Hake News 09/11/20 Fri. 'Cuties' Is a French-African Feminist Film
Hake News, Friday, September 11, 2020:
End of Hour 1: Suicides among young people are way up over a recent decade. Weird Netflix pedo-movie “Cuties” is catching backlash for disgusting child sexuality scenes.
End of Hour 2: Crazy fires up and down the West Coast: Is it really the Leftist god’s judgment for manmade "Climate Change"?
After The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, catch The Hake Report.
09/11/20 Fri. Hour 1
Jesse starts to repeat the first few his 10-12 commandments for men regarding relationships.
Suicides among young people going up!
Some background on that weird pedo movie
End of Hour 1, Fri, Sept 11, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
The Fallen State Fri. noon PT https://thefallenstate.tv
Church with JLP Sun. 11 AM PT https://rebuildingtheman.com/church
Suicides Among Kids, Young Adults Soaring…
(Drudge / Bloomberg) Increasing numbers of American children and young adults died by suicide in recent years.
Suicide rates among youth ages 10 to 24 increased by 57% between 2007 and 2018, data released Thursday from the National Center for Health Statistics shows, rising from almost 7 per 100,000 population to nearly 11. Comparing three-year averages from 2007 to 2009 to the time period between 2016 and 2018 brought the increase down to 47%.
The U.S. suicide rate among all age groups was 14 per 100,000
Rural areas were the worst with Alaska at 31.4 young suicides per 100,000 population.
Northeast states had the lowest rate, BUT: New Jersey experienced a 39% rise, New York saw an increase of about 44%, and Massachusetts showed a jump of 64%.
Rates more than doubled in New Hampshire, and the majority of states showed an increase between 30% and 60%.
There are increases in serious psychological distress, major depression, and suicidal thoughts and attempts among youth. A survey by CDC found more than one-quarter of young adults reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the June 24–30 questionnaire.
“Anxiety is high in the population as a whole, thanks to political and social unrest. Children are not immune from those stressors,” said Shannon Monnat, co-director of the Policy, Place, and Population Health Lab at Syracuse University who especially noted economic stressors. SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE’S TALKING ABOUT!
About that weird pedo movie
(Drudge) Facing backlash, NETFLIX defends 'CUTIES' as 'social commentary' against sexualizing young girls…
(Revolver headline) ‘Someone Needs to Go to Jail For This’: Americans Rage as Netflix Promotes Pedophilia and #CancelNetflix Trends #1 on Twitter
(Variety) Netflix, amid a backlash over the sexualized portrayal of children in recently released drama “Cuties,” is encouraging critics to watch the movie — which it says makes a statement about pressures young girls face in conforming to societal role models of female sexuality.
The movie, which is rated “TV-MA” for language, centers on Amy, an 11-year-old Senegalese girl living in Paris who joins a “free-spirited dance clique” (called “the Cuties”) to rebel against what she perceives as her family’s oppressive mores. (HER MOTHER’S MUSLIM. THE GIRL DOESN’T LISTEN TO HER FATHER OR SOMETHING.)
After its Sept. 9 release on Netflix, “Cuties” has elicited outrage for showing the girls performing highly sexualized dance routines and depicting the characters in other sexual situations
The director talks about her movie
“Cuties” (“Mignonnes”) premiered at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival, where writer-director Maïmouna Doucouré (a 35-year-old French-Senegalese black female… Senegal is in West Africa, further from France than Mexico is from Canada) won the world cinema dramatic directing award.
YouTube: Why I Made Cuties | Maïmouna Doucouré Interview | Netflix
Earlier, Netflix released a promotional poster for “Cuties” in August depicting its young cast members in provocative poses. The company apologized for the “inappropriate artwork,” and said it was not representative of the film.
Netflix did itself a disservice with the “misleading” marketing, which stirred up a right-wing campaign against the movie, New Yorker contributor Richard Brody wrote of the film.
“The subject of ‘Cuties’ isn’t twerking; it’s children, especially poor and nonwhite children, who are deprived of the resources — the education, the emotional support, the open family discussion — to put sexualized media and pop culture into perspective,” he wrote. The film, according to Brody, tells the story of “a girl’s outrage at, and defiance of, a patriarchal order.”
09/11/20 Fri. Hour 2
Jesse gives more advice.
Mike from San Antonio, TX,
Crazy fires up and down the West Coast. God’s judgment??
MSM and Democrats pretend it’s their angry god called Climate Change! WITHOUT EVIDENCE!
End of Hour 2, Fri, Sept 11, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
BTW: President Trump tweeted: Kim Jong Un is in good health. Never underestimate him!
(Drudge / Daily Mail) That’s across California, Oregon, and Washington State… at least 13 dead, dozens missing, and burned up at least 3.4 million acres! A 12-year-old and his grandmother died in Santiam Valley, Oregon. (AP) In California, at least 10 deaths have been reported with three in the Bear Fire near Sacramento (NorCal). In Washington state a one-year-old boy was killed and his parents were severely burned.
An orange glow appeared over the San Francisco skyline on Wednesday caused by the raging fires — Thursday the whole outdoors was like red, it looked like. Out here in Los Angeles, it was sepia out there, and oddly darker than usual.
Barack Obama tweeted about the fires Wednesday, saying the effects of climate change are clearer than ever. WHAT A DUMMY AND A SICK, EVIL MALE. MORE ON THAT IN A SEC.
(Drudge / Far-left AP) 10% OF OREGON FORCED TO FLEE wildfires. I thought it was riots, but nope. More than 500,000 evacuated.
OUT OF CONTROL: California's growing bigger, moving faster…
In NorCal, they found 7 bodies Thursday, a day after 3 were discovered. More bodies could be found as crews manage to make their way into devastated areas. A team of anthropologists from Chico State University were helping in the search.
The weeks-old fire was about 50% contained when winds thrashed it into explosive growth on Tuesday.
More than 2,000 homes and other buildings had burned in the lightning-sparked collection of fires now known as the North Complex burning about 125 miles (200 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco.
The fire is among five this year that have set records for the most land ever burned, including a blaze that broke the mark Thursday as the largest ever.
Rarely have so many been exposed to such unhealthy air…
(LA Times / Yahoo) As fires rage up and down the West Coast, the skies over California have taken an apocalyptic turn — choking the air with ash and smoke in some regions, while snuffing out sunlight in others.
Los Angeles suffers worst smog in 30 years… The South Coast AQMD (Air Quality Management District) Smog which is fogged with smoke (or other pollutants) was really bad in the early 90s, and perhaps worse before that. It’s because of all that smoke!
Don’t buy the Climate Alarmist propaganda!
(Revolver) Former alarmist Michael Shellenberger writes: Stop blaming climate change for California’s fires… He wrote the article in Forbes, out Aug 24. Forests, including the redwoods, need periodic fires to create new life. Shellenberger points out that Dem Gov. Gavin Newsom and so-called Sen. Kamala Harris (Biden’s running mate, prettiest AG according to Obama) spread the lie. Newsom said: “If you are in denial about climate change, come to California.”
YouTube: California governor emphasizes climate change threat at DNC
CBS News’ Jonathan Vigliotti claimed, “Now human-caused climate change has damaged or destroyed many of these ancient giants (referring to trees).” But old-growth redwood forests need fire to survive and thrive.
(Revolver) Forest scientists say we actually need more, better-managed fires… YouTube has removed the video, of course.
Reminder… One guy @ElonBachman tweeted: Since California is doing that annual thing where it blames forest fires on climate change rather than on bad land management regulations, let's take a minute to remember that forest fires are WAY down over time…. AND we have more forest than in the last 100 years!
After The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, catch The Hake Report.