Facebook Advertisers Bow to Hate Orgs ADL, NAACP, Color of Change (Hake News, Thur. 7/2/20)
Catch The Hake Report after JLP.
End of Hour 1, Thur, Jul 2, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Men’s Forum TONIGHT, Thur, July 2, 7 PM at BOND in Los Angeles rebuildingtheman.com/events
(The Skimm) Yesterday, officers in Seattle cleared out the radical "no cop" zone surrounding a police station, arresting at least 31 people who refused to leave. Hundreds of agitators had gathered in the zone – referred to as CHOP and CHAZ (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest and Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) – since last month, calling for an end to police brutality and systemic racism (NEITHER OF WHICH EXIST). They soon attacked a street preacher, various shootings reportedly took place, and other mess.
The city's police chief said the zone had become "lawless and brutal" ever since police were forced to evacuate, citing two deadly shootings in the last two weeks as well as multiple robberies and assaults. So yesterday, officers returned to regain control of the area. Protesters have said they should not be blamed for the violence. OF COURSE THEY SHOULD. THEY ALWAYS PROVIDE COVER FOR CRIMINALS.
This is a disgrace… (The Skimm) Yesterday, a new law went into effect banning discrimination based on someone's hair – employers and schools can't discriminate against workers or students for having braids, locks, and twists. SO NOW THE STATE IS ANT-FREEDOM AND OPPRESSING PEOPLE BASED ON SUPPOSED THOUGHTS.
Earlier this year, two black students were suspended from a Texas high school and could not return to school unless they cut their dreadlocks – GOOD! ENFORCING THE RULES OF THE SCHOOL – the first was also told he could not walk at graduation because of his hair. There have been similar stories around the country. California, New York, and New Jersey have already passed laws like this and 13 other states are reportedly looking into it, too. SHAMEFUL KISS-UPS!
(TheSkimm) Yesterday, San Francisco police said they'll stop releasing mugshots of people unless they pose a public threat. The police chief said the decision was based in part on research suggesting mug shots can foster racial bias among communities. HMM… SOUNDS LIKE THE COP IS MORE CONCERNED ABOUT THE POLICING THE MINDS OF LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS THAN LETTING THEM KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON IN THEIR COMMUNITY.
Experts believe it's the first city to make this move out of concerns about bias — ON THE PART OF THE INNOCENT! Although there was FAR-LEFT support for the decision, some victims' rights advocates reportedly questioned how the department will choose which photos to release.
Speaking of commies...
(TheSkimm) Earlier this week, China passed a national security law that lets police crack down on the Hong Kong’s supposed “pro-democracy protests.” So yesterday, Hong Kong police arrested hundreds of people protesting the legislation. Hong Kong residents deleted their social media accounts en masse out of fear of being punished for anti-government content. A museum commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre is reportedly working fast to digitize its archives in case artifacts are seized.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has offered as many as 3 million Hong Kongers residency and a path to citizenship (BIG MISTAKE). Boris said the law was a "serious breach" of a 1997 agreement that required China to allow some freedoms in Hong Kong.
US House Speaker Nervous Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called "the death" of China's "one country, two systems" model. Democrats and RINOs want to punish China with sanctions.
End of Hour 2, Thur, Jul 2, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
Church with Jesse Lee Peterson Archives
BOND Sunday Service premiere last night, from Oct 18, 2009: The Failure of the Black Church, Part 2… Go to https://rebuildingtheman.com/church to find video and audio podcast.
Far-left FB pushed farther-left
(CNN) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has agreed to meet with SO-CALLED civil rights organizers behind a boycott that’s resulted in large companies pulling their ads from the social media platform. The beginning of July marked a series of boycotts from big brands like Hershey’s, Pfizer, Levi Strauss, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Starbucks, Adidas, Ford, Lego, Target, Dunkin’ Donuts, Volkswagen, Clorox, Microsoft.
While plenty of small and medium businesses still rely on the Facebook platform, and most of its very top spenders aren’t involved in the boycott, it’s still rattled investors and caused a supposed PR crisis for Facebook’s top brass.
Now the TRASHY groups behind the boycott are promoting a series of changes, such as which ads the platform allows, as well as the makeup of its leadership team and its content moderation policies (SMH, POWER GRAB!). The groups say they object to Facebook’s “repeated failure to meaningfully address the vast proliferation of hate on its platforms.” THEY ARE THE PRIMARY HATERS.
NPR calls Facebook’s ad program a “$70B ad juggernaut,” saying over 400 advertisers are on pause.
Collage, from left: Color of Change president Rashad Robinson, NAACP CEO Derrick Johnson, and ADL (so-called Anti-Defamation League) CEO and director Jonathan Greenblatt, all pushing for more censorship of truth on Facebook via advertiser boycotts, through their campaign website and hashtag #StopHateForProfit
(National Review) The evil organizations behind it include Color for Change, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), NAACP — their dumb website is stophateforprofit.org WHICH IS FUNNY BECAUSE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY DO, MAKE MONEY PUSHING ANTI-AMERICAN HATE AND DEFAMATION!
They’re mad that Facebook labeled Breitbart News a “trusted news source” and the Daily Caller as a “fact checker.”
They were mad at Zuckerberg for NOT censoring Trump’s saying “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Twitter falsely called it “glorifying violence.” Mark Zuckerberg pretended he was personally disgusted, but that it didn’t break FB’s rules against inciting violence.
Democrats on the House Committee on Homeland Security sent a letter demanding the CEO explain Facebook's lack of action on Trump's "violent, harassing, and dangerous rhetoric."
Speaking of actual violence — Democrat violence
(CNN) FBI firearm background checks set another record in June -- almost 4 million in total…
(TheSkimm) Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed sweeping changes to Russia's constitution. The package of 206 amendments included everything from giving himself more sway over parliament to defining marriage as between a man and a woman. It also hit the reset button on term limits, which could allow Putin to run two more times once his term ends in 2024. It was all put to a referendum and yesterday was the last day to vote. Putin has been running Russia since 1999. And he's now on his fourth term as president. WE’LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS.
Madness over the Russia bounty fake news
White House won't retaliate over Kremlin bounty reports...
(Drudge / Wash Post via CT Post) Trump doesn’t believe they’re real, so he’s not hitting Russia.
Trump calls it a 'HOAX'...
(The Hill) Trump tweeted: The Russia Bounty story is just another made up by Fake News tale that is told only to damage me and the Republican Party. The secret source probably does not even exist, just like the story itself. If the discredited @nytimes has a source, reveal it. Just another HOAX!
The National security advisor reveals it WAS in his brief...
(Daily Mail) Robert O'Brien explains Trump wasn’t verbally told by the CIA officer during briefing because it was unverified.
Blames CIA…
(Drudge / Fox News) “The president was not briefed because, at the time of these allegations, they were uncorroborated,” O’Brien said, noting that the Pentagon also has said the intelligence was uncorroborated.
“The intelligence community doesn’t have a consensus,” O’Brien continued. “And as a result, the president’s career CIA briefer decided not to brief him because it was unverified intelligence.”
That CIA briefer would be Beth Sanner, who’d been leading the president’s daily intelligence briefing since April 2017.
Catch The Hake Report after JLP.