NEWS: RBG's 'Fervent Wish' that a Lib Replace Her, RME! 09/21/20 Mon.
Collage: The late RBG and her granddaughter Clara Spera, a far-left activist and lawyer, who relayed Ginsburg’s supposed dying wish regarding her replacement
Hake News for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Monday, September 21, 2020:
End of Hour 1: Values Voter Summit this week. UN pushing mess. Summer’s ending today. Global climate alarmism this Friday. Native American Day too.
End of Hour 2: RBG’s 'fervent wish' was leftist politics? Trump doubts it. RINO female Sens. Collins and Murkowsky want to stall again.
After The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, catch The Hake Report.
09/21/20 Mon. Hour 1
Jesse talks about the bad idea of having women on the Supreme Court and in these powerful positions. They go along with the crowd.
Ray from Chicago, IL, thinks white privilege exists. He talks at-length with Jesse and holds over to the next hour.
Values Voter Summit is all this week, will it be any good? Ehhh.
President Trump suggests RBG’s dying wish was written by Schiff, Schumer and Pelosi! NICE.
Great Church service yesterday.
End of Hour 1, Mon, Sept 21, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
(CNN) The 75th United Nations General Assembly continues this week with debates, round tables and addresses on climate change and other topics of global importance. On Monday, the UNGA will hold a high-level meeting on the theme of multilateralism (countries working together for a shared goal). President Trump is scheduled to speak, but will not attend in person.
(CNN) Absentee ballots will start appearing in mailboxes in some states this week. And it's good timing: Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day. WHAT AN EYEROLL.
BTW: Today is the LAST DAY OF SUMMER! Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the beginning of fall (or autumn if you’re a WOMAN).
Values Voter Summit
Collage from Values Voter Summit website featuring unknown man talking at the 15th annual supposed conservative political conference.
Tuesday also marks the beginning of the 15th annual Values Voter Summit, which will run through Friday. The annual meeting of conservative activists will happen virtually this year.
2020 Values Voter Summit speakers include Fmr Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), AG Bill Barr, Bill Bennett, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, HUD Sec. Ben Carson, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (RINO-TX), Franklin Graham, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), pro-life female RINO Abby Johnson, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), Dana Loesch (2A female, formerly of TheBlaze), House Minority Ldr Kevin McCarthy (RINO-CA), Sen. Maj Ldr Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY), Eric Metaxas, FRC Pres. Tony Perkins, Sec of State Mike Pompeo, young female host Allie Stuckey, black prof. Carol Swain, President Trump, and Super Bowl champ Benjamin Watson, and others including this black Bishop Vincent Matthews.
It goes Tues-Fri evenings 8 PM - 9:30 PM ET (5-6:30 PT), and Saturday 10 AM - 1 PM ET (7-10 AM PT).
Other MESS
Several activist groups have designated Friday as a day of global climate action. Across the world, people will be participating in strikes, school walkouts, acts of service and social media events to bring attention to dire climate change issues.
Friday is also Native American Day in California and Nevada. The day is observed every fourth Friday of September in lieu of October's Columbus Day (COLUMBUS WAS A HERO; American Indian agitators are ZEROS). Several other states have adopted alternatives either on the traditional October date (typically renamed as Indigenous Peoples' Day), or other fall dates.
More Trump on RBG
(Drudge) President Trump Claims RBG's [so-called] Dying Wish Written by Schiff, Schumer and Pelosi…
(Mediaite) President Donald Trump claimed without evidence that the dying wish of Ruth Bader Ginsburg was fabricated by his political foes to desist him from choosing a new Supreme Court justice.
On Monday, in his second interview in two weeks with Fox & Friends, Trump said he would move ahead with nominating a new justice after Ginsburg’s funeral service concludes at the end of the week.
Ainsley Earhart brought up the statement that Ginsburg dictated to her granddaughter shortly before she died: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”
The statement was given to NPR by Ginsburg’s family, the Supreme Court said.
“I don’t know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and [Chuck] Schumer and [Nancy] Pelosi,” Trump responded. “I would be more inclined to the second, okay?… That sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff. So that came out of the wind. I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn’t.”
Trump continued by saying “look, the bottom line is we won the election. We have an obligation to do what’s right and act as quickly as possible.” He continued by warning of “fake ballots that they’ll be sending out,” and Steve Doocy egged the president on by referring to the problematic complications that might arise for election issues if the Supreme Court is tied.
Ginsburg’s last request harkens back to 2016 when former President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court to replace Antonin Scalia after the late justice’s passing. Senate Republicans completely stonewalled on Garland at the time by arguing that it was a presidential election year, and the American people should get to pick which president would name Scalia’s successor.
09/21/20 Mon. Hour 2
Ray from Chicago, IL, held over from first hour, continues with his dumb belief in white privilege. Jesse urges him not to have the mindset of a woman. Men are supposed to be logical.
The Fallen State next: Joe Collins running against Maxine Waters, the Wicked Witch of the West with the low IQ.
A lil background on gross Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who reportedly died Friday).
Was she REALLY thinking politics in her last days? Wouldn’t put it past her!
RINOs Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are backstabbing the country. Very disloyal!
End of Hour 2, Mon, Sept 21, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, catch The Hake Report. NOT on YouTube this week!
Disgusting things about RBG from TheSkimm:
She championed: women's SO-CALLED rights against discrimination on the basis of sex (WHICH DOES NOT EXIST. THERE IS NO RIGHT NOT TO BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST; RATHER, DISCRIMINATION IS A BASIC RIGHT OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS… see: United States v. Virginia and Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co).
She pushed for everyone's SO-CALLED right to vote (I.E. FEDERAL GOVT MEDDLING IN LOCAL ELECTION PRACTICES see: Shelby County v. Holder).
She supported the rights of those with SO-CALLED disabilities (I.E. SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE) (see: Olmstead v. LC),
the right to access health care, including birth control (MEANING FORCING YOUR CATHOLIC EMPLOYER TO PAY FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX AND NOT MAKE BABIES see: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores).
She defended a woman's right to obtain an abortion (WHICH DOES NOT EXIST, see: her confirmation hearing — SHE SAID SOME RIDICULOUS LIES THERE).
BTW: She was a lawyer for the anti-American ACLU. (MORE IN THE HAKE REPORT...)
And she voted in favor of SO-CALLED same-sex marriage (see: Obergefell v. Hodges).
I MENTIONED THIS BRIEFLY… (Drudge) President Trump Claims RBG's [so-called] Dying Wish Written by Schiff, Schumer and Pelosi…
(Mediaite’s Ken Meyer writes...) President Donald Trump claimed without evidence that the dying wish of Ruth Bader Ginsburg was fabricated by his political foes to desist him from choosing a new Supreme Court justice. MEDIAITE HAS ZERO SENSE OF HUMOR OR JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY
Ginsburg’s funeral service concludes at the end of the week.
Fox and Friends brought up the statement THIS MORNING (Monday) that Ginsburg dictated to her granddaughter shortly before she died: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” APPARENTLY, SHE DIDN’T BELIEVE IN GOD, JUST POLITICS!
The statement was given to NPR by Ginsburg’s family, the Supreme Court said.
“I don’t know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump responded. “I would be more inclined to the second, okay?… That sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff. So that came out of the wind. I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn’t.”
Trump continued... “look, the bottom line is we won the election. We have an obligation to do what’s right and act as quickly as possible.” He warned of “fake ballots that they’ll be sending out,” and it’s problematic for election issues if the Supreme Court is tied.
Trump and Republicans in replacing her
(TheSkimm) President Trump said he'll nominate a woman to replace RBG this week. And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) promised the Senate would move forward with a vote on his nominee.
Two Republicans (RINOs) – Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) – have said they don't support confirming a new justice before the election. But since the Republicans hold the Senate majority (53-47), Democrats would need at least four Republicans to side with them to stop a confirmation from happening before the election. And regardless of who wins in November, the Republicans would still have time after the election to potentially hold a vote on Trump's nominee.
After The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, catch The Hake Report.