‘If the heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected’ ("JLP News," Mon., Mar. 4, 2019)
TOP OF FIRST HOUR NEWS: Monday, March 4, 2019 – Church was yesterday.
(Drudge) 'Outbreak of tornadoes' rip through South… on Sunday (AJC & Weather.com) creating Catastrophic damage… (AP) More than 40 people were injured after tornadoes ripped through parts of Alabama, Georgia and Florida. About 3:20 p.m. CST, the NWS issued a tornado emergency after a large and destructive tornado was confirmed near Smiths Station (where at least 12 houses were flattened), also in Lee County. Major damage to the Eufaula airport. More than 42,000 homes and businesses lost electricity in Georgia and Alabama. (Accuweather). (CNN) AT LEAST 23 DEAD IN ALABAMA… as of this morning. Sunday was the deadliest day for tornadoes in the United States since May 20, 2013. Last night, President Trump tweeted: To the great people of Alabama and surrounding areas: Please be careful and safe. Tornadoes and storms were truly violent and more could be coming. To the families and friends of the victims, and to the injured, God bless you all!
(Drudge) HOUSE OPENS OBSTRUCTION PROBE (Reuters) they’re trying to get Trump on obstruction of justice and abuse of power. Under House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat, the House will query 60 Trump officials — Nadler went on ABC’s “This Week” TV show Sunday, talking big. Laughably, he said, “It's our job to protect the rule of law." He cited the May 2017 firing of the grandstanding former FBI director James Comey “as evidence of obstruction.” Emboldened Dems set stage for post-Mueller world… (Wash. Times) Democrats in charge of a half-dozen House committees are planning to flood the administration with document requests, calls for testimony and even subpoenas if necessary. They’re trying to figure out a way to impeach him.
(Drudge) Rand Paul to vote AGAINST president's national emergency… to build the wall (libertarians, SMH)... (The Hill) saying he couldn’t "vote to give extra-constitutional powers to the president." (Axios) "I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress. We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn’t authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it’s a dangerous thing." This will force Trump to give the FIRST VETO… of his presidency. Rand Paul along with RINO Republican Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Thom Tillis (N.C.), gives the Senate the majority necessary to block Trump's national emergency. Sen. Lamar Alexander also spoke against the emergency, and warned Trump last week that he will face a GOP rebellion if he follows through with the declaration.
(Drudge) Trump Marathon: Saturday’s CPAC talk marked the Longest Speech of his Presidency… (Mediaite) He called the media “sick,” he called Mueller’s investigation “B.S.” (except he said the REAL word!), he mocked the weak former AG Jeff Sessions, imitating his Alabama accent. He made fun of The Green New Deal, and called the Democrats “socialists.” He touched on his meeting with Kim Jong Un, and the death of Otto Warmbier who went over to North Korea and got caught. A 'Lock her up' chant erupted… (The Hill) as Trump joked about Russia and Hillary Clinton’s emails. He said “I’ve learned, because with the fake news, if you tell a joke, if you’re sarcastic, if you’re having fun with the audience,” he said, “If you say something like ‘Russia, please if you can, get us Hillary Clinton’s emails, please, Russia, please, please get us the emails.”
TOP OF FIRST HOUR (Jesse): 29- Periscope, 19- FB, 15- Stream.me, 732- YouTube
Biblical Question to wake you up and get you to think for yourself. Men are thinking like women.
Biblical Question: What are the steps to believing in Jesus?
Trump’s speech at CPAC was manly. He speaks from the heart, not teleprompter. Jesse doesn’t write any of his speeches in 29 years. Why do you trust people with degrees? People with degrees are dumb! Look at how they think, what they do!
Jesse roasts producer Daniel for bad audio quality on Trump’s speech clips.
(Drudge) THE DISRUPTOR: Laura Loomer kicked out of CPAC… (The Wrap) losing her press credential for the event after heckling a CNN “reporter” Oliver Darcy with questions about internet censorship and social media bans. The Gateway Pundit has VIDEO… she reportedly called Darcy a vulgar word for “wuss” (starts with a P), and a “beta b—.” (Darcy’s reportedly been involved with getting conservatives including Alex Jones and Loomer herself banned from major platforms like Twitter.) Loomer said CPAC “decided to bow to the leftist outrage mob.” (Red Elephants) Other young conservatives like Nick Fuentes were also kicked out and called “white nationalist” or something. Patrick Casey of Identity Europa was also kicked out. Meanwhile Jared Holt of Right Wing Watch, funded by George Soros’s PFAW, got in, as well as far-left Daily Beast blog, which Chelsea Clinton is reportedly involved on the board of directors of the company IAC that owns Daily Beast.
(Drudge) 12,000+ person Chicago Crowd Bonkers for Bernie… (Chicago Tribune) Sanders campaigned for president at the Navy Pier. He bragged about an incident 55 years ago as a student at the elite U. of Chicago, when he was arrested in 1963 while protesting for integration. He claimed "Three years ago, they thought we were kind of crazy and extreme, not the case anymore. We are not only going to defeat Trump, we are going to transform the United States of America." The 77-y-o talked about climate change and immigration, calling Trump "the most dangerous president in modern American history."
BOTTOM OF FIRST HOUR (Jesse): 26-37 Periscope, 29- FB, 27-28 Stream.me, 1127-1431 YouTube
Jesse talks about Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar, Allah Akbar’s daughter.
People listening to doctors taking drugs and turning into zombies, studying the Bible. Jesse reads text from Bible Go-to Guy.
Jesse talks to Emoney from Haiti, asking about Trump calling his country a S—hole country. He calls Jesse disrespectful to black people as a reverend. He’s not a full Christian.
Lucas of Las Vegas, NV, answers Biblical Question.
TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS: Monday, March 4, 2019 – Men’s Forum this Thurs!
(Drudge) Andrew Cuomo Mulls 2020 Run… (The Atlantic) The New York governor could jump into the presidential race if Joe Biden doesn't run. The reporter said Cuomo will grab a foot or knee, quickly lean forward, and stare you in the face until you look away. He’s hated by fellow politicians, but he’s a 3-term governor. In 2014, he famously called out “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay?…. they have no place in the state of New York.”
(Drudge) POLL: Biden up big with black voters… (Emerson Polling) A year ahead of the North Carolina primary, Joe Biden leads with 37% of the vote, followed by Sanders with 21%. Kamala Harris comes in third with 9%.... Among black Democratic primary voters Biden leads with 43% of the vote Statewide. Trump has a positive approval rating of 50% with a disapproval of 44%. On the issue of reparations 31% of SC respondents agree with Reparations for blacks, while 46% disagree. 79% of South Carolina Democrat voters support reparations!
(Drudge) Gas-guzzling car rides expose Ocasio-Cortez amid Green Deal pledge… (NY Post) Alexandria OC famously said in January, “We’re like, ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change. ...this is our World War II.” And last week: “It is basically a scientific consensus that the lives of our children are going to be very difficult… young people ... have a legitimate question: is it OK to still have children?” But she’s been using a whole lot of Uber & Lyft rides, and not a lot on the train. (NY Post) She responded to the carbon footprint exposé, saying I'm just 'living in the world'... She says she also flies and uses AC.
(Drudge) Video Game to Cast 'Anti-Vaxxers' as Disease Spreaders… (InfoWars) The creators of Plague Inc. tweeted after a Change.org petition received over 10,000 signatures, that they’ll add an anti-vaxxers scenario so people who don’t trust vaccines help spread disease. The game, from Ndemic Creations, centers around developing and spreading a pathogen that can infect everyone on the planet. “Your pathogen has just infected ‘Patient Zero’. Now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself,” a description of the game reads — it was developed in 2012. Ndemic founder James Vaughn wrote a blog post called “Standing up for Science,” saying that anti-vaxxers previously appeared in a “Science Denial” scenario.
(Drudge) UN warns of 'complacency' as measles cases soar worldwide… The UN’s children’s agency said 10 countries were responsible for three-quarters of a global surge in measles cases last year including France. Ninety-eight countries reported more cases of measles in 2018 compared with 2017, and they’re warning against the growing anti-vaccine movement, claiming, “We have a safe, effective and inexpensive vaccine against a highly contagious disease -- a vaccine that saved almost a million lives every year over the last two decades," said Henrietta Fore, executive director of UNICEF, a radical organization that by the way also supports the far-left LGBT agenda, celebrating in May of 2018 the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia — to protect “kids.” (So they’re trustworthy 🙄 — NOT!)
TOP OF SECOND HOUR (Jesse): 24- Periscope, 26-20 FB, 26-24 Stream.me, 1397-1482 YouTube
Jesse says blacks are not used to preachers loving them enough to tell them the truth. No love in the black community.
Jesse says “That’s ridiculous!” to Lucas who sometimes feels lonely. Jesse urges him to stay with the Silent Prayer. Jesse mocks him, “I’m drinking…” He says he just realized he sounds like a beta.
Prudence of NH, 1st-timer, came across Jesse on Twitter talking about the order. She thought he was wrong about thoughts not being our own, but then realized she was thinking angry thoughts. She also realized Jesse was right about other stuff. She notices she treats her husband wrong. Jesse tells her her mother’s spirit made a home in her, and it goes on from generation to generation.
(Drudge) Policing MS-13 in El Salvador so dangerous that officers fleeing country… (NZ Herald) Salvadorian police were bankrolled by the United States and trained by FBI agents, but they’ve been killed by the dozens in each of the past three years, mostly allegedly by international street gang MS-13. At least nine officers were killed in the first month of this year. Washington Post has identified 15 officers in the process of being resettled as refugees by the United Nations and six officers who’ve tried to get asylum in the U.S. One officer “refugee” said in their neighborhoods “there's one police to 100 gang members. We're easy victims.” One female officer “refugee” said she sleeps with her gun on her waist even though it’s illegal to take their weapons home, "My husband and I take turns sleeping. We know they are going to come for us."
The State Department spent at least $48 million to train police in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras from 2014 through 2017. 855 Salvadoran officers were trained by the FBI.
(NY Mag) A former MS-13 member who secretly helped police was deported to El Salvador, despite warnings that MS-13 members there would hunt him down and kill him.
BOTTOM OF SECOND HOUR (Jesse): 22-27 Periscope, 23-31 FB, 26-X Stream.me (SITE DOWN 7:45-ish), 1452-1501 YouTube
Joel reads Super Chats. Jesse touches on antidepressant medication. Women accepting free stuff from men are acting like whores with pimps. People roast Daniel more — he comes in.
Marvin in Spain talks about blacks and reparations. Why are blacks insecure? They hate God. They only hope for free stuff and Obamaphones, they love blame, etc.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR NEWS: Monday, March 4, 2019 — Church Sunday; Men’s Forum Thursday; Teespring!
(Drudge) Women sentenced to probation after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert… (ABC News) A federal judge sentenced four women to 15 months probation and a $250 fine each on Friday as a result of charges stemming from leaving out jugs of water and cans of beans for migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. They were convicted in January of operating a vehicle without a permit, entering a wildlife refuge without a permit, and abandonment of property in southwestern AZ after US Fish & Wildlife officer stopped them in Aug 2017. The women all volunteer for the organization No More Deaths, dedicated to saving the lives of illegal aliens crossing into the United States illegally (but most illegals are here by overstayed visas [sarcasm]! Walls save lives!). One woman Madeline Huse said in a statement from the organization, "The border crisis in this country is a matter of life and death. History will not favor those on the wrong side of it. Our border policy continues to push people into remote and dangerous parts of the desert."
(Drudge) PRODIGY lead singer found dead in home… (The Sun) Keith Flint apparently committed ‘suicide’ — the 90s rave band front man with the wild “devil horns” haircut and piercings is dead after ‘taking his own life’ at age 49, according to Prodigy co-founder Liam Howlett. Police & paramedics were called at 8am this morning. He performed in NZ just last month on world tour that was set to last until May. (Guess that’s not happening.) He dated TV presenter Gail Porter: the couple split in 2000. He was married to Mayumi Kai, a Japanese DJ. He’s from Essex, England.
(Drudge) Anti-abortion 'heartbeat' bill gains momentum in Texas… (Dallas News) ‘If the heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected’ — a heartbeat can be detected as early as six weeks, before a woman may realize she’s pregnant. Other laws call for a 24-hour waiting period between a mandatory ultrasound and the procedure. Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain’s “Texas heartbeat bill,” HB 1500, would ban abortion after heartbeat detection except in the case of medical emergencies. Current law allows abortion up to 20 weeks. Abortion giant Planned Parenthood, the far-left ACLU (so-called American Civil Liberties Union) and other pro-abortion organizations have raised the alarm about the bill, sending supporters emails that say it would ban baby-killing completely in Texas.
NARAL Pro Choice Texas executive director Aimee Arrambide wrote to defend “reproductive health care, including abortion care... Shame on Briscoe Cain and all anti-abortion legislators...in support of this dangerous bill, and for putting their ideological beliefs over public health.”
Former state Sen. Wendy Davis, aka “Abortion Barbie,” said it’s “one of the most dangerous bills I’ve ever seen.”
Other states including Mississippi are working on abortion bills.
(Drudge) Pathologist accused of improperly harvesting children's organs… A San Diego physician hired as a medical examiner in TX was accused in a lawsuit of harvesting body parts from deceased children not for medical reasons, but to boost his research prospects. Dr. Evan Matshes is accused of practicing “medicine” in TX without a license. His company NAAG Pathology Labs PC of San Diego allegedly terminated employees who complained about the practices. Texas Rangers state police are investigating the allegations. Staff whistleblowers “were disturbed by the autopsies of the infants...The unnecessary harvesting of body parts for a pathologist’s personal research interests seemed wrong.”
(Dallas News) State Rep. Briscoe Cain, Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 128, seeks to protect unborn babies.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR (Jesse): 37- Periscope, 26-18 FB, (Stream.me is down), 1518- YouTube
The president is not afraid. It’s abnormal for men to be afraid of women!
Trump at CPAC calls on schools to support free speech if they want federal dollars.
Bruna of Albania, where it’s 5:15pm, says it’s beautiful, but they have corrupt politicians and economic challenges. They were 50 years under communism until 1991. She answers the Biblical Question: What are the steps to believing in Jesus? Jesse says he has tears of joy in his heart at what she said. She found Jesse via The Fallen State. She’s a big supporter of The Great White Hope.
(Breitbart) Police Arrest Suspect in UC Berkeley Assault of Conservative Activist — A man caught on video punching a TPUSA member in the face in what appeared to be a politically-motivated attack at UC Berkeley last month has been arrested. Suspect Zachary Greenberg was booked into jail Friday afternoon. The victim appeared on-stage with President Trump at CPAC over the weekend; Trump said he took a punch for all of us.
(Drudge) Sheriff says 'Scared Straight' program helps troubled kids. Experts say it's child abuse… (Charlotte Observer) Sheriff’s deputies pushed them against jail-yard fences and shoved them to the ground. They yelled and cursed within inches of their faces. They forced them to run for long periods, ignoring pleas for breaks, until some vomited — kids ranging from age 8 to teenagers. Their unruly behavior had troubled parents, who had asked deputies to teach them a tough lesson. “Project S.T.O.R.M.” (short for Showing Teens Our Real Mission) started in 2013 in Chester County, S.C. … BUT, a child psychologist says “It is physical abuse...This tactic would be called torture if the prisoner were a member of the Taliban.” Regardless of that, studies have found the programs don’t work, and some say it may do more harm than good. One officer yelled, “The same pain you are feeling is the same pain you are putting your parents through.”
BOTTOM OF THIRD HOUR (Jesse): 30-37 Periscope, 17-22 FB, (Stream.me DOWN), 1443-1472 YouTube
Joel reads Super Chats.
Attack upon men. There is enmity, jealousy between women toward men and boys. They’re trying to destroy them. Men’s God is from above. Women’s god is from below, Satan.
Jealous women of men put a girl in to wrestle against a boy, but thank God the boy refused.
Jesse takes more calls.