Nice RINO Apologizes for 'Confederate Flag' Mask 🙄 (Hake News, Mon. 4/27/20)
See also The Hake Report from after JLP’s show…
End of Hour 1, Mon, Apr 27, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
(CNN) The World Health Organization says there's no evidence that contracting the coronavirus makes you immune to a second infection. This development throws a wrench in long-term coronavirus management plans like "immunity passports," which would allow people who have recovered from the disease to resume normal activities on a faster timetable. SOUNDS LIKE THEY JUST WANT TO CONTROL YOU! WHO TRUSTED THE WHO ANYWAY? THEY’RE COMMUNIST LIARS!
(Drudge) Michigan lawmaker apologizes for wearing 'Confederate flag' mask… (Detroit Free Press) State Senator Dale Zorn, Republican from Ida Township, wore the face mask during a Michigan Senate vote. Zorn previously denied that the face covering — a red mask with blue stripes and white stars — was the Confederate flag, telling WLNS-TV 6 that his wife made the face covering and told him the mask was more similar to the Kentucky or Tennessee flag. In a statement released Saturday, Zorn said he was sorry for his "choice of pattern" on the face mask. “I did not intend to offend anyone; however, I realize that I did, and for that I am sorry. Those who know me best know that I do not support the things this pattern represents. My actions were an error in judgment for which there are no excuses and I will learn from this episode," he said in the statement. WEAK!
Zorn on Friday told WLNS he told his wife the mask would probably "raise some eyebrows." "It was not a Confederate flag," he said. "I think even if it was a Confederate flag, you know, we should be talking about teaching our national history in schools. And that’s part of our national history, and it’s something we can’t just throw away because it is part of our history. And if we want to make sure that the atrocities that happened during that time doesn’t happen again, we should be teaching it. Our kids should know what that flag stands for.” When asked by a reporter what the flag stands for, Zorn replied, "the Confederacy." THE CONFEDERACY IS BETTER THAN ANY OF THE DEMOCRATS TODAY.
Senate Minority Leader Jim Ananich, D-Flint, retweeted the WLNS article and said he was "at a loss for words." " ... I’m just really disappointed to see him make a choice that is deeply hurtful to so many people. When he was called out for it, he didn’t seem to even understand or acknowledge what the problem was," Ananich said.
Amber McCann, a spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, said Shirkey "would not support or encourage any senator to display an insensitive symbol on the Senate floor." "Senator Zorn removed the item when the concern was raised and has made clear that was not his intent and apologized," McCann said.
Sen. Jeff Irwin, D-Ann Arbor, said the Confederate flag should never be worn, "especially by an elected official." "It dishonors our fellow Michiganders. It dishonors the battle flags in our rotunda. It dishonors our state," he said in a tweet Friday. PSH.
BTW: The Senate on Friday voted to create an oversight committee to examine how Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has handled the coronavirus crisis and also approved bills limiting power from the governor's office during times of "public crisis." OH GEEZ THIS IS THE STATE THAT ELECTED THAT FEMALE PLASTIC SURGERY FACE
SPEAKING OF FAKE CONTROVERSIES… (Drudge) Spike in ingesting cleaners following Trump comments… (CNN) Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan says his office has received hundreds of calls asking about ingesting disinfectants after President Trump suggested it as a possible treatment for coronavirus. I DON’T BELIEVE HIM, HE’S A RINO, AND FAT! A WHITE MAN MARRIED TO AN ASIAN...NOT THAT THERE’S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT...OR IS THERE? BUT HE’S A TRUMP HATER, FAKE REPUBLICAN. WEAK.
Michigan State Sen. Dale Zorn, Republican from Ida Township, wrongly apologizes for rightly wearing a mask resembling the Confederate Battle Flag!
End of Hour 2, Mon, Apr 27, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After JLP show catch The Hake Report
(Drudge) San Francisco had the 1918 flu under control. And then it lifted restrictions… That’s supposedly a cautionary tale about the dangers of reopening too soon. BUT THIS IS FROM NBC SO-CALLED NEWS, SO… The city was shut down after WWI amid the Spanish Flu, and everyone had to wear masks. Alex Navarro, the assistant director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan, which detailed historical accounts of the 1918-19 flu pandemic in 43 cities, told NBC News in a phone interview that officials often acted quickly at the time but restrictions were eased to varying degrees.
"There was a lot of pressure in pretty much all of these American cities to reopen," said Navarro, whose research was done in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "When they removed those restrictions too soon, then many cities saw a resurgence in cases."
The center's research found that cities that used "early, sustained and layered" practices such as social distancing, closing public events and stay-at-home orders "fared better than those that did not." "The man or woman or child who will not wear a mask now is a dangerous slacker," a public service announcement from the American Red Cross said at the time. OH GOSH. Three weeks after that celebration of removing their masks, the city saw a dramatic resurgence. 600 new cases prompted the board to re-enact the mandatory mask ordinance.
Now the mayor is that female of color London Breed, kinda dyke-y looking woman. Breed is the first black female and second female elected mayor of San Francisco, taking office mid-2018.[1] (Wikipedia) She was on the board of supervisors since 2013. So she oversaw the homelessness and open drug addiction crisis explode.
(Drudge) Getting covid 'will take 13 years off your life', researchers warn… (Daily Star) That’s from the University of Glasgow (Scotland) saying Years of Life Lost (YLL) was 13 years for men and 11 years for women. Of course these are estimates, apparently trying to predict the future, using info from Italy, on the age at which people with Covid-19 died, and the number and type of chronic conditions they had, and from WHO, World Health Organisation life tables, and data from SAIL (Secure Anonymised Information Linkage), a large UK healthcare database. CREEPY.
(Drudge) Hawaii extends stay-at-home until May 31… (AP) That’s from Gov. David Ige (EE-gay), quote: “This was not an easy decision. I know this has been difficult for everyone. Businesses need to reopen. People want to end this self-isolation and we want to return to normal,” Ige said in a statement. “But this virus is potentially deadly, especially for the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.” SO THEN LET THEM STAY HOME! Elective surgeries may now take place and beaches will be open for exercise. Hawaii has around 600 cases of coronavirus and 14 deaths from the illness, according to the Johns Hopkins University database. ALL THESE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT FLATTENING THE CURVE, WHICH IS THE RATE OF NEW CASES EACH DAY...I THINK.
For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, and death. The vast majority of people recover.
See also The Hake Report after JLP…