Tampa Pastor Arrested for Holding Service Despite Distancing Orders (Hake News, Tue. 3/31/20)
NOTE: Jesse’s stream cut out partway through James’s news segment at the end of Hour 2.
Also see The Hake Report from today…
Tues. 3/31/30 Hour 1
GUEST: Bill Lockwood https://americanlibertywithbilllockwood.com on the coronavirus, communism, globalist socialism, the WHO, and the religion of climate change.
Jesse has a great monologue after the bottom of the hour (nice country song too!) about how blacks did not used to be so easily deceived, but now they are. A dumb black woman said she cares about other people, unlike Trump.
CALLS: Robert from KS pushes national socialism. John from NYC (1st timer) lived in Romania after the wall came down, and he talks socialism.
End of Hour 1, Tue, Mar 31, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2
(CNN) The Tokyo Olympics have a new date. The Games will be held from July 23 to August 8 in 2021. (Normally summer Olympics are every four years, but they’re postponing it to a 5th year because of the coronavirus scare. Hopefully it’s under control by then.
(CNN) The US Navy Hospital Ship Comfort has docked in New York City. More than 3,000 people have died of the virus in America. So-called experts worry that when the outbreak reaches its predicted peak in mid-April, more than 2,000 people could die a day. About 82,000 people could die in all by August (ALTHOUGH THIS IS ALL PROJECTION) — that’s even with social distancing measures, according to one model cited by the White House.
They’re claiming that hospitals in northern California are cautiously hopeful that they may be seeing slightly less crushing surges of patients, supposedly thanks to shelter-at-home precautions.
More on Coronavirus
BTW, I told you about this guy yesterday: (TMZ) PASTOR RODNEY HOWARD-BROWNE HAS BEEN ARRESTED FOR HOLDING A PACKED MEGACHURCH ON SUNDAY ... Violating Social Distancing rules. He was booked for unlawful assembly and for violating health and safety rules. He’s the pastor of Tampa, FL’s River Church — TMZ calls him “controversial.” Pastor Browne (he white) bragged during the service that River Church would remain open for the duration. But the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Dept. put out a warrant for the Pastor's arrest. Although he boasted, "The only time the church will close is when the Rapture is taking place" ... the issue is the County had already issued a "safer-at-home" order banning gatherings of no more than 10 people. INTERESTING. The rule also stated that people were not to stand within 6 feet of one another ... another clear violation in the video from the church's service. WHAT A MESS.
BTW: He had claimed, “We brought in 13 machines that basically kill every virus in the place, and if somebody walks through the door...it kills everything on them. If they sneeze, it shoots it down at like 100 mph. It'll neutralize it in split seconds. We have the most sterile building in, I don’t know, all of America.” TMZ claims he’s “peddled ridiculous theories in the past,” but it’s TMZ. So who knows.
(Drudge) DC MAYOR THREAT: 90 DAYS IN JAIL FOR LEAVING HOME — I told you, liberals are the REAL dictators! (NY Post) Mayor Muriel Bowser (SHE BLACK) also wants a $5,000 fine if anybody violates her rules. The threat of jail is alarming residents and civil libertarians who point out that at least five inmates tested positive for COVID-19 in the city’s 1,700-inmate jail near Capitol Hill.
Monica Hopkins, executive director of the ACLU of the District of Columbia, told The Post “we would be deeply concerned” if anyone actually was arrested for violating the order. SO WHERE IS SHE ON THAT PASTOR?
Also: The ACLU of DC filed a lawsuit Monday seeking the appointment of an expert to help depopulate the city’s only jail of elderly, health-compromised and so-called non-violent inmates. Many inmates are awaiting trial.
The labor union representing DC jail officers — a part of the Fraternal Order of Police — voted “no confidence” this month against Department of Corrections leaders over safety conditions to prevent spread of the virus.
BTW: The city has a 6,500-person homeless population.
Meanwhile: Inmates Going Free Over Virus Fears Spark Renewed Anti-Jail Push… (Bloomberg Law) Prison reformers say releases show many lockups aren’t needed. LIES. Thousands have been let go across the U.S. to limit the risk of the Covid-19 spread.
Mugshot of Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, a South African-born American pastor, set in a brightened screenshot from his church service 03.29.2020 | The River Church Live | Sunday AM
End of Hour 2, Tue, Mar 31, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After that, switch over to
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(CNN) House Democrats are eyeing an ambitious fourth coronavirus response package that they hope will include more direct payments to individuals, money for state and local governments, and funding for infrastructure. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said if such measures aren't covered, the economic situation could get even more dangerous for Americans, even with the recently passed $2.2 trillion relief bill. Some parts of the economy are already feeling the pain. Macy's announced it is furloughing a majority of its 125,000 employees because of the pandemic, which has sunk sales and forced store closures. The price of oil has crashed to a new 18-year low as coronavirus measures continue to suffocate energy demand. Even Amazon, which has seen customer demand soar, is facing controversy after firing an employee who led a walkout at the company's Staten Island warehouse.
Here’s CNN pushing so-called transgender so-called rights: Idaho's Republican Gov. Brad Little signed into law two bills that limit the rights of transgender people, prompting outcry from LGBTQ and so-called human rights (meaning COMMUNIST) advocates. One bill, the Fairness in Women's Sports Act, bans transgender girls (meaing BOYS) from playing on girls' and women's sports teams. The bill makes Idaho the first state to pass legislation against transgender students, the evil unamerican ACLU says, adding that the measure violates policies set by the Idaho High School Activities Association (AS IF THAT ASSOCIATION SHOULD HAVE ANY SWAY). The second bill prohibits transgender people from changing their gender on Idaho birth certificates (GOOD! DUH!). A federal court struck down a similar bill in 2018 (EVIL LIBERAL JUDGE! That was U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale — A WOMAN. In May 2014, Judge Dale ruled in favor of four same-sex couples challenging Idaho's 2006 Marriage Definition Amendment.[6][7]).
Exploiting the crisis
(Drudge) Coronavirus Response Sends Cuomo Popularity Surging... 87% Approve! HE’S RIDING THAT. (WSJ) Almost nine in 10 New Yorkers approve of the governor’s handling of the crisis. WHOLE LOTTA DUMB EVIL PEOPLE IN NY! AMIRIGHT? A survey released Monday by the Siena College Research Institute found 87% of those questioned approved of how the Democratic governor has handled the pandemic. The poll also found 76% liked the response of their local health department, 74% approval for Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and 41% for both President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. SEE? LIBERALS! Overall, the number of New Yorkers who view the governor favorably surged to 71% in March, up from 44% in February, the poll found. “At least 85% of voters from every region approve of his handling of the crisis, as do 95% of Democrats, 87% of independents and even 70% of Republicans.”
(Drudge) VIDEO shows: The Gov. Giving a Rousing Speech to the National Guard… PSH. That was on Friday. WHATEVER
'President Cuomo' is a new daydream for those fretting over Biden… … No. (Bloomberg via Yahoo News) Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, is also holding daily briefings that are scoring high marks for empathy, sound advice about physical and mental health, and for offering a solid plan about what he would do if he were not a private citizen waiting out the virus at his home in Delaware. (I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THAT! HA!) The hashtag #PresidentCuomo trended on Twitter last week or so.
NOTE: My second news segment today got cut-off by the video stream when a computer crashed. See the rest of Jesse’s show (Hour 3) below: