ISIS-Supporting "American Taliban" from post-9/11 Released from Prison! ("JLP News," Fri., May 24, 2019)
TOP OF FIRST HOUR NEWS: Friday, May 24, 2019 –
(Drudge) MAY CALLS IT A DAY... DEVELOPING… (The Sun) Theresa May RESIGNS and finally admits defeat after Brexit shambles! (Mirror) She had TEARS, her VOICE CRACKING… she announces she’ll quit June 7, after almost 3 years of gridlock, plunging the nation into a Tory leadership race. (Why is SHE a conservative “leader”?) She says, 'I'VE DONE MY BEST'... (Daily Mail) She says, “It’s been the honour of my life to serve the country I love,” and she pleads for politicians to find the Brexit compromise that eluded her. (Yeah right, the libs will get the country to stay and defy the people.) Guardian News has full VIDEO… on YouTube, it’s just 7 mins long. She noted she’s the 'second female prime minister, but certainly not the last' (that’s part of the problem! They won’t learn from this failure! lol). WHO WILL REPLACE? Express has all the runners and riders for the next UK PM. The bookies (are they ever right?) think Boris Johnson, the former Foreign Secretary, has the best chance, I guess, followed by a bunch of names I don’t recognize, including some Muslim-sounding names, geez, and Nigel Farage who supported Brexit bigtime, and Trump.
(Drudge) SO CRAZY! (AP) Trump & Pelosi trade insults as their feud heats up. She’s calling for an “intervention” to save the nation from him (Please!). He says she’s “crazy” (true!). (I remember she was going nuts in the oval office with Chuck Schumer as they talked about something some months back! She’s not stable.) “She’s a mess,” Trump told reporters at an afternoon news conference. “Crazy Nancy. ... I watched Nancy and she was all crazy yesterday.” As for himself, he declared, “I’m an extremely stable genius.” (Yep!) She responded: “When the ‘extremely stable genius’ starts acting more presidential, I’ll be happy to work with him on infrastructure, trade and other issues,” she tweeted (of course! Can’t come up with it on the fly). Remember, she’d accused him of engaging in a cover-up, and he said, I don’t do cover-ups. He cancelled a meeting they’d planned for “infrastructure” after Dems met about impeaching him, which he called the “i-word.”
Yesterday morning, Trump tweeted: I was extremely calm yesterday with my meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, knowing that they would say I was raging, which they always do, along with their partner, the Fake News Media. Well, so many stories about the meeting use the Rage narrative anyway - Fake & Corrupt Press! …
(Drudge & WSJ) Trump Gets White House Witnesses to Attest to His 'Very Calm' Demeanor… “No temper tantrum,” said Kellyanne Conway, his counselor. Larry Kudlow, Mr. Trump’s chief economic adviser, said in front of television cameras, “You were very calm.” One guy who wasn’t in the room attested to his composure... (but he knows!) (NBC News) PELOSI tells colleagues: 'Villainous' Trump wants us to impeach him…! That he “wants to be impeached”! She told reporters “the president's behavior, as far as his obstruction of justice, the things that he is doing, it's in plain sight, it cannot be denied — ignoring subpoenas, obstruction of justice." Please!
And BTW is Bob Mueller to Testify IN PRIVATE? “Fat Jerry,” as Trump used to call him, now the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said of Mueller that “he wants to testify in private… he’s willing to make an opening statement, but he wants to testify in private.” He later said Mueller’s testimony would be publicly released. This was on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s show — she’s one of the worst offenders of the Trump-Russia “Collusion” conspiracy theory which was debunked even by Mueller, and she’s also a LESBIAN!
Trump also went on yesterday, tweeting: When the Democrats in Congress refinish, for the 5th time, their Fake work on their very disappointing Mueller Report finding, they will have the time to get the REAL work of the people done. Move quickly!
(Drudge) President moves to escalate investigation of intel agencies… MORE LATER
Men’s Conference speakers confirmed: Jesse Lee Peterson, Owen Benjamin (comedian & social commentator), Brandon Tatum (ex-cop & co-founder of Blexit), Jacob Wohl (scorned by the creepy porn lawyer), and Comedian K-Von (featured on Netflx & Ted Talks). Happening Saturday, June 15, 5pm-10pm. Visit or call 323-782-1980.
Fri, May 24, Hour 1:
Jesse tells of The Fallen State guest walking off his interview — a black homosexual pastor who brought his male “partner” whom he was gonna so-called “marry.” Insecure sinners!
Jesse plays clip from a white man who confronts a black female “minister” who goes off cussing at him for protesting outside an abortion mill!
Travis from Orlando, FL, talked about his angry mother, his disinterest in school, and forgiving his uninterested father. He and Jesse talk about stuff
Joel and Jesse talk about manscaping — shaving their body hair! Beta!
Luke from West Virginia talks about beta males, then answers the Biblical Question.
TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS: Friday, May 24, 2019 –
(Drudge) President moves to escalate investigation of intel agencies… Last night, Trump tweeted a statement: “ the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities...during the 2016 Presidential election,” to “help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events ... and... actions ... taken, during the last Presidential election and ... restore confidence in our public institutions.”
Trump also tweeted: Wow! CNN Ratings are WAY DOWN, record lows. People are getting tired of so many Fake Stories and Anti-Trump lies. Chris Cuomo was rewarded for lowest morning ratings with a prime time spot - which is failing badly and not helping the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon!
(Drudge) ASSANGE 'ESPIONAGE' CHARGES… (Politico) DOJ accuses Assange of violating Espionage Act. DOJ had previously only indicted Assange on a single count of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. Thursday’s revelation of the additional 18 charges means Assange could face significantly more prison time if found guilty. The alleged Espionage Act violations relate to Assange’s complicity with Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, a former U.S. Army soldier who was convicted in July 2013 of violating the Espionage Act after she (he) shuttled troves of classified government information to WikiLeaks. Officials said Assange solicited the information and then brazenly published details that put the government's human sources at risk, disregarding explicit warnings from the government. Normally the Espionage Act is for Gov’t officials, not journalists or foreign nationals!
(LMT online & Wash. Post) It TESTS FIRST AMENDMENT LIMITS… They’re trying to say he’s not a journalist! Everyone’s a journalist! They’re accusing him of giving Manning "direction" and "explicitly" seeking classified material. Press lawyer Floyd Abrams said the indictment "does raise deeply threatening First Amendment issues for journalists who cover national defense, intelligence activities, and alike."
He FACES the DEATH PENALTY? (Zero Hedge) there’s a prospect of the death penalty for violating the Espionage Act! The Espionage Act of 1917 has been used to convict suspected spies - most famously Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. The Rosenbergs were famously put to death by electric chair in 1953.
(Drudge & Wash. Examiner) Edward SNOWDEN tweeted: GOVT (specifically the DoJ) DECLARED WAR ON JOURNALISM… (CBS News) the ACLU which is normally stupid but they may be right here, says it’s a 'Dangerous precedent can target all news organizations'... not to mention individuals, geez.
(Drudge) DEM DEBATES START IN MONTH… (Wash. Times) Democrat longshots 'getting creative' in battle for final debate stage podium! The 20 podiums allotted for the first Democratic presidential debates are quickly filling up, and the decision about who gets on stage could soon become much more complicated. Montana Gov. Steve Bullock became the 19th candidate to qualify for the debates just a week after joining the race, leaving one more slot and five announced candidates vying to fill it — which include New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Sen. Michael F. Bennet of Colorado. “Campaigns are getting creative, even trading merchandise for $1 and $5 donations, just to hit the minimum donor threshold to qualify for the debates.”
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, whose run is focused on fighting climate change, is one of the candidates who appealed for contributions specifically to get into the debates. “I’m asking for $5. Here’s why: The June debate is our next best shot to put climate change front and center for 2020. And right now, we’re short of the 65,000 grassroots donors we need to be guaranteed a spot,” he said in a recent Facebook ad.
Men’s Conference speakers confirmed: Jesse Lee Peterson, Owen Benjamin (comedian & social commentator), Brandon Tatum (ex-cop & co-founder of Blexit), Jacob Wohl (scorned by the creepy porn lawyer), and Comedian K-Von (featured on Netflx & Ted Talks). Happening Saturday, June 15, 5pm-10pm. Visit or call 323-782-1980.
Fri, May 24, Hour 2:
Jesse talks more about men shaving!
Callers talk to Jesse
Earl from Michigan tries to call Barr (or someone) Trump’s lackey!
Chancellor shaves because he’s an Olympic athlete or something! He’s 19. He says he likes to be flamboyant.
Joel reads Super Chats
Jesse replays the clip of that black “minister” woman who cusses out the nice white Christian man outside an abortion clinic!
Kenny from Idaho has a theory on why women get men to shave their bodies.
Joe from North Carolina goes off on men who shave, and roasts Joel and James!
Nick from Florida claims it’s not in the Bible that none but the righteous shall see God. He tries to get into an argument.
Another caller about shaving.
Angelica from Florida, first-time caller, says her husband birthday’s today.
Stewart from Massachusetts, first-time caller, tried to find a wife; his male relatives are war veterans. He got a woman pregnant, didn’t know it — he broke up with her when she got violent with him. She has his twin sons who don’t know who he is! (Jesse puts him on hold, but he gets disconnected over break! Jesse gives him advice at bottom of third hour without him on the line.)
TOP OF THIRD HOUR NEWS: Friday, May 24, 2019 –
(Drudge & Yahoo) Mayor Pete Surges… as voters suffer from “Beto overload.” One woman said, “I’m not as smitten with him anymore.” “I’m hoping that I’m just on Beto overload, but my problem is I really enjoy Mayor Pete.” One guy even asked Beto: “Every time that I hear Mayor Pete speak, out of his mouth comes gravitas. Do you have gravitas?” (Please! OMG!)
(The Hill) He Says Trump faked being disabled to get out of Vietnam… “I have a pretty dim view of his decision to use his privileged status to fake a disability in order to avoid serving in Vietnam,” Buttigieg, an Afghanistan War veteran, said during a live-streamed interview with The Washington Post. “This is actually really important because I don’t mean to trivialize disability, but I think that’s exactly what he did.”
Trump defended his medical claim in 2016, telling The New York Times a doctor "gave me a letter — a very strong letter on the heels" to give to draft officials.
(Drudge) 'American Taliban' Lindh released as Afghan war still boils… (Yahoo) John Walker Lindh, the US Muslim convert known as the "American Taliban" after his capture fighting in Afghanistan in 2001, was released Thursday (EARLY, I heard) after 17 years in a federal prison. He will settle in Virginia under strict probation terms that limit his ability to go online or contact other Islamists. Trump was told there was no legal way to keep him in prison. "We'll be watching him and watching him closely," Trump told reporters. "What bothers me more than anything else, here's a man that has not given up his proclamation of terror. We have to let him out. Am I happy about it? Not even a little bit."
Lindh was charged with multiple counts of terrorism and conspiracy to kill Americans, with politicians and generals demanding the death penalty. But in July 2002, he pleaded guilty to much-reduced charges of illegally aiding the Taliban and carrying weapons and explosives in the commission of that crime.
(NBC Los Angeles) The Northern California native’s Prison Letters Underscore Concerns… In his hand-written letters to journalist questions, Lindh identified himself as Yahya Lindh, said he pursues Islamic knowledge, called himself a political prisoner. He said ISIS represents true Islam, “Yes, and they are doing a spectacular job," he wrote in February 2015. "The Islamic State is clearly very sincere and serious about fulfilling the long-neglected religious obligation of establishing a caliphate through armed struggle, which is the only correct method.”
(Drudge) Young people blame 'climate change' for their small savings! (MarketWatch) Many young people today think civilization may not exist when they’re of retirement age. Lori Rodriguez, a 27-year-old communications professional in New York City, is not saving for retirement, because she doesn’t expect him to matter. Rodriguez believes climate change will have catastrophic effects on our planet. Some 88% of millennials — a higher percentage than any other age group — accept that climate change is happening, and 69% say it will impact them in their lifetimes. Mental-health issues affecting young adults and adolescents in the U.S. have increased significantly in the past decade too. Individuals ages 18 to 25 reporting symptoms of major depression increased 52% from 2005 to 2017, while older adults did not experience any increase in psychological stress.
“I want to hope for the best and plan for a future that is stable and secure, but, when I look at current events and at the world we are predicting, I do not see how things could not be chaotic in 50 years,” Rodriguez says. “The weather systems are already off, and I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to be a little apocalyptic.”
(Daily Star & Drudge) Brits could be forced to WORK a 9-HOUR WEEK TO SAVE the PLANET?
Men’s Conference speakers confirmed: Jesse Lee Peterson, Owen Benjamin (comedian & social commentator), Brandon Tatum (ex-cop & co-founder of Blexit), Jacob Wohl (scorned by the creepy porn lawyer), and Comedian K-Von (featured on Netflx & Ted Talks). Happening Saturday, June 15, 5pm-10pm. Visit or call 323-782-1980.
Pics of “American Taliban” aka John Walker Lindh, in 2001 and 2002
Fri, May 24, Hour 3:
GUESTS: Toby and Lalie, newlyweds from New Zealand who married after hearing Jesse! Jesse was supposed to travel there to officiate their wedding, but it didn’t work out. Sounds like she had a daughter prior. He discovered Jesse from SJW videos and the Black Lives Matter Fallen State there.
She’s from South Africa! She saw Jesse’s Lauren Southern interview on Farmlands. Whites are under attack there, and they were the first ones who founded the country! Whites are displaying weakness, same as how women do to men — people hate weakness!
He’s an artist and painted a picture of Gavin McInnes with a microphone, and a woman attacked him and called him “racist”! The painting was vandalized before it sold!
After the shootings, he won’t go on Facebook. They have a female prime minister who has a kid and is only now getting married, and wore a Muslim headscarf after the mass shooting. Whites and the people on the side of good must speak up and fight back!
He feels like he still has a lot of anger. There’s no love in anger; it’s of the deceiver, Satan. He forgave his father, but his mother’s tougher to talk to. He resented his father with his mother’s resentment, not his own.
THEN: Joel reads Super Chats: When Eve at the “truth”? No, the fruit!
Jesse points out Stewart got disconnected, from second hour. Jesse advises Stewart: A man should never seek a woman, nor vice versa. Seek first the Kingdom of God. Accept that you did wrong.
More Super Chats: Why would any man marry when laws are against men?
Renee from California says her husband is a cop and he has a lot of body hair that’s uncomfortable with the gear.
Kevin from Illinois, first-time caller, was bothered when Jesse said whites are smarter than blacks. He doesn’t believe in Affirmative Action, but it exists! He claims he ran circles around other kids because of his intellect. He says other immoral blacks make him sick. But don’t judge them. He is a big Trump supporter. He mostly dated white women. He’s in his 40s. He doesn’t believe in marriage, because he’s scared that they may put on a good act, divorce and take everything you got. He has 3 kids out-of-wedlock with a white woman; he’s a single father with sole custody. He says at the end he’s not Earl or T. Has he been drinking?
Ryan from Florida, first-time caller, is 41, black, and agrees with Jesse. No kids out-of-wedlock, has a mortgage company, never experienced racism or harassment from police. He’s married 13 years, no kids yet. He didn’t agree “racism does not exist,” until he thought about what Jesse meant by it. People are trained to believe in this world. There are good people, and evil people. Making America Great Again! Amazin’.
Tony from Georgia, first-time caller, says, Oh, the wall goin’ up! He gives a brief testimonial, he loves everything Jesse says. His mother passed away when he was 8. How do you go about forgiving someone not on this earth?