James's Take on a Hong Kong Protestor + Calls re: Corrupt People (Fri 10/25/19)
The Hake Report, Friday, October 25, 2019, live at 9 AM PT, Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson’s stream on YouTube, Periscope, DLive, Mixer, and live audio via http://jlptalk.com Podcast afterward via http://thehakereport.com/podcast
ANNOUNCEMENT: No Church on Sunday, but I’ll be hosting The Hake Report Sunday 9 AM PT on my channels as normal. Jesse will be back Monday for his radio show of course. (Jesse’s going to be at Politicon Sunday for a debate, supposedly with John Fugelsang, which should be fun.)
(Drudge) Fires explode across California… (LA Times) At least 6 Homes destroyed… in Santa Clarita up 40 mins north of here in L.A. … Local news reported two people died in an apartment fire in Azusa, CA (40 mins east of here, Joel’s side of town). Punishing winds could last… (AP) California’s biggest utility PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Co.) admits its electrical equipment may have started a wildfire in wine country (Sonoma County), despite blackouts. WEEKEND: Massive power outages… across parts of California. It’s supposed to be cooler this weekend in SoCal, but in L.A. it’s projected to be mid-to-high 80s (92 today).
I’m still unclear about the Hong Kong protests…
I watched a Hoover Institute video with a guy Jimmy Lai on the Hong Kong protests….
Screenshot from Hoover Institution YouTube video: “Jimmy Lai and the Fight for Freedom in Hong Kong”
He said: Trump is used to dealing with gangsters (QUOTE 4). So he has hope with China.
He talked about how NBA bowing to China was an insult to Americans (QUOTES 2-3), and we blame NBA for it. (I have some QUOTES [00-01] from people about people caring more about economics than dignity.)
As a British colony, they did not have “democracy,” but they had rule of law, free speech (supposedly), free association, etc. So young people grew up knowing freedom.
The extradition bill was in response to a murder, in which the suspect committed a murder in Taiwan (allegedly killed his pregnant girlfriend), and then went to Hong Kong* — reminds me of politicians pushing gun control.
(CGTN - China Global Television Network YouTube and South China Morning Post) Chan Tong-kai, who is suspected of murdering his pregnant girlfriend in Taiwan, was released from prison on Wednesday. He was arrested and sentenced to prison in Hong Kong for money laundering. Chan's case prompted the Hong Kong government to propose a fugitive bill, which has since sparked months of unrest in the city.
Back to Jimmy Lai: He said China sees its deals and economics as WARFARE. They’re not wrong. They break rules like crazy. (I talked with a guy who’s not that into politics but who knows how much they cheat and how corrupt they are in their businesses and production.)
I was thinking about how when we establish a country or government, we seek to associate with people of good character. (No system will work if you don’t have that.) Good character is not present among American democrats and press today, and even is lacking among American Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and even many of the Alt-Lite or Alt-Right, and of course not the Green Party, Communists, Socialists, Antifa, etc. Some of them you can work with. Trump can.
It was remarkable what the Hoover Institute guy Peter Robinson said that Jimmy Lai has been through; he’s been followed, family threatened, etc. He says he decided to drop the fear and carefulness and just do what’s right, because they can do what they want to him when they want. I’d like to see how he is in other situations, and what he thinks of the riots, police shootings, etc.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Al from Detroit, MI has a story of a local University, Wayne State University, that is offering free tuition. Al suspects that it’s only happening because of the high percentage of non whites that go to that school. To Al this screams “free tuition if you’re not white.”
Lunette from Australia wants James take on the incarceration over Marijuana. Lunette wonders if pot is legalized shouldn’t the people in jail over it be released? James has concerns because people don’t realize that these people are worse criminals than people realize. Lunette challenges James because it’s non violent crime why not let them out but James makes the remark that drug dealers support some of the most violent organizations out there, whether knowingly or inadvertently. She also has a news tip about the officer that was fired over the Eric Garner incident, Officer Pantaleo. He is appealing the decision to fire him.
Micah from North Carolina wants to thank James for his show. He asks James if he saw Elizabeth Warren cheering on a so-called trans child. Micah is sickened by the evil inflicted on these kids.
Rick from Hampton, VA wants to comment on Jesse’s view of divorce. He says that if you divorce you really are still married to the first one. Rick reveals a bit of his life and he explains how he married again after his first wife and has kids. Rick has a story of his daughter who was overhearing gossip and she didn’t like that so she went and told the person who was being gossiped on.
Chris from Arizona is happy that the wall going up! Chris brings up Anne Coulter and her criticisms of Trump. You can call it nitpicking or valid comments says James but the truth is that Trump is fighting an uphill battle on pretty much every front. James has faith in Trump and he considers that he is keeping his promises. Chris has some final comments about Joe Arpaio
Donning Armor from California has an interesting story out of Canada where liquor stores have taken a “zero resistance policy” on thievery so viral videos have come out of thieves brazenly taking product and clerks have to stand by helpless. James remarks that this “fake compassion” actually pushes people to get worse.
Brandon from Oakland, CA is a fan of Hake report and is happy to see James show getting good. He admits how he used to skip the show but has really seen James grow. Brandon is impressed by how James keeps going forward.
I mentioned this briefly… (Drudge) AMAZON sells clothes from factories shunned as dangerous… (WSJ) Amazon Sells Clothes From Factories Other Retailers Blacklist. After a 2013 factory collapse killed more than 1,100 people in Bangladesh, most of the biggest U.S. apparel retailers joined safety-monitoring groups that required them to stop selling clothing from factories that violated certain safety standards. Amazon.com Inc. didn’t join. Wall Street Journal did an investigation… BUT COME ON THESE ARE LIBERALS SOME OF THEM. THEY JUST WANT UNDUE INFLUENCE THROUGH NEGATIVE PR.
Thanks, y’all!