The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

'Racism' Caller Debate; Homeless Blight in L.A. | Mon. 7-31-23

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Callers vs Tony on his "racism" issue. People don't think what you think! Peewee Herman died. Homeless encroachment in L.A.! 

The Hake Report, Monday, July 31, 2023 AD 


  • 0:00:00 Start 

  • 0:00:56 Hey, guys! King of the Cage tee

  • 0:03:50 Doug led Church: Thoughts

  • 0:07:58 KAMRAN, CA: Iranian, 

  • 0:13:59 KAMRAN: Attacking CJ, Flat Earth, Gabriel

  • 0:20:53 TONY, CA: Jim Crow segregation was racist?

  • 0:32:33 JEFF, LA to Tony: Why not help blacks?

  • 0:37:18 TONY vs Hake: who invented racism? South Africa 

  • 0:43:17 ERIC, AZ to Tony: Who decides when wrongs are right?

  • 0:47:50 People don't think what you think they think

  • 0:56:41 Heaven of My Heart - White Heart (1993)

  • 1:03:48 Super: RFK Jr gets no Secret Service, number of days

  • 1:10:17 Super: "I Promise" Akron school; CA actors/writers strike

  • 1:17:50 Will you call it "X"? Or Twitter still?

  • 1:21:53 Did Hunter Biden paint his stuff?

  • 1:27:50 RIP Peewee Herman, aka Paul Ruebens, 70

  • 1:36:43 Homeless encroaching into neighborhoods!

  • 1:54:07 Thanks, all! Leading church?

  • 1:55:38 Nothing But the Best - White Heart (1993)


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Hake is LIVE Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT (11AM-1PM CT / 12-2 PM ET) - Call-in: 1-888-775-3773 - 

VIDEO  YouTube  |  Rumble*  |  BitChute  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Odysee*  |  DLive  |  Kick  

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SEE ALSO  Hake News on The JLP Show  |  Appearances elsewhere (other shows, etc.) 

JLP Network:  JLP  |  TFS  |  Church  |  Hake  |  Anchor Baby  |  Joel Friday 

HAKE NOTES | Mon. 7-31-23

MUSIC: Heaven of My Heart - White Heart (1993, Highlands)

Nothing But the Best - White Heart (1993, Highlands)


Doug did a good job

I’m church producer, but I do not come up with any of the topics. That just means I take notes, time stamps, and publish clips and shorts/reels online. 

Some guy said it was boring. I think he wasn’t paying attention. Maybe busy in the snake pit (chat), distracted. 

For years he’s talked about being fine as long as he’s not in his head, so it was a great back to basics point. (Joel’s was great for him.) 

People don’t think what you project / think they’re thinking

I’ve noticed this with chat (ppl make comments yet they’re still active, faithful viewers), comments, and callers (Tyler from CA, I think? I’ve been bothered and tense in confrontational situations like when I was dealing with Toyota of Pasadena after I bought a used car with an add-on that I didn’t want. I remember the salesman thought I was angry, I was uncomfortable and it was not easy for me to confront them 12 ½ years ago — so a person could have a mood and you can misread or judge them and miss a valid point or their honest intent). 

There’s various comments calling me beta like it’s groundbreaking — I dunno if they think I think I am, or if they’re trying to get others in chat to see I’m not this alpha man that some might think I am, or what. I’ve repeated a wise man before: Don’t think of anyone too highly or lowly. 

Donning Armours called in a lll mad and trying to spur me to be better. He said I never been in a fight or something. You can nitpick their complaints on many levels but they may have a point. 

It’s like with women. Women can see weakness in a man and misdiagnose it, and spiral out of control. It doesn’t mean they’re entirely wrong about the man. They’re only wrong for going into their imagination and nasty judgment about it, which they can’t help but do unless the spirit(?) is awake in them to rein them back to reality. 

Are you gonna call it X?

Phone Screenshot: Twitter Push notifications have X logo now

Reminds me of my preference of WWF over WWE (I think I’m the only one who ever brings that up or has that hangup). I could see libs or others being mad about the Twitter name change to X. 

Did Hunter paint his own stuff? It’s so good! 


Shameless BUMS… blacks, pluses and minuses

The homeless blight are encroaching into the neighborhoods — not “city” or “big streets” (blvd, ave…) or “skid row”… residential drives among grass and trees houses and outside nice little quaint apartments… not just Hassan’s lobby. 

1 | I saw one fat one on my morning walk snoring away, half nekked, on a lil mattress half his size, he pulled a blanket over him when I came back around. (Once I recognized what I thought was just an ugly pile of junk was a person, I crossed the street like the non-samaritans in that parable.) 

2 | Last Sunday morning walking through another part of the beautiful quiet Jewish neighborhood I saw another black sprawled out on a little corner… I came back close and saw he was breathing, I’m all, You okay, brother? (Someone asked me that once… maybe tell ya later…) He acted all friendly and tired, I said have a good morning once I confirmed I didn’t need to call an ambulance or the coroner… I think he cussed at me as I walked away. 

3 | I saw a similar scene the other year, some black bum sleeping facedown on the beautiful well-treed sidewalk with nice landscaping greenery outside every home and little old apartment. I just kept on walking but apparently other walkers called EMS bc a whole fire truck came with a siren, and the guy was just asleep. SMH… what a waste. 

I do see a “white” (or Jewish… one guy said he was IDF) bums too, and they encroach on businesses, but not homes and neighborhoods that I’ve seen so far lately. 

4 | One of the black bums who pays attention to his appearance cleaned and swept up after himself like I’ve seen white older one sweeping up in front of his tent down by the arts district years back. But even that black dude who was friendly started accumulating more and more crap in and around his car — he has a car. 

I’m annoyed by these tents and tarps and everywhere — some of em right on the curb, creating a blind corner so you can’t see cars coming when you’re turning out. 

5 |  Oh, I heard, I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be much surprised, that the smog check place and adjoined diy Carwash closed down by these worthless destructive hate-filled bums! There might’ve been a fire, and / or a theft (or attempted theft), and/or falling-out between an “unhoused neighbor” (race unknown to me, I think black) and the Arab or Hispanic or whatever owner of the Smog check and Carwash. The smog check place closed a block down where I used to do it. And now the self car wash is closed down too and completely fenced in — where I used to wash my car myself when I was less trifling and lazy. That dude was taking up like 10 yards of sidewalk with his crap! (Pardon me, kids, mothers.) 

6a |  I told you guys about the dog poop on the sidewalks probably not left by spoiled homeless bums but by spoiled selfish thoughtless inconsiderate housed bums. No wonder they let the homeless go out of control they let their dogs and politicians go wild too. 

6b |  JLP’s description of people who park and take up two potential spaces at a stretch of curb between driveways — he calls them unconscious. I call them other names. 

7 |  LA has a bad parking situation a lot. If the traffic doesn’t keep you home the lack of parking will (they rip you off too). And if that doesn’t the obscene bums will. I was once headed up to a favorite spot with a friend, saw a black bum half naked outside the place, and I turned around and went home. 

Yet I love it here.