African Girl Prays for Trump (Sun 10/6/19)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Sunday, October 6, 2019 - live on Hake’s channels Podcast afterward on audio (or video) via
NEWS: ANOTHER quote-unquote “whistleblower,” RME
(Fox News / Yahoo News) A second so-called “whistleblower”/traitor comes out of the woodwork. Another CIA liberal has come forward, anonymously of course, supposedly with firsthand knowledge of the Trump-Ukraine phone call, which the president says was perfect. This deep state employee’s lawyer quote-tweeted George Stephanopoulos of all people, to confirm he was representing both of the weasel spies whom the media are calling “whistleblowers.” Both are protected from retaliation for leaking info since they’re going through the so-called “whistleblower process.” The first one did it based on gossip. The second is doing it based on cowardice, leaning on the foolhardiness of the first. Trump knew a second one was coming and tweeted about it. The attorney is Andrew P. Bakaj, who says his team represents multiple so-called whistleblowers. Bakaj is former CIA, meaning a liberal, and a Trump hater.
This guy Bakaj: He was quoted extensively in a Think Progress article about separation of alien so-called families. (Think Progress is or was an extreme-far-left outlet — that’s closing down, I think I heard.) He called it “barbaric” that supposedly children weren’t getting their diapers changed because we weren’t allowed to touch them — these are illegal alien babies being used so adults can invade the country. Then most of those babies would grow up to become America’s enemies as well. He called it the 12 days of Christmas that 12 people involved with Trump were named and smeared and in some sort of trouble, valid or not. He got mad that the US was leaving the far-left UN so-called Human Rights Council. He’s been pushing for whistleblowers to come out and be “protected.” And he pretends the identity of the whistleblower doesn’t matter, that it’s just a question of whether his complaint is valid. (His complaint is not valid and his identity matters. The accused has the right to face his false accuser.) He retweeted John McCain and Evan McMullin, aka McMuffin! — about Putin and Trump. He got TDS over Trump.
Ethiopian Girl’s Prayer for Trump
Clip 1abc: (Fox 10 Phoenix) PRAYER FOR TRUMP: President lets woman take over the mic to pray.
Part B: I have the leadup to the prayer with Trump inviting her on-stage
Part C: Afterward, you hear the racist chant “USA! USA! USA!” Blacks chanting it and fist pumping!
(Benny Johnson on Twitter) Mahalet was born in Ethiopia.
“Abandoned” by her parents, she lived as an impoverished orphan.
Mahalet was adopted by a “loving,” Christian American family at 11.
This week @TPUSA brought her to the WH. She asked to pray for our President. He brought her onstage-then this happened...
Unfortunately, most of them are more like Ilhan Omar than this girl. SMH.
Trump raises her hand after she finishes her prayer. It looks funny how he has her hand grabbed.
Heads-up for those in L.A.
Watch out for this dumb event called CicLAvia or something. Road closures for a bike event in L.A. from 7 AM on… in case you’re coming to church!
Heads up for those fleeing liberal areas
Drop: “Go ahead and run …! I say we stay here and fight it out.”
Drop: “Are all men from the future loud mouthed braggarts?” “Nope, just me baby, just me.”
Quotes from Army of Darkness (sort of a comedy), sort of a third part spinoff from Evil Dead, which was maybe disturbing.
Botham Jean’s neighbor got shot and killed!
(TMZ and Fox News) Botham Jean’s neighbor was shot and killed!... This neighbor had testified against the white female Dallas cop (who was convicted and sentenced to 10 years for so-called “murder” just days ago). INTERESTING. (She’s pretty by the way! But she was messing around with another cop dude, and too far away, living in Dallas. And 10 years! — there goes her chance for having kids! Well, probably out in 5 years?) SO ANYWAY, what type of area is this, where people get SHOT?! (I had some thoughts about prior calls this past week, that I may or may not get to… I wrote them down...)
Bernie needs rest
Yeah, Bernie had a heart attack.
Some contradictions:
Wash Post - “obscure” vs. biggest private gas company in Ukraine!
Ben Sasse - “Americans don’t look to Chinese commies for truth.” Remember Ben Sasse lying on the Chinese, saying they were sending police to shoot pro-democracy protestors. (We also don’t look to Democrats or Trump haters for the truth!)
Trump’s real but many are fake.
One example of a super fake: Lana Del Rey. Tried to cast a spell on Trump. Says even “good guys” don’t know about “toxic masculinity.” Pro-anger, pro-Greta Thunberg.
Stupid movie by liberals
Joker, any drama? Tiring amount of nods to other movies if you’re familiar with them. No redemption, only a weak guy trying to be nice becoming a weak guy not trying to be nice, I gather. Crazy loser mother. Joaquin seems pathetic, as emperor, as alien fighter, as Johnny Cash, as Joker…. His brother River Phoenix died. Messed up family?
Know who else is in this movie, which is another reason not to see it? Robert De Niro. No thanks. Severe TDS. Coward. Was not very pro-immunization or pro-vaccine due to a son being autistic or something. (BTW: Are girls ever autistic???)