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Britney Spears's Third Husband Files Divorce | HAKE NEWS Fri. 8-18-23

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Hake News for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Friday, August 18, 2023 AD 

End of Hour 1: Silent Prayer blog post excerpt: Jesus on prayer  //  World chess bans “trans women” from women’s chess  //  

End of Hour 2: Trayvon wasn’t punished, so he went out of control and got himself killed  //  Britney Spears’s third husband filed for divorce  //  

After JLP:  The Hake Report  |  American Anchor Baby  |  Joel Friday TV  

JLP Show Notes | Fri. 8-18-23

JLP Hr 1

Express Yourself Friday! MONOLOGUE: Have you noticed most people love their mess? There’s no -isms (racism, sexism, homophobi-ism), but evil people keep you in it.  //  Storm coming: Hurricane Hilary coming to CA!  …  //  2 Super Chats, and Jesse dances “African” (needs to be a reel / short) 

JLP Hr 2

Last Super Chats…  //  Juan from WA has a situation at home with his wife; he cried with her when he was beta. He’s now not afraid of losing her, although he said he didn’t want her to leave. She’s mama, older, 37, he’s 33. She wants to meet with a pastor; he wants to do it just for fun. He smokes pot and is still overweight, but his gluttony’s gone away after praying…   //  Abraham from somewhere wants a passport wife. His parents are Arab so he wants the fast way with a “good” job…  // 

JLP Hr 3

Interesting calls! …. 

HAKE NEWS, Hr 1 | Fri. 8-18-23

  • Silent Prayer blog post excerpt: Jesus on prayer  //  World chess bans “trans women” from women’s chess  //  

Silent Prayer

The fifth excerpt from BOND Silent Prayer blog post rebuildingtheman.com/prayer 

Jesus said:

“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” (Matthew 6:5-8)

So go into your prayer closet, so to speak (it need not be an actual closet). Be quiet, and let the truth catch up with you. You can of course continue with your “whooping and hollering” prayer before (and after) you do the silent prayer. But such prayers are vain chatter that come from worry and selfishness — praying to Satan, rather than God. God hears the prayer of the spirit, not of the intellect. But see for yourself the right way to pray; do not merely take anyone’s word for it. 

Jesse Lee Peterson offers simple instructions on quiet prayer. (Life, God’s way, is simple. But adults tend to complicate it, often without realizing it.) He urges people to pray morning and night, every day — and during the day, keep your mind present with your body, not in the imagination. Pray without ceasing. You can listen to the recording to get the point of how to do it, and after a while, you won’t need it anymore. But again, stay with it, no matter what.

Read about Silent Prayer rebuildingtheman.com/prayer 

World chess bans “trans women,” strips women’s titles from “trans men” 

(theSkimm Fri. 8/18/23) World chess has banned (per NBC News) “transgender women” from competing. …chess’s top governing body (FIDE) said it needs two years to make a final decision on whether trans women may compete with other women. Or, as the FIDE put it, “further policy may need to be evolved in the future in line with research evidence.” In the meantime, the FIDE says trans women have “no right” to compete in women's tournaments. The federation also plans to strip away women’s titles from players who’ve transitioned from female to male (FTM)…but not the other way around. (Unless the women who’ve gone mannish “detransition.”) 

… One professor said the updates suggest “that males are somehow strategically better.” [TheSkimm ladies claim] there’s been no recent research that proves men are smarter than women. [KEYWORD, RECENT? older studies — one from 2005 and another from 2006 — that claim IQ or smartness differences have [SUPPOSEDLY] been debunked.] [One] Yosha Iglesias, a FIDE chess master and “trans” [wannabe] “woman,” said the regulations make it sound as if “trans” players are “the biggest threat” to women in chess. The new policies go into effect next week. 

Women make up less than 15% of chess players in the US. Now, the game’s leaders are making the barrier to entry to the sport higher [NOT FOR ACTUAL WOMAN] and implying [according to TheSkimm, that] “trans” “women” have some sort of mental advantage over the other women players. FUNNY!

HAKE NEWS, Hr 2 | Fri. 8-18-23

  • Trayvon wasn’t punished, so he went out of control and got himself killed  //  Brittney Spears’s third husband filed for divorce  //  

Maybe Trayvon should’ve been in jail! (Might’ve been alive today!) 

CLOSING EXCERPT from The Antidote, Chapter 14, The Starbucks Syndrome: 

… white guilt… cost Trayvon Martin his life…. Trayvon had the misfortune of attending the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, one of the few districts with its own police department. …school district executives decided to subvert the school-to-prison pipeline by giving students in-school punishments rather than arresting them for criminal offenses. They did this even before Obama issued an executive order in July 2012 advising school districts to avoid “methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.” The [black-on-the-inside] White House claimed this … initiative would “improve educational outcomes for African Americans” – … if it did not kill them first. 

On the night of February, 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin was enjoying the fruits of a similar policy. Instead of being back in Miami in a juvenile detention facility, he was wandering through the streets of Sanford, high and angry. On two occasions in the previous few months, school police had detained him for what should have been crimes, once for drugs and another time for possession of [allegedly] stolen female jewelry and a burglary tool [screwdriver]. The police fudged his record in both cases to help the department lower arrest statistics for young black [males, per reports]. Trayvon’s high school did not even tell his parents the real reason their son had been suspended from school(!). … 

Fueled by marijuana and freed from the consequences of his behavior…, Trayvon was likely casing the residential community in which he was staying with his father’s latest girlfriend when Zimmerman saw him on that rainy February night. [Zimmerman’s] head [was being] bashed against the sidewalk [when he shot and killed Trayvon in self-defense]. … the outcome for Trayvon was fatal. The outcome for the school superintendent, however… A year after Trayvon’s death, he was awarded “the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award “in recognition of his work enhancing students’ academic enrichment.” [LORRRD!]

The Obama “Department of Justice” [SMEARED] the Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department… for arresting high school students who had committed crimes. [Under black Eric Holder] The DOJ accused [Ferguson police] of showing “insufficient appreciation for the negative educational and long-term outcomes that can result from treating disciplinary concerns as crimes.” Three years after Trayvon’s death, the DOJ was insisting Ferguson adopt the very same strategy that had killed Trayvon (so-to-speak). The [evil] media applauded the DOJ. … 

Check out rebuildingtheman.com/stores/#books 

Britney Spears' husband Sam Asghari files for divorce

(CNN Fri. 8/18/23) Hesam “Sam” Asghari, [29yo younger Iranian] husband of [41yo divorced single mother] Britney Spears since June 2022, broke his silence on social media after filing for divorce from the pop singer on Wednesday. 

NOT READ: The actor and personal trainer filed a petition for divorce in L.A. superior court Weds., citing “irreconcilable differences.” (Their separation date was July 28th…) 

“After 6 years of love and commitment to each other my wife and i have decided to end our journey together,” Asghari wrote on his verified Instagram Story on Thursday. “We will hold onto the love and respect we have for each other and i wish her the best always. S**t happens.”

He added, “Asking for privacy seems rediculous (sic) so i will just ask for everyone including media to be kind and thoughtful.”

The two “married” in June of last year after becoming engaged in September 2021. They met in 2016 when Asghari co-starred with Spears in the music video for her single called “Slumber Party.”

Spears and Asghari wed seven months(!) after the court-ordered conservatorship that Spears had been under for 13 years was ended by a Los Angeles judge in a landmark court hearing, in November 2021.

41yo Britney Spears already got married and annulled the marriage once in 2004, married again in 2004, divorced in 2007 (after two years with Kevin Federline who already had children, Brittney had two children, sons by K-Fed, and then had a nasty child custody court battle… he got custody and $20K/month child support from her… today he has 6 kids by 3 different woman… fascinating story), 

… and here years later Brittney married a third time to this much younger man (like 12 years younger!) in 2022, separated in 2023. SMH… 

NOT READ: Starbucks must pay another $2.7 million to employee who said she was fired for being [w]hite

(CNN Fri. 8/18/23) This white female former employee successfully sued Starbucks for wrongful termination, claiming she was discriminated against due to her white race.
