Got Him. (Sun 10/27/19)
The Hake Report, Sunday, October 27, 2019 - live 9 AM PT on Hake’s channels on YouTube, DLive, Periscope, Facebook, Mixer, and Twitch — and I’m working with the engineer on streaming audio here from the studio on Sundays. Audio podcast goes up later today. for live show for audio podcast afterward.
ANNOUNCEMENT: No Church on Sunday. But we will premiere a 2008 Sunday Service and Jesse speaks at Politicon in Nashville around 3 PM CT (1 PT)
ISIS leader dead
Trump announced this morning Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead (born Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai, c. 1971 - 26 Oct 2019). That was the leader of ISIS, the extreme terrorist organization whose co-founders were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Baghdadi ignited his vest, killing himself and three of his children. Test results ID’d him. Trump called him a thug who tried to intimidate people. Trump called ISIS terrorists losers, some of them wimps, and some of them hardened killers.
Trump named the Americans murdered by ISIS James Foley, Stephen Sotloff, Peter Kassig (who called himself Abdul-Rahman, per ABC News), Kayla Mueller… also a Jordanian pilot who was burned alive in a cage. ISIS executed Christians in Libya and Egypt, and killed Ysidis. They beheaded many on open display in propaganda videos.
Multiple times Trump said that he ran away running and crying, and screaming.
Trump also talked in Q&A with media afterward about how Russia was great, Iraq, and others were good to us. ISIS fighters are hated as much by all of them as they are by us. They should start doing some of the fighting now — Europe too. Trump said the Kurd gave us helpful information.
Trump talked about how we’re staying in Syria just to secure the oil, like he’s always said we should have done with Iraq.
MY TAKE: Way better than the military under Barack Obama getting Osama bin Ladin, which was not very impressive on the part of that failed president. Good for the military, not for Obama.
Trump and the late ISIS “leader”
James also talks about degeneracy in America, and takes great calls!
Caller Log, courtesy of Bubbzlove
#1 Javier: Thank James for standing up for Huwhites!
#2 Skip: Asking about Trump not wanting new to leak
#3 Clint: How do you know journalists are liberals?
#4: Jose - Comment “Do gooders” is just calling it as it is.”
Thanks, y’all!