POC's Celebrating and Justifying White Destruction. (Fri, Aug 30, 2019)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT Friday, August 30, 2019 – live in the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s video streams (including YouTube) findable via jlptalk.com Get podcast after the show via TheHakeReport.com/podcast
Ilhan Omar for Mass Refugees
(Drudge) ILHAN OMAR DEMANDS UN TAKE CONTROL OF US BORDERS IN MIRROR OF EUROPEAN MIGRANT CRISIS… What a nasty woman! (InfoWars) Ilhan Omar spoke at an immigration forum in south Minneapolis, saying, “We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way. We have to bring in the United Nations high commissioner on refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.” Europe was inundated with migrants following lobbying from international bodies. Omar previously called for the elimination of the entire Department of Homeland Security, which was tasked with dealing with threats to the nation following 9/11. Omar’s statements fall right in light with a 2001 UN strategy document that outlines the need to flood America and Europe with hundreds of millions of migrants to “maintain population levels.” Entitled Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?, the plan seeks to “offset population decline and population aging resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.” MAKE WHITE BABIES! It contends that mass migration to the west is needed for governments to maintain “many established economic, social and political policies and programmes”. Additionally, French President Emmanuel Macron once championed the migration of 200 million Africans into Europe over the coming decades and suggested France should simply cede control of its borders to EU regulatory bodies. (That’s all according to InfoWars.)
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Great calls, thank you! James talked to a guy Jackson about Jesse’s Biblical Question: Why do white people help their enemies destroy them? Jackson quotes the Bible: The last shall be first and the first shall be last. James says under Western Civilization, which whites built, all races including whites and people of color have become spoiled. When you’re spoiled, you complain, you have fear and anger, so you give in to destruction. But “The first shall be last” is referring to the Kingdom of Heaven, and whites being on decline means hell for everyone! SEE NICK’S NOTES BELOW:
Mikeal from Florida appreciates James and his show. Mikeal can’t help but wonder… what’s under the beard?
Jackson from Florida wants to answer JLPs biblical question. The last shall be first and the first shall be last… this biblical verse gets them going a bit. James remarks on how whites today are spoiled due to the greatness of the whites before them. James urges Jackson to read the bible in a more spiritual sense. He also warns him that the more whites decline the worse it will be for him.
Earl from Michigan calls baby Hitler the nazi sympathizer. James says Earl is scared because only afraid people call other people Hitler. Earl says James is a right wing racist. Earl brings up Eric Garner and Officer Pantaleo. James asks Earl if he agrees that the Women’s March didn’t care about black people considering their support for abortion. James calles Earl out as a fake, he doesn’t really like black people. Earl takes it way too far and calls him STUPID baby Hitler. Earl reveals how he doesn’t think it was wrong for Eric Garner to resist arrest.
Ryan M. from Concord, CA recounts his time in school. He was forced to take a world cultures class and he cringes remembering all his hippy, white liberal professors dressed up and chanting things like hindu chants. He also remarks on the museums here that have a section for every culture but their own meanwhile other museums don’t have an American section. James wonders how anyone can stand to watch whites grovel in such a pathetic way.
Chris from Costa Rica realizes that James loves Earl and that Earl has never had a white guy stand up for himself. James realizes how the alt-right rejects the idea of loving your enemy because they’ve never seen love. Chris thinks Jesse roasts his staff out of love.
Daniel from Bay Area, CA was at the straight pride parade with JLP and James. Daniel had to go early due to the ANTIFA threat but seeing his white babies warmed James heart. Daniel brings up Marianne Williamson and the weirdo spiritual stuff she is into. He reveals his baby mama is into that too but what people don’t realize is that it’s luciferianism according to Daniel. He comments that to the left you are a fascist if you aren’t a communist. James reminds people that these haters aren’t looking within.
Stewart from Massachusetts touches on the schools and their various methods of controlling the people. He moves on to police and according to Steward the police aren’t even supposed to be talking to people unless you commited a serious crime.
Brad from Texas is SnowGoose from the chat! He calls in to talk about the big shoutout from Earl earlier.
#MeToo Madness
(Drudge) #MeToo Backlash: Men Avoiding Women at Work… (The Guardian) The US vice-president famously refuses to have dinner alone with any woman who isn’t his wife – and now working men across corporate America appear to be following his lead, according to far-left Guardian outlet writer Arwa Mahdawi. A new study, due to be published in the journal Organizational Dynamics, has found that, following the #MeToo movement, men are significantly more reluctant to interact with their female colleagues. A few highlights from the research include: (1) 27% of men avoid one-on-one meetings with female co-workers. (Mahdawi writes… Yep, that’s right, almost a third of men are terrified to be alone in a room with a woman.) (2) 21% of men said they would be reluctant to hire women for a job that would require close interaction (such as business travel). (3) 19% of men would be reluctant to hire an attractive woman.
This female writer says that, “depressingly, things appear to have got worse.” In 2018, for example, 15% of men said they would be more reluctant to hire women for jobs that require close interpersonal interactions with women, compared to 21% in 2019. She says: Women also appear to be increasingly wary of hiring women. The 2018 survey results found that more than 10% of men and women said they expected to be less willing than before to hire attractive women. (Note: the 2019 results for women are not yet public.) This female calls it “internalized misogyny,” and cusses about it. (Very ladylike!)
Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, and Tamika Mallory, white-haters, man-haters, America-haters…
Thanks, y’all!