AG Barr Shows Weakness: Trump Tweets Make Job 'Impossible'! (Hake News, Fri. 2/14/20)
Hake News, Fri. 2/14/20 — Happy Valentine’s Day, ladies!
Hour 1: RINOs attack Trump! John Kelly, John Bolton, even AG Barr. Coronavirus is staying for a long time, perhaps.
Hour 2: More on Trump vs. AG William Barr. More on Coronavirus.
Hour 3: US deal with Taliban? Senate tries to limit Trump’s war powers. Seattle Children’s Hospital is deadly-moldy?
The Hake Report, Fri. 2/14/20 — Happy Valentine’s Day, ladies! — 9 AM (Los Angeles), Hour 4 of JLP’s stream: Dumb guy in India hangs himself, falsely believing he had coronavirus. James is going on Azzmador’s DLive show The Krypto Report tonight 7 PM PT (10 PM ET).
Great calls from Ryan from Concord, CA (Mike Bloomberg wasn’t “racist”), Mike from San Antonio, TX (Maze’s “husband,” if he exists, is beta!), Mari from CA (Happy anniversary!), Hot Computer Smell from VA (breaks down Mexican American veteran Chris from L.A. who called this week), and Jose from TX (on bow ties, and saying James and Joel should get dates).
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