Media Pretending to Blame Trump re: Virus; JLP REPLAYS (Hake News, Mon. 4/13/20)
See also The Hake Report from today…
NOTE: A couple of the computers crashed for Jesse’s stream, so we switched to replays until we can get the technical issues worked out…
End of Hour 1, Mon, Apr 13, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
(Drudge) NYT: Behind Trump's Failure on Covid-19… Their lame headline (MSN) “He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus,” by dumb deceptive writers Eric Lipton, David Sanger, Maggie Haberman, Michael Shear, Mark Mazzetti and Julian Barnes (geez, it takes 6 idiots to come up with this mess!)... A senior medical adviser at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr. Carter Mecher, wrote on the night of Jan. 28 (a week after the first case), an email to a group of public health experts scattered around the government and universities. “The projected size of the outbreak already seems hard to believe. You guys made fun of me screaming to close the schools,” he wrote to the group, which called itself “Red Dawn,” an inside joke based on the 1984 movie about a band of Americans trying to save the country (or themselves) after a Russian invasion. “Now I’m screaming, close the colleges and universities.”
But NY Times accuses Trump of Repeatedly playing down the seriousness… of the epidemic. Dumb! Everyone was, more than Trump — the UN’s WHO, the liberal media, China, Dr. Fauci himself, etc. (Chicago tribune also reprinted NY Times’s dumb story.)
AP quotes Trump as saying: 'It's going to be just fine'... WHICH IT IS! They have a dumb headline: “Signs missed and steps slowed in Trump’s pandemic response,” in an article by JONATHAN LEMIRE, ZEKE MILLER, JILL COLVIN and RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR (bunch of liberals who support killing babies, BTW). They do point out that in China, doctors were told to stay quiet; one who issued a warning online was punished. He later died of the virus. EXACTLY.
(Drudge) FAUCI DOWNLOADS ON TRUMP: LIVES COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED IF SHUT EARLIER, such as in February. PLEASE! "But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then," He said on CNN with Jake Tapper (The Sun). Shutdowns started in March. He said the country might be able to open next month, a “rolling re-entry,” depending where you are.
Real Donald Trump tweeted: ‘If the Fake News Opposition Party is pushing, with all their might, the fact that President Trump “ignored early warnings about the threat,” then why did Media & Dems viciously criticize me when I instituted a Travel Ban on China? They said “early & not necessary.” Corrupt Media!’ YEP!
President Trump also tweeted a video clip of the doctor being interviewed on Fox News that attacked information coming out of China and the World Health Organization early in the pandemic. In the interview with Jesse Watters, which aired Sunday morning, Fauci addressed his seemingly contradictory advice. He had told Americans in February that there was no need for concern and a lifestyle change was not necessary. AHA! NOW WHAT. He said that China had
HERE’S GOOD NEWS… (Drudge) BATTLE TO RE-OPEN NICE! Trump’s looking out for us! (Wash. Post via The Hour) Reopening the U.S. economy by May 1 may be unrealistic, experts say. Never listen to experts.
Liberal reporters (NY Times) Julian Barnes, Mark Mazzetti, Michael D. Shear, Maggie Haberman, David Sanger, Eric Lipton... (From AP) Jonathan Lemire, Zeke Miller, Jill Colvin, and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
End of Hour 2, Mon, Apr 13, 2020.
Stay tuned for Hour 3? NO JESSE LIVE THE REST OF THE DAY.
We ARE opening the Obama Treasure Chest (redistribution of Lemons) on DLive at 8:30 (this is your only warning!) if I remember. Support JLP on
Up next we have a liberal atheist Christian, an old interview with Frank Schaeffer, son of the renowned Francis Schaeffer… So stay tuned for that.
(Drudge) All 50 states under disaster declaration for first time in history… (The Hill) All 50 states are under a major disaster declaration for the first time in U.S. history, after President Trump approved Wyoming’s declaration Saturday. Within 22 days, Trump declared a major emergency in all 50 states and most territories through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (UH-OH, ARE THE GONNA PUT US ALL IN FEMA CAMPS?) The final disaster declaration occurred on the same day the U.S. surpassed Italy to become the country with the most deaths from the virus.
Trump approved the first major disaster declaration for coronavirus in New York on March 20, followed two days later by Washington and California, the early hot spots of the virus. New York has become the hardest-hit state, recording 188,694 positive cases and 9,385 deaths from the virus, according to the state’s health department.
Trump tweeted: For the first time in history there is a fully signed Presidential Disaster Declaration for all 50 States. We are winning, and will win, the war on the Invisible Enemy!