The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Angry Overreaction to Evil and a Joke of a Gov't! | Fri. 4-21-23

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MTG silenced! Evil Uvalde shooter/reaction! A few fun calls on 2A, etc. Elissa Slotkin on the budget: Debt owed to whom?

The Hake Report, Friday, April 21, 2023 AD 


  • 0:00:00 Intro: Suspended on Twitch!

  • 0:00:39 Marjorie Greene silenced for calling a liar

  • 0:04:25 Topics: Anti-2A, Slotkin/Budget, ChiCom, NOT Greta

  • 0:06:28 Hey, guys! Uniting the races tee

  • 0:08:30 Supers: Germany energy, 5 hours of Hake!

  • 0:12:40 RINO anti-MTG overreaction: Joe Walsh

  • 0:22:10 Evil Salvador Ramos wrote 'LOL'; suckers against 2A! 

  • 0:32:32 TONY: Evil, anger, gun registration, think twice, superior!

  • 0:48:45 Supers: Entertaining, clever liars, Anton Hake, Square dance?

  • 0:51:46 DEVON: No fathers, wrong decisions. Let the past go. 

  • 0:57:02 "Think Twice" - Petra (1995, No Doubt)

  • 1:02:38 LUCAS: Does "humility" hold Christians back? Funny 420 story

  • 1:12:33 Elissa Slotkin on budget: What do GOP wanna cut?

  • 1:20:00 Christine Legarde, European Central Bank's "confidence"

  • 1:21:42 Based ChiCom Donnie Yen vs Hong Kong protests

  • 1:29:41 FREDERICK: Gun control, white guilt, God's plan

  • 1:38:58 WILLIAM: 2A not going anywhere; Trump/Elder '24; De-regulate

  • 1:40:53 No John in Kentucky! How you guys select topics?

  • 1:41:24 ART: Tripped on AOC's crayons, Slotkins snack crumbs!

  • 1:45:07 Supers: Tony vs troof; Hassan on JLP! 

  • 1:47:39 Supers: National Debt owed to whom?

  • 1:51:15 MAZE: Ramadan ending; Fast! Gov 1 paycheck per year?

  • 1:55:41 Thanks, all! The Fallen State, Nickstream, Church

  • 1:56:20 "Easter Rise Up" - Mary Rice Hopkins



The Hake Report LIVE M-F 9-11 AM PT (12-2 ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 

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SEE ALSO  Hake News on The JLP Show  |  Appearances elsewhere (other shows, etc.) 

SHOW NOTES | Fri. 4-21-23


MTG vs the world

Joe Walsh on Twitter: "Crude. Ignorant. Dishonest. Cruel. A bully. She IS this Republican Party." / Twitter — LIKED BY EVIL TED LIEU 

CLIP 43 (Acyn) Marjorie Taylor Greene’s questions for Mayorkas end abruptly after she calls him a liar, has her words taken down, and Goldman notes that the rules prohibit her from continuing / Greene: Point of personal inquiry / Goldman: There’s no such thing … 2:20 

ARTICLE: GOP enraged over Marjorie Taylor Greene's committee outburst — and are threatening to boot her: report - Raw Story (Far-left radical homosexual outlet) 


Evil school shooter wrote 'LOL' in victims' blood on whiteboard after murdering 19 kids (revolver / mirror)  

ANOTHER EVIL WOMAN: Slotkin budget

CLIP 42 (RepSlotkin) Republicans are demanding budget cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling, but they still haven’t proposed what they want to cut — it’s like taking a hostage without leaving a ransom note. We need to raise the debt ceiling without conditions, then we can work on the budget. … 1:01 

What would I cut? 


(From Hake News CNN Mon. 4/17/23) QUOTE: “I just cannot believe that they would let such a major, major disaster happen.” — Christine Lagarde, female president of the European Central Bank, telling CBS on Sunday she has "huge confidence" the US will not allow the country to default on our own debt. If Congress doesn't address the debt ceiling, analysts say the US could potentially face its first-ever default as early as this summer — [NOT READ] which would have drastic economic ramifications. Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to set the tone over the GOP's demands in a speech later today in New York.

BASED Chi-Com PATRIOT Donnie Yen!

Donnie Yen responds to petition calling for his Oscars removal (yahoo / next shark, 3/31/23) 

He calls out “cancel culture” lol! I love his English, too. 

In Hake News today (Tue. 4/18/23, hour 2) I covered how the unamerican anti-patriotic pro-gov’t Feds (who go after pro-America patriots who criticize our corrupt evil gov’t) are going after the pro-China-gov’t Chinese US Citizens who are going after Chinese nationals occupying America who are critical of the Chinese govt… WHAT A MESS (i may have worded that wordily and confusingly) 

Thanks, all!