Trump Shuts Down Nasty Liberal Asian/Female Reporters (Hake News, Tues. 5/12/20)
See also The Hake Report after JLP today…
End of Hour 1, Tues, May 12, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
(Drudge) MASKS REQUIRED* at the white house (with an asterisk). *President and vice president exempt from White House mask order… HA! Nice. VERY GOOD NEWS. (NY Post) This after two officials tested positive for the coronavirus. They’re to wear face coverings inside the cramped offices at all times, except when they are seated at their desks, and limit unnecessary visits to the executive offices where President Trump is still showing up for work each day (President Trump and VP Pence aren’t expected to start wearing masks). I reported yesterday Mike Pence’s press secretary and coronavirus task force spokesman Katie Miller (Stephen Miller’s new wife) tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, days after one of Trump’s personal valets was diagnosed. Some officials are self-quarantining.
(Drudge) DEATH TOLL TOPS 80,000 SUPPOSEDLY, RIGHT? SUPPOSEDLY. That’s as of Monday, according to a Reuters tally, as nearly all states have taken steps to relax lockdown measures. Deaths in the United States, the SUPPOSED epicenter of the global pandemic (NOT TRUE, REALLY I HEARD IT WAS CHINA) — but the U.S. has averaged 2,000 deaths a day since mid-April despite efforts to slow the outbreak. The death toll is higher than any fatalities from the seasonal flu going back to 1967 and represents more U.S. deaths than during the first eight years of the AIDS epidemic, from 1981 to 1988. Total coronavirus cases in the United States have exceeded 1.3 million with infections rising in such states as Mississippi, Minnesota and Nebraska. Cases are falling in New Jersey and New York at the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, accounting for nearly half of the American deaths from COVID-19. Reuters says the two states have among the strictest lockdown rules still in place — seemingly in my mind trying to imply we should keep a lockdown going. NO!
CDC says: NYC UNDERCOUNTED I dunno about that. I don’t trust the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) New York City had four times the number of deaths as expected during its Covid-19 outbreak, according to a new study. WHO CARES
Will the DEM CONVENTION be VIRTUAL? PSH. Who cares. Buncha degenerates anyway. They voted down God 8 years ago! (Ex-L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa/Tony Villar pretended they didn’t.) (Axios) The Democratic National Committee's Rules and Bylaws Committee meets Tuesday to consider a resolution giving the convention team "maximum flexibility to plan a safe event that guarantees every delegate can accomplish their official business without putting their own health at risk," per a DNC memo.
(Drudge) Fauci Plans to Use Hearing to Warn of 'Needless Suffering and Death'... if the country opens prematurely (NY Times via MSN). Oh gosh, go away, Fauci! He wrote: “If we skip over the checkpoints in the guidelines to ‘Open America Again,’ then we risk the danger of multiple outbreaks throughout the country. This will not only result in needless suffering and death, but would actually set us back on our quest to return to normal.”
Tues. 5/12/20, Hour 2:
REPLAY: Jesse interviews Jada Mosley on what it’s like being a black girl, from April 15, 2015
REPLAY: Jesse covers black anger and deals with another great call from Mel from Atlanta, GA.
End of Hour 2, Tues, May 12, 2020
HotComputer smell super chat. This was before JLP started saying Racism Doesn’t Exist, which he started consistently saying in fall 2015 after the release of the Antidote.
Stay tuned for Hour 3 — we have a 90s program coming-up. Make sure you’re supporting via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or NewProject2 (all three JLP platforms have this awesome exclusive and throwback content)...
After the JLP show you can catch me on my channels The Hake Report…
We’ll open treasure chest AFTER the 90s show toward the end of the hour….
(Drudge) TRUMP: 'We have met the moment, and we have prevailed'... (NBC News) He later added that he was referring to testing, not the virus itself. He also said that the U.S. would "transition into greatness," and that next year would be one of the "best years we ever had." I BELIEVE THAT. IF ANYBODY CAN MAKE THAT HAPPEN, TRUMP CAN — ALONG WITH YOU GUYS, HARD WORK… AND SMART WORK!
(Drudge) Trump Storms Out of the Briefing After Bizarre Exchanges… NICE. Love it when he does that. He’s usually (or always) right. Tells Asian reporter to 'ask China'... HA! Nice. (Mediaite) The exchanges were about China With CBS’s Weijia Jiang (DEPORT!), and a Skirmish With CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.
End of Hour 3, Tue, May 12, 2020 news…
Make sure you switch over to The Hake Report after JLP ends, those who have the time and interest — it’s a fun show! I yelled at Earl from MI
Chinese-born “reporter” gets nasty with Trump, and he shuts her down!
(Drudge) Trump Storms Out of the Briefing After Bizarre Exchanges… NICE. Love it when he does that. He’s usually (or always) right. Tells Asian reporter to 'ask China'... HA! Nice. (Mediaite) The exchanges were about China With CBS’s Weijia Jiang (DEPORT!), and a Skirmish With CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.
CBS News’ Weijia Jiang asked Trump about his touting of U.S. testing numbers, saying, “Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives and we’re still seeing more cases every day?”
“They’re losing their lives everywhere in world. And maybe that’s a question you should ask China. Don’t ask me. Ask China that question, okay?” Trump responded. “When you ask them that question, you may get a very unusual answer.”
He tried to move on, gesturing to another reporter and saying, “Yes, behind you, please.”
Jiang continued and asked, “Sir, why are you saying that to me, specifically, that I should ask China?”
“I’m not saying it specifically to anybody,” Trump said. “I’m saying it to anybody that would ask a nasty question like that.”
“That’s not a nasty question,” she said.
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins was next up and she tried to ask Trump a question. When it seemed like he was going to move on, Collins said, “You pointed to me. I have two questions, Mr. President.”
“Next, please,” Trump said.
“You called on me,” Collins said.
“I did, and you didn’t respond, and now I’m calling on the young lady in the back,” Trump responded.
Collins said she just wanted to let Jiang finish. Before she could ask her question, the president abruptly ended the press briefing.
The exchange aired on MSNBC, Mediaite has the clip.
Catch The Hake Report after JLP today…