Bill Gates Swooping in to Meddle with America Over Chinese Virus (Hake News, Fri. 4/24/20)
Also see The Hake Report after JLP
Fri. 4/24/20, Hour 1:
Jesse gives a great monologue on waking up and knowing yourself.
Jim from West Palm, FL, says he took a mess of vitamin C to heal from the flu. He’s gonna be 80
Jesse has a great phone call with Earl.
End of Hour 1, Fri, Apr 24, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2. The Fallen State episode, JLP interviewed Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio — premieres (with a Live Chat you can join!) at noon PDT today (Friday!) / 1 MDT / 2 CT / 3 ET. — subscribe to The Fallen State on YouTube, ALSO subscribe on and
(Drudge) Trump approved of Georgia's reopen plan before bashing it… (AP’S WORD FOR IT) Trump and Pence both repeatedly told Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) they approved of his aggressive plan to allow businesses to reopen, the day before Trump said he strongly disagreed. QUOTE: “I told the governor of Georgia Brian Kemp that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities,” Trump said Wednesday, just a day after telling reporters that he trusted Kemp’s judgment. “He knows what’s he’s doing.” On Thursday, he was even harder on the governor: “I wasn’t happy with Brian Kemp, I wasn’t at all happy.”
So AP is calling Trump contradictory and confusing. I’m sure Trump himself is getting a lot of contradictory and confusing information — look at what we got from WHO and China and the liberal media themselves. So, now. Trump has been urging states to begin reopening for two weeks. Dr. Deborah Birx may have talked Trump into slowing things down, and Trump called Kemp about it, according to some anonymous source. WHATEVER. On Thursday, he suggested he was particularly concerned by the idea that Kemp would reopen spas. “I want the states to open more than he does, much more than he does. But I didn’t like to see spas at this early stage nor did the doctors,” he said. BTW: Trump and Kemp have clashed before. The governor appointed Kelly Loeffler to fill an open Senate seat, bypassing Rep. Doug Collins, a close Trump ally.
TEXAS TOWN RE-OPENS! NICE! (L.A. Times via MSN) Colleyville Mayor Richard Newton became the first in Texas to issue a proclamation allowing churches, retail stores, gyms, salons, massage parlors and restaurants to reopen Friday — with social distancing — ahead of an order by the Texas governor expected next week.
(CNN) Local governments are getting hammered economically over reaction to coronavirus. The city of Dayton, Ohio, has furloughed more than a quarter of its workforce. New York City won't be able to provide summer jobs to 75,000 youth. Maryland and Pennsylvania have budget issues; PA stopped paying nearly 9,000 state employees -- more than 10% of its workforce, earlier this month. 4.4 million more Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week (TRIFLING! OR NO? I BET YOU A LOT ARE). It's no different in other parts of the world. Market indicators for April show historic levels of economic shrinking in Europe and parts of Asia.
Other drama from the phony dems… (CNN) President Trump is facing scrutiny over the removal of so-called Dr. Rick Bright from his position leading an office working on a coronavirus vaccine. Bright led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority and oversaw development and purchasing of vaccines and medicines to combat coronavirus. On Tuesday, Trump removed him from his position (GOOD). Bright says it was retaliation for his insistence the administration stick to investing in scientifically proven treatments (PLEASE). Now, House Democrats are calling for the Health and Human Services inspector general to investigate his ousting (THEY HATE A MAN OF AUTHORITY USING HIS AUTHORITY). Rep. Anna Eshoo, female chairman of the House's so-called Health subcommittee, says she plans to call on Bright to testify as her committee looks into the situation. PSH.
End of Hour 2, Fri, Apr 24, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After that The Hake Report, change channels to my channels. After that, The Fallen State. Saturday we rest. Then I come back for The Hake Report Sunday morning, 9 AM PDT… then…
Church with Jesse Lee Peterson is ONLINE-ONLY again this Sunday, April 26, 2020, 11 AM US PDT and subscribe to BOND: Rebuilding the Man YouTube channel.
Cropped screenshot: Bill Gates, of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, wearing a purple sweater, appears in an NBC News Exclusive to talk and gesture about coronavirus and how he wants to “help.”
(Drudge) BILL GATES: Fight against coronavirus will define our era... he said, quote: 'It is impossible to overstate the pain'... BE QUIET, BILL GATES, WE DON’T TRUST YOU! He’s not a good person. (Seattle Times) Microsoft co-founder William Henry Gates III (Bill Gates) wrote an 11-page memo of his ideas about this Chinese virus. QUOTE: “This is like a world war, except in this case, we’re all on the same side,” he writes. NO WE’RE NOT, BILL! YOU ARE STILL ON THE SIDE OF EVIL. I DON’T WANNA BE ON YOUR SIDE! The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BETA! WHAT’S MELINDA HAVE TO DO WITH IT? SHE’S HIS HEAD?) has committed $250 million to the so-called battle, buying power, I say. Gates has been speaking up regularly to influence its direction — something that has sometimes placed him at odds with President Donald Trump and made him a target of right-wing pundits and conspiracy theorists. GOOD. BETWEEN RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY THEORISTS AND LEFTWING FALSE RACISM BELIEVERS, I’D RATHER REJECT BILL GATES AND THE LIBERAL MEDIA. AMIRIGHT? He’s pushing testing, contact tracing, treatments and vaccines. The Gates Foundation is leveraging its funding and influence to push research and development. HE IS NOT A GOOD MAN, NOT TO BE TRUSTED. He’s also pointing out the disease is hitting hardest among racial minorities and poorer communities, and he’s pretending to have love in his heart. He doesn’t.
Speaking of people we don’t care to hear from… (Drudge) Obama launches another veiled attack on President… praising Massachusetts for what it is doing 'while we wait for a coherent national plan' (Massachusetts is far-left extremist, Romney was the governor there, they embraced so-called same-sex marriage before the rest of the country, disgusting!) (Daily Mail) Obama avoided using President Donald Trump’s name, because Barack is just that full of hate and fake imitation class. Obama tweeted it out. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker is pushing for full scale statewide testing. Obama also attacked his successor at the end of March as Trump signed the CARES Act to provide $2.2 trillion in economic stimulus and relief for Americans and small businesses. 'We've seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic,' the two-term Democrat tweeted last month. WHAT A DUMMY. IF HE WERE SINCERE, THEN HE’D BE ADVOCATING THAT AMERICA LEAVE THE U.N.! BUT NO, OBAMA TWEETED: 'We can't afford any more consequences of climate denial. All of us, especially young people, have to demand better of our government at every level and vote this fall,' he continued at the time. Know what else is dumb? Obama endorsed Joe Biden finally. What a coward. Nothing real about Obama, except for his hate.
Also see The Hake Report after JLP