer claims she shields the mothers’ faces so they don’t get identified. AFP says abortion clinics nationwide have become the sites of daily standoffs between pro-abortion and anti-abortion (which is pro-life) activists.
The new Alabama law, HB314, virtually outlaws “terminations of pregnancy” (killing the baby in the womb), threatening doctors with between 10 and 99 years in prison for abortions and offering no exceptions for cases of incest and rape. Set to go into effect in November, the law is likely to be blocked in state courts by lawsuits from, LAUGHABLY, so-called “human rights” groups.
(Drudge) Air Force investigating cyber attack -- from Navy… (Military Times) A Navy prosecutor embedded hidden tracking software into emails sent to defense attorneys, including one Air Force lawyer, involved in a high-profile war-crimes case of a Navy SEAL in San Diego. The tracking device was an attempt to find out who was leaking information to the editor of Navy Times, a sister publication. A similar tracking device was also sent to a Navy Times editor who’s written numerous stories about the case. It was described it as “malware,” specifically a “splunk tool,” which allowed the sender of the malware to gain “full access to his computer and all files on his computer.” Supposedly “Air Force is treating this malware as a cyber-intrusion on their network and have seized the Air Force Individual Military Counsel’s computer and phone for review.”
It’s over a serious case: One man is accused of stabbing to death an injured teenage Islamic State fighter in Iraq in 2017. Another is charged with conduct unbecoming an officer for allegedly conducting the killer’s re-enlistment ceremony next to the corpse of the dead fighter.
Wed, May 22, Hour 2:
Jesse shows off a shipping box decorated by C Graves from Hawaii. Joel got his Arkansas shirt!
James answers Biblical Question and reacts about socialism being accepted by over 40% of Americans. They talk about blacks loving socialism, and whites following down the same road of hate and immorality. James’s back is still messed up; it’s his own fault.
Jesse comes back to Tony from California who’s so dumb and brainwashed. He thinks he’s into the truth, but he complains about being lied to about Christmas, Easter, etc.
Great callers talk to Jesse…
Syed, a Sufi Muslim who’s not liberal, but conservative, talks to Jesse.
Renee from San Diego is black, doesn’t have kids, but talks about illegals going about it the wrong way. They talk about blacks walking away.
Jared from Collegeville, PA, isn’t so sure that all thoughts are lies. Are thoughts from God? From Satan? People have to be seeking, and you have to be the example.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR NEWS: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 –
(Infighting, backstabbing, distrust, division in the military — between the Navy & Air Force!)
(Drudge) NYT editor Dean Baquet Predicts Most Local Papers Dead In 5 Years… 'Entire states with no journalism'... — if they are not saved by a local billionaire, that is. He was speaking before the INMA World Congress of News Media. “The greatest crisis in American journalism is the death of local news,” Baquet said. “I don’t know what the answer is. Their economic model is gone. I think most local newspapers in America are going to die in the next five years, except for the ones that have been bought by a local billionaire.” “I don’t know what the answer is, but I think that everybody who cares about news — myself included, and all of you — should take this on as an issue,” he added. “Because we’re going to wake up one day and there are going to be entire states with no journalism or with little tiny pockets of journalism.” He is concerned about what “the model is for covering the school boards in Newark, New Jersey. That makes me nervous.” Baquet said the “power as a news organization rests in the fact that people know we try to get it right and that we’re not advocating.” (LOL!)
“The story we did about Donald Trump’s taxes, the two stories we’ve done, my honest belief is that, even if you don’t like us, you believe those stories. I think if those stories had appeared in the Nation, which is an openly left publication that I happen to admire, it would not have had the same impact. One of my jobs is to protect the view that, if you like us or not, we try to be fair and we try to get it right and we’re not influenced by political perspective.” Of course they did!
AND GET THIS! Former Chicago Mayor and former Obama guy Rahm Emanuel now contributing editor for THE ATLANTIC… (Chicago Sun-Times) The former Chicago mayor will contribute frequent essays to The Atlantic’s Ideas section, according to a statement from the publication. The announcement comes one day after Lori Lightfoot was sworn in as Chicago’s next mayor. Since late October 2018, Emanuel has written 12 articles — 13 overall since June 2017 — for The Atlantic. His most recent, “It’s Time to Hold American Elites Accountable for Their Abuses,” (which is hilarious) was published Tuesday. Also announced Tuesday, the former mayor has joined ABC news as an on-air contributor. (Yayyy!)
(Drudge) LEAK: Secret NASA plans for permanent Moon base… (Don’t we have to land there in the first place?) (The Sun) Secret Nasa plans for a lunar base and 37 rocket launches to the Moon revealed by leak online. Nasa is determined to return man to the Moon in 2024. Internal documents show how Nasa wants at least five rockets carrying astronauts — starting with an unmanned rover in 2023.
(Drudge) Kamala plans 'gender pay gap' fines for companies. But Men are paid more in her office, campaign… per a Wash. Free Beacon analysis!
Men’s Conference speakers confirmed: Jesse Lee Peterson, Owen Benjamin (comedian & social commentator), Brandon Tatum (ex-cop & co-founder of Blexit), Jacob Wohl (scorned by the creepy porn lawyer), and Comedian K-Von (featured on Netflx & Ted Talks). Happening Saturday, June 15, 5pm-10pm. Visit or call 323-782-1980.
Wed, May 22, Hour 3:
Manhood Hour: Jesse briefly tells his life story growing up in Alabama, moving to Los Angeles, finding perfect peace after forgiving his mother and father, starting BOND, and now turning 70! He talks about being born again and people who claim to be Christians and do wrong, and the ways of the blind people. He gives a little advice to people.
Joel reads some Super Chats
Vic from Cincinnati, OH, first-time caller, asks how we reach the youth of this country. Be an example. Some of them shut down and won’t listen. Let them suffer and die. Jesse then tells about people raised by “Christian” parents who repeat the scriptures but yet sin, and are unhappy.
Marvin from Inglewood, CA, says happy birthday. He’s 28, and appreciates everything Jesse does; he’s been listening the last 3 months, and loves his advice. He gives a nice testimonial, saying he’s living way better.
Jesse talks about Jada Pinkett Smith, her daughter Willow, and her mother, Adrienne — they talk about all being into porn. Will Smith is not guiding his family! But Jada was already screwed up because he mother’s screwed up!
Jay from Sacramento, CA, also doesn’t feel his age. Jesse asks Jay about Jada.
Samuel from Florida likes Jesse’s testimonial story.
Alex from Texas gives an update after forgiving his mother.
More great calls and Super Chats!