The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Nutty Libs, Money History: Memorial Day w/ Bigg Bump | Mon. 5-29-23

VIDEO  YouTube  |  Rumble*  |  BitChute  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Odysee*  |  DLive  

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Jane Fonda blames (white) men for the climate! Ted Bundy's mom deceived him! (Long call w/ Russ.) America's money system is history! 

The Hake Report, Monday, May 29, 2023 AD — with special co-host Bigg Bump. 


  • 0:00:00 Topics: Hanoi Jane, Ted Bundy, money history

  • 0:03:52 Hey, guys! Big Stick (USS Iowa) tee

  • 0:06:32 Bigg Bump background

  • 0:10:23 Jane Fonda and anti-war libs 

  • 0:16:14 Jane Fonda blames men, racism for climate

  • 0:30:54 (The Hake Report mugs from Teespring)

  • 0:33:17 Ted Bundy, American Psycho, etc (Hassan)

  • 0:40:47 Ted Bundy's mother lied to him

  • 0:58:22 Why Can't This Be Love - Van Halen (1986, 5150)

  • 1:05:56 Supers: Modern-Day Debate (abortion), etc.

  • 1:11:51 Super: Debt deal, bad deal

  • 1:14:36 BRIAN (sp): Why they're called "bucks"

  • 1:16:48 RUSS: music, working to death, money-grubbing kids

  • 1:34:22 History of money / Goldbacks (Indian ladies)

  • 1:39:45 Gold coin, Silver coins, etc.

  • 1:47:05 Federal Reserve mess, Gold outlawed / allowed!

  • 1:54:20 Zhu Fu - Jacky Cheung (1993, Best Wishes for You)

  • 1:58:27 Study: Libs are violent



The Hake Report LIVE M-F 9-11 AM PT (12-2 ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 

VIDEO  YouTube  |  Rumble*  |  BitChute  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Odysee*  |  DLive  

PODCAST  Apple  |  Spotify  |  Castbox  |  Podcast Addict  |  Pocket Casts  |  Substack  (RSS)  

*SUPER CHATS on asterisked platforms, or  Ko-fi  |  BuyMeACoffee  |  Streamlabs  

SUPPORT / EXCLUSIVES  Substack  |  SubscribeStar  |  Locals  ||  SHOP  Teespring  

SEE ALSO  Hake News on The JLP Show  |  Appearances elsewhere (other shows, etc.) 

HAKE NOTES | Mon. 5-29-23

AAPI MUSIC: Why Can't This Be Love - Van Halen - YouTube Music (1986, 5150)  //  

Zhu Fu (祝福 - Zhùfú - Blessing) - Jacky Cheung (1993, Best Wishes for You)  |  Live version Shazam  |  Live performance  |  Lyrics translate Google  //  

CO-HOST: Bigg Bump

Rapper and BOND guy — on Twitter, IG, Truth Social, and elsewhere

Jane Fonda blames men: cLiMaTe ChAnGe 

Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: 'We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’ ... 

Ted Bundy: “incredible evil”

The Incredible Evil of Ted Bundy - Escapist Magazine

Violent, nutty libs/commies: selfish psychos

Study links left-wing extremism with narcisissm and psychopathy (Rebel News, May 25, 2023) 

STUDY: Understanding left-wing authoritarianism: Relations to the dark personality traits, altruism, and social justice commitment (Current Psychology -, May 20, 2023) 


Got some swag… 

YouTube Screenshot: The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation  fun video. 

Contemporary dime vs. 1964 silver dime… plus solid silver vs. nickel/copper edges.

Pure silver dollar, quarter, and dime together. Notice the smaller coins have "COPY" in the middle of the shield.

Gold coin and silver dollar coins

Four Goldbacks with artwork, gold reverse side… 

Ping/ring test on both the gold coin and silver dollar: Balance the gold coin on your index finger, and lightly tap its edge with the edge of the silver coin. Then balance the silver coin on your index finger, and lightly tap its edge with the edge of the gold coin. It can be tricky at first… 


KingmanYachtCenter: Pieces-of-Eight 

Visualcapitalist: Purchasing-Power-of-the-U.S.-Dollar-Over-Time

Thanks, all!