Gen. Flynn Free After Politicized Prosecution Dropped! (Hake News, Fri. 5/8/20)
See also The Hake Report after JLP!
End of Hour 1, Fri, May 8, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
(Drudge) FATHER, SON CHARGED WITH HUNTING BLACK MAN (THAT’S NOT A CRIME, IS IT?) MURDER SHOCKS the NATION (IS IT MURDER IF IT’S SELF-DEFENSE?) GEORGIA TOOK MONTHS TO MAKE ARRESTS (MAYBE BECAUSE THEY COMMITTED NO CRIME? MAYBE WE’LL FIND OUT, MAYBE NOT.) (The leftist outlet Daily Mail) Gregory McMichael, 64, and Travis McMichael, 34, were arrested at their home in Brunswick, Georgia, on Thursday. Heavily-armed officers with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation — in a four-vehicle convoy — descended on the home at around 7.50pm. RIDICULOUS. Gregory and Travis men were booked into Glynn County Jail on charges of murder and aggravated assault. HMM.
The dramatic arrests come days after leaked cellphone video of the McMichaels' fatal confrontation with Ahmaud Arbery on February 23 made headlines nationwide — it went viral and all the worst people including disgusting liberal celebrities called for their fake version of justice. The shocking footage showed the two men quote-unquote 'ambushing' Arbery (dunno whose word ‘ambushing’ is) as he tried to run past their pickup truck. The younger McMichael got into a physical fight with Arbery before shooting him with a shotgun.
The father and son were initially not arrested after they claimed they thought Arbery was a burglar — why else would they go after him? HMM…
The black man’s mother and father (Wanda Cooper-Jones [Daily Mail has it Jones Cooper because they frequently make such typos] and Marcus Arbery Sr, who don’t seem to be married…. FYI: we see way more of the mother in the media and very little of the father) — their lawyer calls it 'the first step to justice.' But that lawyer S. Lee Merritt is pure evil.
This shooting occurred Feb 23. Daily Mail FALSELY says they “mistook him for a burglar” — THEY MAY NOT HAVE BEEN MISTAKEN. In late Feb, Jackie Johnson, the Brunswick District Attorney, recused herself from the case because Gregory the father used to work in her office as an investigator. In mid-April, the second prosecutor George Barnhill reportedly said he won’t press charges, and then recused himself because his son worked in the office where Greg used to work.
Barnhill at first said he did not think it merited charges because the McMichaels were acting lawfully by trying to carry out a citizen's arrest, which is legal in Georgia. He also said that the video 'shows' Arbery reaching for Travis' gun. WHICH IS TRUE. The first shot is fired however when the pair are out of frame. AND? When the camera panned back to them, they were struggling again to the side of the vehicle. Barnhill said Travis was standing his ground by firing three shots which hit Arbery.
On May 5, Tom Durden was the third prosecutor to have the case come across his desk. He sent it to a grand jury.
But on May 7, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) announced that it was bringing charges of murder and aggravated assault against the Gregory and Travis. AHA, so those charges from the state level sound like they’re distinct from the local grand jury… I guess?
(Far-left AP) Brunswick defense attorney Alan Tucker said Thursday he’s the one who shared the video with [a] radio station. Tucker wasn’t representing anyone involved in the case, but — (FirstCoastNews) Tucker said he released the video “because my community was being ripped apart by erroneous accusations and assumptions” (BY BLACKS?) He says “This is a mixed community and they don’t deserve this.” Tucker says the McMichaels have cooperated fully with the investigation, and that "the video has been in possession of police since day one."
“The guy who took the video is the one who saw Arbery coming out of the house and said ‘that’s him,’” Alan Tucker told First Coast News.
He said he doesn’t know if the man who took the video is one of the people who called 911.
End of Hour 2, Fri, May 8, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. The Hake Report after JLP!
Gen. Michael Flynn, thumbs up!
(Drudge) FLYNN FREE! Justice Dept drops the case… AG William BARR says: 'I Wanted To Make Sure We Restore Confidence In System'... VERY NICE! (Extreme left fake news outlet Reuters) Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who served as an adviser to Trump during the 2016 campaign, had been seeking to withdraw his 2017 guilty plea in which he admitted to SUPPOSEDLY lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russia's U.S. ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the weeks before Trump took office. I HEARD THAT THE STORY GOES HE DID NOT REMEMBER TALKING TO SERGEY, BUT THE FBI SCUMBAGS FALSELY PUT DOWN THAT HE DID REMEMBER, AND HAD HIM SIGN SOMETHING THAT WASN’T TRUE! THEY ALSO STARTED TO LOOK INTO HIS SON MICHAEL FLYNN JR.
The Justice Department filed a motion to dismiss the charges with U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan (HE BLACK), who has presided over the case and has a reputation for fierce independence. PFFT! YEAH RIGHT! ANYTIME YOU HEAR THE ANTI-TRUMP MEDIA SAY THAT, YOU KNOW IT’S NOT TRUE — THEY SAID THE SAME ABOUT JAMES COMEY WHO HAS TDS, AND ABOUT ROBERT MUELLER WHO ALSO HATES TRUMP. Ohhh yeah, Reuters reminds us that: Sullivan at a 2018 hearing expressed "disgust" and "disdain" toward Flynn's SUPPOSED criminal offense, saying: "Arguably, you sold your country out." SO MUCH FOR INDEPENDENCE! REUTERS JUST PROVED THEMSELVES WRONG! THAT’S WRITER Sarah N. Lynch, A FEMALE.
The Justice Department said in its filing it was no longer persuaded that the FBI's Jan. 24, 2017 Flynn interview that underpinned the SO-CALLED charges was conducted with a "legitimate investigative basis" (NOT LEGITIMATE!) and did not think his statements were "material even if untrue." (WHICH IT’S IN DOUBT THAT HE ACTUALLY EVEN LIED!)
QUOTE FROM THE A.G.: "A crime has not been established here. They did not have the basis for a counterintelligence investigation against Flynn at that stage," Barr said in a CBS interview. Asked about the SUPPOSED fact that Flynn lied to investigators, Barr said: "Well, people sometimes plead to things that turn out not to be crimes." YUP. PLEA DEALS
(Leftist Extremist outlet AP) Trump praises Barr [I say RIGHTLY] for dropping Flynn’s Trump-Russia case. DUHH! THERE WERE SOME VERY SKETCHY PROSECUTORS INVOLVED, INCLUDING this guy Brandon Van Grack, also a member of Mueller’s team of “angry democrats” as Trump has called them. And a female named Jocelyn Ballantine was another piece of work, apparently. BUT ONE GOOD WOMAN WAS Sidney Powell, a tough lady from the old school representing Gen. Flynn — reportedly according to journalist Mike Cernovich, she’s the one who made this happen! — Jesse Lee Peterson has interviewed Sidney Powell before in 2014 about Obama and his corrupt Attorneys General, Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder, BTW! Jesse Lee Peterson interviewed Sidney Powell about her 2014 book Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice (and the FBI).
BTW: Federal investigations are curtailed amid the coronavirus… FINE.
(Drudge) Texas salon owner jailed for defying order freed… DALLAS (AP) — A Texas salon owner who defied Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s emergency orders and was jailed for keeping her business open walked out free Thursday to cheering supporters after the governor weakened his enforcement of coronavirus safeguards and a court ordered her released.
Shelley Luther, owner of a Salon A La Mode in Dallas, wore a mask while leaving jail less than 48 hours after a judge sentenced her to a week behind bars for flouting public health orders meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Her punishment had become a rallying cry for Republican lawmakers and conservative activists who have railed against lockdown measures in Texas, even as the state reopens at a speed faster than many others in the U.S.
Luther, who refused to apologize or promise to keep her business closed even after a Dallas judge said dong so might keep her out of jail, said she was overwhelmed as she walked toward a crowd chanting her name. In April, Luther tore up a cease-and-desist letter in front of TV cameras at an “Open Texas” rally in the Dallas suburbs. HERO!
See also The Hake Report after JLP!