HAKE NEWS 10/14/21 Thu. Judge: DC Jail Violated Jan 6 Protestor's 'Civil Rights'
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Hake News for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Thursday, October 14, 2021
End of Hour 1: Judge Royce Lamberth says D.C. jail officials violated civil rights of Proud Boys Jan 6 protester Christopher Worrell who had a broken wrist for four months // Only a third of Americans say close friends or family died of the China Virus // Less than half of Republicans support general forced vaccination of children, down from two thirds in 2015 // "Controversial" podcast host Joe Rogan confronted CNN Dr. Sanjay Gupta who's pushing vaccines over lie that he took horse dewormer Ivermectin //
End of Hour 2: Is Big Mama Michelle running the FDA? Might as well be! Women running the FDA want to "reward" food industry companies who reduce salt from foods // Black "transgender" actor Suni Reid sues black Broadway show "Hamilton" for discrimination //
After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
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