Forgive the Boomer. (Sun. 11/03/19)
The Hake Report, Sunday, November 3, 2019 - live 9 AM PT on The Hake Report channels - Podcast afterward
Jesse vs 'Gay Conservatives'
#BiblicalQuestion: What’s the Difference Between a Liberal and a Conservative? (Church, Dec 16, 2018)
All these verified homosexuals on Twitter, and a TPUSA gay, getting mad at @jlptalk for saying “no such thing as a gay Christian or gay conservative.”
Jesse doesn’t even think about them. He loves them, but they try to smear him and get into ego battles. He’s not into that at all!
Calls to Ban Nick Fuentes
I made a short video of the clips I played (You hear my minimal comments)... titled: Where TPUSA Goes SO WRONG (Charlie Kirk, Rob Smith, Ohio Q&A Clips)
Sebastian Gorka is so wrong. So is this radical Jewish group ZOA, which is a group that hates Christians, Jews, Americans, and everyone else. They want this Catholic guy Nick Fuentes banned from Twitter.
SIDE NOTE: Radicals of each group hate their own group and others, it’s not as though black nationalists (not Jesse but the ones who identify with blackness) love black people. They don’t. Same with Muslims, whites, etc. Radical Muslims kill more Muslims than anyone! Radical Whites would kill their children if they intermarried with other races. Talk about counterproductive.
(BTW Race is not kin or extended family. Yes race exists and on this earth it’s important to a point, but we’re either children of God or children of Satan.)
The Excuse: 'Holocaust Denial'
The real reason the suckers want to ban Nick Fuentes is Fuentes asked good questions of Charlie Kirk and Rob Smith, and the latter two gave bad answers. I covered this this past week.
But the pretend reason is that Fuentes made light of his being incredulous of the Holocaust story, specifically the 6 million number. It’s claimed 6M Jews died in the Holocaust allegedly perpetrated by Nazis. I didn’t pay attention to the Nuremberg trials so I can’t confirm or deny the guilt. Nor do I care.
We don’t have to believe in some historical event to know killing innocent people is wrong. They (the liberals) advocate for killing innocent babies, so they’re the evil ones. We’re evil too if we have anger or sin.
A boomer
There’s nothing wrong with questioning the history of the Holocaust. They lied about Trump, police, racism, BLM, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and others, and still hold onto those lies. What makes you think they’re telling accurate history about anything? They overdramatize slavery, Jim Crow, etc., all to smear, guilt, intimidate, manipulate, and control whites and the PoC suckers. Then they make it such a taboo even to question it.
OK Boomer...
Boomers fall for this taboo (not Jesse). Cut them slack (be patient, that is), they’re traumatized, brainwashed, and blind. They don’t understand that Zoomers and many Millennials didn’t have convincing propaganda that worked on them. They grew up in an age of pathetic melodrama about racism, sexism, etc, so everything is a joke to them/us. Nothing is off-limits.
Jesse Lee Peterson did a Second Emancipation Proclamation for White People, freeing them to speak openly about race without fear. It was a White House petition. It didn’t get many votes. I promoted it. People freaked out. I started losing friends. Older people especially. Dumb educated/indoctrinated blacks too — who purport to be Christians.
One white man I respect but who was so wrong in this case said you should never compare things to Hitler or slavery because it’s too emotional or something. (He refused to sign Jesse’s petition.) I said why not people are enslaved to fear. He didn’t want to hear it! He’s conservative but in the voting booth considered voting Obama, even knowing he was evil. Trauma!!!!!!!! Pathetic. But that’s how strong the boomer brainwashing is.
12 Years a Slave. Django. Harriet Tubman. Selma. Etc. all crap. And for some time I’ve felt the same way about WWII / Holocaust movies and drama.
I saw a CNN headline about Jeff Zuckerburg getting backlash for saying not all FB pages that question the Holocaust are of ill-intent. Such backlash is utterly ridiculous. Boomers, Jews, blacks think they’re mind readers? Stupid. They’re ignorant, yet they accuse us of being that.
BUT: Hating on Boomers is hating on white people. White boomers are the most sensible. There’s a meme OK Boomer and NY Times of course gets it wrong. They’re idiots. But both left and right are hating Boomers.
Thanks, y’all!