President Warns a Rough Couple of Weeks Ahead with Virus (Hake News, Fri. 4/1/20)
Weds. 4/1/20, Hour 1
Jesse gives a nice monologue about Christians saying God put the coronavirus on us. The people in China did it.
A rough start to one of the stories, and some interesting calls...
End of Hour 1, Weds, Apr 1, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
NO Men’s Forum tomorrow. At the President’s advice, we’re not meeting in large groups this month. Ordinarily, Men’s Forums are first Thursday of the month for men only, Women’s Forums third Thursday for ladies only, 7 PM at BOND. But not this time, guys! Sorry y’all! Check out
(Drudge) FEDS PROJECT from 100,000 UP TO 240,000 DEAD even if current social distancing guidelines are maintained. (Far-left AP News) Trump said to brace for a, quote: “hell of a bad two weeks.” President Trump called it “a matter of life and death” for Americans to heed his administration’s guidelines and predicted the country would soon see a “light at the end of the tunnel” in a pandemic that has killed more than 3,500 Americans and infected 170,000 more. “I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead,” Trump said. “This is going to be one of the roughest two or three weeks we’ve ever had in our country,” Trump added. “We’re going to lose thousands of people.” WHOA.
Officials described a death toll that in a best-case scenario would likely be greater than the more than 53,000 American lives lost during World War I. And the model’s high end neared the realm of possibility that Americans lost to the virus could approach the 291,000 Americans killed on the battlefield during World II.
Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said pandemic forecasts initially predicted 1.5 million to 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. But that was a worst-case scenario, without efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus through social distancing. PSH. She added that states that have not yet seen a spike in cases as New York has could take action to flatten the curve of rising hospitalizations and deaths. Hospitals need to prepare for an onslaught, and that’ll help.
There’s also a wild card when it comes to treatment: whether the experimental drug combination Trump has touted — a medicine for malaria and an antibiotic — will actually make a difference. That combination is already being used on thousands of patients, and Fauci said he would want to see a rigorous test of its effectiveness.
As you may know, Trump announced Sunday that he was extending to April 30 the social distancing guidelines that advise Americans to cease large gatherings.
The anti-Trump Associated Press (which, side note, calls transgenders by the wrong name and advocates in favor of abortion) then accused Trump of saying it was like the flu repeatedly, but they’re liars, and the media themselves were downplaying this sickness, and saying it wasn’t a threat to the United States. So… Now. There was so much fake news coming out of the liberal media and China and WHO it was ridiculous. To this day!
(Drudge) WHY SLEEP IS VITAL DURING PANDEMIC… Mac Salvo writes in SHTF Plan, people suggest a good night’s sleep as a way to boost your immune system to protect you from the infection. Sleep is vital, and there are several reasons why. Your body needs an adequate amount of sleep to fight off infections. If you get your sleep while sick, it’ll help you get well.
Aim to get 7-8 hours of good quality sleep at night. Minimize Light and Sound. Stick To A Routine. Keep Your Stress Levels Low. But don’t be a BETA!
Screenshot from The White House YouTube video: 3/31/20: Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing
End of Hour 2, Weds, Apr 1, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After Jesse’s show, switch over to The Hake Report — go to on the Internet, or just look for my Hake channels on YouTube, DLive, Periscope, Mixer, FB, Twitch, TalkStreamLive, or just stay on the audio feed on Jesse Lee Peterson’s listen page findable via GIMME A CHANCE! THANKS, GUYS!
BTW: I’m wearing a Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man t-shirt from the BOND: Rebuilding the Man Teespring store. This color is called Vintage Navy, it’s a Next Level Triblend t-shirt. Other styles of t-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, etc. available — even stickers and mugs! Go to
At the end of Hour 1, I told you they said to get your sleep. Drudge also advises: Stuck Inside? Keep Walking… NICE. (DNYUZ) Taking an extra 4,000 steps a day (BUT WHO COUNTS STEPS LIKE THAT?? WHAT THE!! I GUESS SOME PEOPLE DO. BUT… OH, THEY SAY A MILE IS 2,000 to 2500 STEPS. SO THAT’S LIKE ) might reduce our risk of dying prematurely, even if those steps are not swift, according to a large-scale new study of moving and mortality. (Back in the day they were pushing 10,000 steps, which would be 4-5 miles. That’s like forever! I gotta start jogging again after my beta back heals up. Then it’ll just take 35-40 minutes or less.)
38,000 people infected and more than 914 dead in NYC so far. DANG!
The island was identified as a potential resting place for a surge of bodies in the event of a pandemic by a 2008 report put together by the NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner.
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